Friday, January 3, 2014

Why Okinawans Need Two Steps Process To Achieve Final Independence 沖縄ファイナル独立を達成するために2つのプロセスステップを必要とする理由

Sometimes in order to reach the finish line, it is necessary to take at least two steps to achieve the mission. This is usually necessary for very difficult problems situation.

Pathway to American citizenship offers an example.
In order to achieve citizenship, an alien usually must first become a Temporary Resident Alien,
next if everything is OK, he will be given Permanent Resident Alien status.
Only after that will he be given Citizenship if everything works out fine. In this case three steps are involved.

There are other situations too which may not have seen the final outcome yet. For example the Palestinians were given observer status as a STATE in the UN. The Israelis were very upset of course as this STATE designation makes it possible to sue Israelis for human rights abuses.This is just incremental steps to become a full UN country should Palestinians achieve independence.

Just imagine if Okinawans are given State Status, they can sue Tokyo for the 150,000 Okinawans dead caused by her during WWII. So Okinawans can extract lots of concessions from Tokyo on her way to independence!
The resolution elevates their status from "non-member observer entity" to "non-member observer state," "the same category as the Vatican, which Palestinians hope will provide new leverage in their dealings with Israel."
Former observer entities
This precedent is very useful for Okinawans as a liberation movement to convince UN to allow them to have observer status.

In addition to its 193 member states, the United Nations welcomes many international organizations, entities, and non-member states (currently only two) as observers. Observer status is granted by a United Nations General Assembly resolution. The status of a Permanent Observer is based purely on practice, and there are no provisions for it in the United Nations Charter.[1]
Observers have the right to speak at United Nations General Assembly meetings, vote on procedural matters, serve as signatories on working papers, and sign resolutions,[clarification needed] but not to sponsor resolutions or vote on resolutions substantive matters. Various other rights (e.g., to speak in debates, to submit proposals and amendments, the right of reply, to raise points of order and to circulate documents, etc.) are given selectively to some observers only. So far, the EU is the only international organisation to hold these enhanced powers.[2]
There is a distinction between state and non-state observers. Non-Member States of the United Nations, which are members of one or more specialized agencies, can apply for the status of Permanent Observer state.[1] The non-state observers are the international organizations and other entities.

Non-member observer states are arranged for seating in the General Assembly Hall immediately after the Member States and before the other observers.[3]

Taiwan as well. She have no diplomatic mission to UN but she was given Observer Status in the World Health Organization, a UN body. So maybe one day Taiwan could become a UN recognized country.
The United Nations General Assembly may grant entities observer status. The United Nations welcomes many international agencies, entities, and one non-member state as observers. Observers have the right to speak at United Nations General Assembly meetings, but not to vote on resolutions.
Non-member observer states are recognized as sovereign states, and are free to submit a petition to join as a full member at their discretion. At present, the Holy See and Palestine are the only observer states at the United Nations, although Switzerland also maintained such status until it became a member state. Among others the Sovereign Military Order of Malta also has observer status, although not as a state but as an entity.[1][2]

Observer status is granted by a United Nations General Assembly resolution at some point in time. Other international organizations (including other UN agencies) may also grant observer status.

For Okinawans maybe they can apply for Observer Status in the UN with China's help. This will be a great idea since China have veto power and can also convince some allies to at least make some noise to bring unease to Tokyo. It does not matter if the outcome is negative, but the very idea of making some noise at the UN with China's support may be enough to get attention from other countries sympathetic to Okinawan quest for independence.

The European Union may also be a good place to sound off on the idea of Okinawan Independence if she can be convinced this strategy enhance peace in North East Asia and the world in general.

The Observer Status could be titled something like 'Study For Okinawan Independence'
A China friendly country could sponsor the study to get the ball rolling!

Every September in New York UN General Assembly meeting will be a great time for Okinawans to show up and make some noise to give Tokyo a black eye and make contacts with helpful parties. New York is a great place with open minded people to canvas for support.

Good luck in your pursuit for independence!




解像度は、パレスチナ人がイスラエルとの取引に新たなレバレッジを提供することを願って、 "非会員オブザーバエンティティ」から「非加盟オブザーバー状態」「バチカンと同じカテゴリーから、ステータスを上昇させる。 "
南西アフリカ人民機構( SWAPO )は[ 8 ]ナミビアの解放運動として1976年に仲介開始せずに通信を循環する権利とオブザーバーの地位を開催しました。 [ 38 ]これは1990年に終了した[要出典]ナミビア共和国は独立を達成したとき国連やSWAPOフルメンバーシップは政党に形質転換した許可された。

その193の加盟国に加えて、国連はオブザーバーとして、多くの国際機関、事業体、および非加盟国(現在は2 )を歓迎します。オブザーバーは、国連総会の決議により付与されます。常設オブザーバーの状態を実際に純粋に基づいており、国連憲章にあるそれのための規定が存在していない。 [ 1 ]
オブザーバーは、国連総会の会合で講演手続き事項に投票、ワーキングペーパーに署名として機能し、決議に署名する権利がある、 [明確化が必要とした]が、解像度や解像度が実質的な事項について投票を後援していない。 (提案や修正案、注文のポイントを上げると文書を循環させるために、応答の右側、 、などの提出、討論で発言するなど、 )さまざまな他の権利にのみ一部のオブザーバーに選択的に与えられている。これまでのところ、 EUはこれらの強化された権限を保持する唯一の国際機関である。 [ 2 ]
状態と非状態オブザーバーの区別があります。 1つ以上の専門機関のメンバーである国際連合非加盟国は、常設オブザーバ状態のステータスを申請することができます。 [ 1 ]非国家オブザーバーは、国際機関や他の実体である。
非加盟オブザーバー国は直ちに加盟国の後に、その他のオブザーバー前に総会ホールで座席のために配置されている。 [ 3 ]

台湾も同様。彼女は、国連への外交使節団を有していないが、彼女は、世界保健機関(WHO) 、国連本体にオブザーバーの地位を与えられた。そのため、おそらく1日に台湾が国連認識の国になる可能性があります。
非加盟オブザーバー国は、主権国家として認め、その裁量で、フルメンバーとして参加する請願書を提出自由にしている。それは加盟国になるまで、スイスはまた、状態を維持しているが現時点では、ローマ法王庁とパレスチナは、国連で唯一のオブザーバー国である。中でもマルタ主権軍順序もオブザーバー資格を持っている、ではないが状態としてではなく実体として[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
オブザーバーは、ある時点での国連総会決議により付与されます。 (他の国連機関を含む)は、他の国際機関もオブザーバーの地位を付与することができる。



オブザーバーは、 「沖縄の独立のための研究」のようなものをというタイトルの可能


Tokiniha, finisshurain ni tōtatsu suru tame ni wa, misshon o tassei suru tame ni, sukunakutomo 2tsu no suteppu o toru hitsuyō ga aru. Kore wa hijō ni kon'nan'na mondai no jōkyō ni tsūjō hitsuyōdearu. Amerika no shimin-ken e no michi wa, rei o teikyō shite imasu. Shimin-ken o eru tame ni wa, gaikoku hito wa tsūjō, saisho ni, gaikoku hito 一時滞在者 Ni naranakereba naranai Subete ga OKdeareba,-ji no, kare wa eijū-sha no gaikoku hito no sutētasu ga atae raremasu. Subete ga seijō ni okonawa dōsa suru ka dō ka dake ga, sonogo, kare wa shimin-ken ga atae raremasu. Ko no baai, mittsu no suteppu ga kan'yo shite iru. Mada saishū-tekina kekka o mita koto ga nai kamo shirenai amarini mo hoka no jōkyō ga arimasu. Tatoeba, hito no Paresuchina hito ga, Kokuren de no jōtai to shite obuzābā no chii o atae rareta. Kono jōtai no shitei wa, sore ga jinken abuses. Disu tame no Isuraeru hito o kokuso suru koto ga kanō to Paresuchina hito ga dokuritsu o tassei suru hitsuyō ga ari, kanzen'na Kokuren no kuni ni naru tame dake no zōbun suteppu de okonau yō ni Isuraeru hito wa mochiron, hijō ni dōyō shite ita. Chōdo Okinawa wa jōtai sutētasu o atae rarete iru baai, karera wa shinde, dainijisekaitaisen no ma ni kanojo ni yotte hikiokosa 15 man Okinawa Tōkyō o uttaeru koto ga dekimasu sōzō shite mite kudasai. Dakara, Okinawa wa dokuritsu ni kanojo no tochū de Tōkyō kara jōho no ōku o chūshutsu suru koto ga dekimasu! Http: / / Www. Cnn. Komu/ 2012/ 11/ 29/ world/ meast/ palestinian - united - nations/ Kaizōdo wa, Paresuchina hito ga Isuraeru to no torihiki ni aratana rebarejji o teikyō suru koto o negatte, " hi kaiin obuzābaentiti' kara `hi kamei obuzābā jōtai'`Bachikan to onaji kategorī kara, sutētasu o jōshō sa seru. " Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ yunaitiddo _ Nations _ zeneraru _ asenburi _ observers Kyū obuzābaentiti Nanseiafurikajinminkikō (SWAPO) wa [8 ] Namibia no kaihō undō to shite 1976-nen ni chūkai kaishi sezu ni tsūshin o junkan suru kenri to obuzābā no chii o kaisai shimashita. [38] Kore wa 1990-nen ni shūryō shita [yō shutten] namibiakyōwakoku wa dokuritsu o tassei shita toki Kokuren ya SWAPO furumenbāshippu wa seitō ni keishitsu tenkan shita kyoka sa reta. Kono senrei wa, karera ga obuzābā o motsu koto ga dekiru yō ni, Kokuren o settoku suru kaihō undō to shite no Okinawa no tame ni hijō ni benridesu. Sono 193 no kamei-koku ni kuwaete, Kokuren wa obuzābā to shite, ōku no kokusai kikan, jigyō-tai,oyobi hi kamei-koku (genzai wa 2) o kangei shimasu. Obuzābā wa, Kokuren sōkainoketsugi ni yori fuyo sa remasu. Jōsetsu obuzābā no jōtai o jissai ni junsui ni motodzuite ori, Kokuren kenshō ni aru sore no tame no kitei ga sonzai shite inai. [1 ] Obuzābā wa, Kokuren sōkai no kaigō de kōen tetsudzuki jikō ni tōhyō, wākingupēpā ni shomei to shite kinō shi, ketsugi ni shomei suru kenri ga aru, [meikaku-ka ga hitsuyō to shita] ga, kaizōdo ya kaizōdo ga jisshitsu-tekina jikō ni tsuite tōhyō o kōen shite inai. (Teian ya shūsei-an, chūmon no pointowoageru to bunsho o junkan sa seru tame ni, ōtō no migigawa, , nado no teishutsu, tōron de hatsugen suru nado, ) samazamana ta no kenri ni nomi ichibu no obuzābā ni sentaku-teki ni atae rarete iru. Kore made no tokoro, EU wa korera no kyōka sa reta kengen o hoji suru yuiitsu no kokusai kikandearu. [2 ] Jōtai to hi jōtai obuzābā no kubetsu ga arimasu. 1Tsu ijō no senmon kikan no menbādearu kokusai rengō hi kamei-koku wa, jōsetsu obuzāba jōtai no sutētasu o shinsei suru koto ga dekimasu. [1 ] Hi kokka obuzābā wa, kokusai kikan ya hoka no jittaidearu. Hi kamei obuzābā-koku wa tadachini kamei-koku no nochi ni, sonohoka no obuzābā mae ni sōkai hōru de zaseki no tame ni haichi sa rete iru. [3 ] Taiwan mo dōyō. Kanojo wa, Kokuren e no gaikō shisetsu-dan o yūshite inaiga, kanojo wa, sekai hoken kikan (fū), Kokuren hontai ni obuzābā no chii o atae rareta. Sonotame, osoraku 1-nichi ni Taiwan ga Kokuren ninshiki no kuni ni naru kanōsei ga arimasu. Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ obuzābā _ sutētasu Kokuren sōkai wa, entiti no obuzābā no chii o fuyo suru koto ga dekiru. Kokuren wa ōku no kokusai kikan, jigyō-tai, oyobi obuzābā to shite 1 hi kamei kuni o kangei shite imasu. Obuzābā wa, Kokuren sōkai no kaigō de hatsugen-ken o motte imasuga, ketsugi ni tōhyō shinai. Hi kamei obuzābā-koku wa, shuken kokka to shite mitome, sono sairyō de, furumenbā to shite sanka suru seigan-sho o teishutsu jiyū ni shite iru. Sore wa kamei-koku ni naru made, Suisu wa mata, jōtai o iji shite iruga genjitende wa, rōma hōō-chō to Paresuchina wa, Kokuren de yuiitsu no obuzābā-kokudearu. Nakademo Maruta shuken-gun junjo mo obuzābā shikaku o motte iru,de wa naiga jōtai to shitede wanaku jittai to shite [1 ] [2 ] Obuzābā wa, aru jiten de no Kokuren sōkai ketsugi ni yori fuyo sa remasu. (Hoka no Kokuren kikan o fukumu) wa, hoka no kokusai kikan mo obuzābā no chii o fuyo suru koto ga dekiru. Okinawa no baai wa, osoraku karera wa, Chūgoku no tasuke o karite, Kokuren de no obuzābā no chii o shinsei suru koto ga dekimasu. Chūgoku ga kyohi-ken o motte ori, mata, sukunakutomo Tōkyō ni fuan o motte kuru tame ni ikutsu ka no oto o tsukuru tame ni, ikutsu ka no dōmeikuni o settoku suru koto ga dekimasunode, kore wa subarashī aidea ni narimasu. Kekka ga fu no baai, soreha mondaide wa arimasenga, Chūgoku no shien o ukete, Kokuren de no ikutsu ka no oto o tsukuru hijō ni aidea wa dokuritsu no tame no Okinawa no tankyū ni kyōkan shi, hoka no kuni kara no chūmoku o shutoku suru no ni jūbun kamo shiremasen. Ōshūrengō wa mata kanojo ga kono senryaku wa, hokutōajia to ippantekini sekai no heiwa o kyōka suru to kakushin dekiru baai wa, Okinawa dokuritsu suru to iu kangae ni saundoofu suru ni wa yoi basho kamo shiremasen. Obuzābā wa, `Okinawa no dokuritsu no tame no kenkyū' no yōna mono o to iu taitoru no kanō Chūgoku yūkō-tekina kuni wa, bōru ga korogari eru tame ni chōsa o kōen dekiru! Okinawa ga arawareruto Tōkyō ni kuroi me o atae, yūyō kankei-sha to no sesshoku o tsukuru tame ni, ikutsu ka no oto o tateru yō ni suru tame ni maitoshi 9 tsuki ni wa, nyūyōku no Kokuren sōkai de subarashī jikan ni narimasu. Nyūyōku wa sapōto no tame ni kyanbasu ni ōpunmaindo no hitobito to no zekkō no bashodesu. Http: / / Www. Un. Orugu/ en/ ga/ meetings Dokuritsu no tame no anata no tsuikyū no kōun!