Wednesday, January 1, 2014

If You Are A Japanese Nationalists .......あなたは日本の国家主義者している場合.......

If you are a Japanese nationalist, I urge you to calm down and think clearly. I once met a Japanese young student on the internet and told him he was misled by textbooks he read in Japan. I told him he should come to America or any English speaking world like UK, Australia etc and just fire up Wikipedia! He thanked me for encouraging him to learn the truth himself!  Learn the truth about Nanjing Massacre, Comfort Women, World Wars I & II Japanese atrocities and most importantly Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. In Japan these websites are censored or manipulated to avoid the truth, so I copy here for you to see. They are written by honest academics, scholars with no political influence. You can never learn enough details in your school textbooks which are whitewashed.

US never give Japan sovereignty to Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, so your leaders LIE to you when US give Japan administrative rights and Japan twist it into sovereignty. Read the bold letters below, that is critical to understanding US position. Nobody in the world recognize Japan's self claim sovereignty over Diaoyu/Senkaku. Not even US, your best friend.

For this reason your minds are confused and you think China is evil and Japan is unfairly blamed for all your problems. You should leave Japan and see the world and learn what the outside world think. Japan is an anomaly quarreling with all her immediate neighbors over tiny islands. Something is wrong with your leadership.

If you are a younger Japanese you should send your older generation old fools like Ishihara to hell. They are the ones who are criminals making trouble for everybody. They are the ones who short change your future. Punch out their lights when you see these old fools next time! Japanese future is with the global community, not narrow minded feudal nationalists mentality.

Excerpt US Congressional Report on Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands:
The Nixon Administration removed the Senkakus from its inclusion in the concept of Japanese "residual sovereignty" in presenting the Okinawa Reversion Treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification. On October 20, 1971, Secretary of State William Rogers sent a letter to U.S Congress. In his letter, Acting Assistant Legal Adviser Robert Starr stated "The United States believes that a return of administrative rights over those islands to Japan, from which the rights were received, can in no way prejudice any underlying claims. The United States cannot add to the legal rights Japan possessed before it transferred administration of the islands to us, nor can the United States, by giving back what it received, diminish the rights of other claimants... The United States has made no claim to the Senkaku Islands and considers that any conflicting claims to the islands are a matter for resolution by the parties concerned."[82]Several experts have attributed this Nixon Administration policy shift as having been influenced by White House overtures to China during 1971-1972, culminating in the Nixon visit to China.[78]

Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands Dispute: The U.S. Legal Relationship and Obligations

Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands Dispute:
The U.S. Legal Relationship and Obligations
Larry A. Niksch
Specialist in Asian Affairs
Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division
New tensions among China, Japan, and Taiwan over disputed islands in the East China Sea
are based on long-standing territorial claims they have maintained. The United States has important
relationships with all three disputants, and has had a legal relationship to the islands since the
conclusion of the Peace Treaty with Japan in 1951. The chief components of this legal relationship
are: (1) U.S. administration of the islands from 1953 to 1971; (2) inclusion of the islands in the terms
of the U.S.-Japan Okinawa Reversion Treaty of 1971; (3) a U.S. position on the claims themselves;
and (4) the application of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty to the islands under the provisions of the
Okinawa Reversion Treaty.
In recent months, tensions have arisen among Japan, China, and Taiwan over a small
group of islands located about 120 miles northeast of Taipei, Taiwan. Japan, China, and
Taiwan claim sovereignty over the islands, known as the Senkakus in Japan and the
Diaoyus in China and Taiwan. The islands are eight in number and are uninhabited. The
largest is about two miles in length and less than one mile in width. However, geologists
believe that the waters surrounding them may be rich in oil and natural gas deposits.
The disputed claims are long
standing. Current tensions began in late
1995 and into 1996 when China began
sending ocean surveillance ships and oil
drilling rigs into the waters close to the
islands. In July 1996, a Japanese student
group erected a lighthouse on one of the
islands flying the Japanese flag. China
responded with a series of denunciations
of Japan. In China and especially in
Japan, questions have arisen concerning
the U.S. legal relationship to the islands. This report will focus on that issue, which has
four elements: (1) U.S. administration of the Senkakus (Diaoyus) from 1953 to 1971; (2)

the application to the Senkakus (Diaoyus) of the 1971 "Treaty Between Japan and the
United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands"--
commonly known as the Okinawa Reversion Treaty, ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1971;
(3) the U.S. position on the claims of the disputants; and (4) the relationship of the U.S.-
Japan Security Treaty to the islands.
The claims of China and Taiwan have a similar basis. China asserts that fishermen
from Taiwan used the islands for fishing activities since the time of the Ming Dynasty
(1368-1644). Journeys by Chinese envoys to Okinawa during this period are cited, for
these envoys sometimes recorded that the western boundary of the Ryukyu islands
(Okinawa is the largest island of the Ryukyus) lay at a point east of the Senkakus
(Diaoyus). In 1893, the Dowager Empress of China, Tze Shih, made a grant of the islands
to one Sheng Hsuan Wai, who collected medical herbs on them.1 However, China never
established a permanent settlement of civilians or military personnel on the islands, and
apparently did not maintain permanent naval forces in adjacent waters.2
Japan did not claim the islands until the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. On
January 14, 1895, the Emperor approved an Imperial Ordinance annexing the Senkakus
to Japan.3 In May 1895, Japan and China signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki ending the
war. Under the Treaty, China ceded Taiwan (Formosa) to Japan "together with all the
islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa." The Treaty did not
mention the Senkakus, and the islands were not discussed during the negotiating
sessions.4 Japan has claimed from this that its incorporation of the Senkakus (Diaoyus)
was an act apart from the Sino-Japanese War. China argues that Japan used its victory
in the war to annex the islands. China also argues that the intent of the allied declarations
at Cairo and Potsdam during World War II was to restore to China territories taken from
it by Japan through military aggression.5
U.S. administration of the islands began in 1953 as a result of the 1951 Treaty of
Peace with Japan. The Treaty did not mention the Senkakus (Diaoyus), but it referred to
other islands that had reverted to Chinese control or which China claimed. These
included Taiwan, the Pescadores, the Spratlys, and the Paracels. Article 3 gave the United
States sole powers of administration of "Nansei Shoto south of 29 north latitude

1 Upton, Peter N. International Law and the Sino-Japanese Controversy over the Territorial
Sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands. Boston University Law Review, Fall 1972: 767; U.S.
Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Okinawa Reversion Treaty. 92nd Cong.,
1st Sess. October 27, 28, and 29, 1971. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Office, 1971. p. 89-90.

Hereafter, the hearings will be cited as Okinawa Reversion Treaty Hearings.
2 Cheng Tao. The Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Tiao-yu-tai (Senkaku) Islands and the Law
of Territorial Acquisition. Virginia Journal of International Law, Winter 1974. p. 244-246, 260.
3 Upton, op. cit., p. 768.
4 Ibid. p. 776.
5 Okinawa Reversion Treaty Hearings, p. 149, 152.

(including the Ryukyu and the Daito Islands). . . ." In 1953, the U.S. Civil Administration
of the Ryukyus issued U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyus Proclamation 27
(USCAR 27), which defined the boundaries of "Nansei Shoto south of 29 degrees north
latitude" to include the Senkakus.6 At the time of the signing of the Okinawa Reversion
Treaty, several State Department officials asserted that following the signing of the Japan
Peace Treaty, "Nansei Shoto south of 29 degrees north latitude" was "understood by the
United States and Japan to include the Senkaku Islands."7 Moreover, during the period
of U.S. administration, the U.S. Navy established firing ranges on the islands and paid an
annual rent of $11,000 to Jinji Koga, the son of the first Japanese settler of the islands.8
The Okinawa Reversion Treaty, signed on June 17, 1971, and ratified by the U.S.
Senate on November 10, 1971, provided for the return to Japan of "all and any powers of
administration, legislation and jurisdiction" over the Ryukyu and Daito islands, which the
United States had held under the Japan Peace Treaty. Article I of the Okinawa Reversion
Treaty defines the term "the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands" as "all territories with
their territorial waters with respect to which the right to exercise all and any powers of
administration, legislation and jurisdiction was accorded to the United States of America
under Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan. . . ." An agreed minute to the Okinawa
Reversion Treaty defines the boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito islands "as
designated under" USCAR 27. Moreover, the latitude and longitude boundaries set forth
in the Agreed Minute appear to include the Senkakus (Diaoyus); this was acknowledged
by the Chinese government and by supporters of China's claims, who testified in the
Okinawa Reversion Treaty hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.9 A
letter of October 20, 1971, by Robert Starr, Acting Assistant Legal Adviser for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs--acting on the instructions of Secretary of State William Rogers--
states that the Okinawa Reversion Treaty contained "the terms and conditions for the
reversion of the Ryukyu Islands, including the Senkakus."10
In presenting the Okinawa Reversion Treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification, the
State Department asserted that the United States took a neutral position with regard to the
competing Japanese and Chinese claims to the islands, despite the return of the islands
to Japanese administration. Department officials asserted that reversion of administrative
rights to Japan did not prejudice any claims to the islands. When asked by the Chairman

6 Okinawa Reversion Treaty Hearings, p. 149, 152.
7 The State Department officials included Robert Starr, Acting Assistant Legal Adviser for East
Asian and Pacific Affairs; Harrison Symmes, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for
Congressional Relations; and Howard McElroy, Country Officer for Japan. For their statements,
see Okinawa Reversion Hearings, p. 90-91, 93, 147.
8 Ibid., p. 77, 94, 119; Hornsby, Michael. Japan Asserts Rights to Isles Claimed by China.
London Times, Mar. 19, 1972.
9 Okinawa Reversion Treaty Hearings, p. 93, 144, 148.
10 Okinawa Reversion Treaty Hearings, p. 91.

of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee how the Okinawa Reversion Treaty would
affect the determination of sovereignty over the Senkakus (Diaoyus), Secretary of State
William Rogers answered that "this treaty does not affect the legal status of those islands
at all."11 In his letter of October 20, 1971, Acting Assistant Legal Adviser Robert Starr
The Governments of the Republic of China and Japan are in disagreement as
to sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands. You should know as well that the
People's Republic of China has also claimed sovereignty over the islands. The
United States believes that a return of administrative rights over those islands
to Japan, from which the rights were received, can in no way prejudice any
underlying claims. The United States cannot add to the legal rights Japan
possessed before it transferred administration of the islands to us, nor can the
United States, by giving back what it received, diminish the rights of other
The United States has made no claim to the Senkaku Islands and
considers that any conflicting claims to the islands are a matter for resolution
by the parties concerned.12
Successive U.S. administrations have restated this position of neutrality regarding
the claims. In the midst of the current tensions, the State Department and the U.S.
Embassy in Japan have reiterated this position.13
The inclusion of the Senkakus (Diaoyus) in the Okinawa Reversion Treaty under the
definition of "the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands" made Article II of the Treaty
applicable to the islands. Article II states that "treaties, conventions and other agreements
concluded between Japan and the United States of America, including, but without
limitation the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United
States of America... become applicable to the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands as of
the date of entry into force of this Agreement." Using "Okinawa" as shorthand for the
territory covered by the Treaty, Secretary of State Rogers stated in his testimony before
the Foreign Relations Committee that the Security Treaty "becomes applicable to
Okinawa" the same as applied to the Japanese home islands.14 Deputy Secretary of
Defense David Packard, in his testimony, stressed that Japan would assume the "primary
responsibility" for the defense of the treaty area but that the Security Treaty was
appl i cabl e. 15
In short, while maintaining neutrality on the competing claims, the United States
agreed in the Okinawa Reversion Treaty to apply the Security Treaty to the treaty area,
including the Senkaku (Diaoyu) islands. It also should be noted that in ratifying the

11 Ibid., p. 11.
12 Ibid., p. 91.
13 Kristof, Nicholas D. A Mini Asian Tempest Over Mini Island Group. New York Times, Sept.
16, 1996. p. A8.

14 Okinawa Reversion Hearings, p. 22.
15 Ibid., p. 42, 44.

Treaty, the Senate did not act on the advice of several committee witnesses that it include
in the instrument of ratification reservations concerning the Senkakus. Moreover, the
Security Treaty itself declares in Article V that each party would act "in accordance with
its constitutional provisions and processes" in response to "an armed attack. . .in the
territories under the administration of Japan." "Administration" rather than "sovereignty"
is the key distinction that applies to the islands.
Since 1971, the United States and Japan
have not altered the application of the Security Treaty to the islands.





ニクソン政権は批准を米上院に沖縄復帰条約を提示し、日本「残留主権」の概念にそれを含めるから尖閣諸島を削除しました。 1971年10月20日に、国務長官ウィリアム·ロジャースは、米国議会に書簡を送った。彼の手紙の中で、演技アシスタント法律顧問、ロバート·スターは、米国は権利が受信されたから、日本、 、にこれらの島々に対する管理権の返還は決して偏見で基礎となるクレームが。アメリカに追加することはできませんことを考えている」述べたそれは私たちに、島の管理を転送する前に、法的権利、日本が保有し、また米国は、それが受け取ったものをバック与えることによって、他の請求者の権利を減少させることができる···アメリカは尖閣諸島にノークレームをしなかったと考えています島々への矛盾する主張は、関係当事者による解決のための問題であることを。 "[ 82 ]いくつかの専門家は、ニクソンの訪問で最高潮に達する、 1971年から1972年の間に中国へのホワイトハウスの申し入れに影響されたものとして、このニクソン政権の政策転換に起因している中国へ。 [ 78 ]


ラリーA. Niksch
東シナ海の係争中の島々 、中国、日本、台湾の間で新たな緊張
以下のとおりです。 1953年から1971年の島( 1 )米政権、用語の島の( 2 )を含める
クレーム自体に( 3 )米国の立場; 、 1971年の日米沖縄復帰条約
及び( 4 )の規定による島への日米安全保障条約の適用
中国や台湾でDiaoyus 。島の数は8であり、無人島です。ザ·
諸島。 1996年7月には、日本人学生
4要素: 1953から1971年尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )の( 1 )米国の投与、 ( 2 )

日本との間で1971年「条約の尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )への応用
琉球諸島及び大東諸島」に関する米国 -
紛争当事者の主張について( 3 )米国の立場、および米国の( 4 )の関係
( 1368年から1644年) 。この期間中、沖縄への中国の使節による旅をするために、引用されている
( Diaoyus ) 。 1893年に、中国の皇太后皇后、ツィーシーズーは、島々の助成金を作った
しかしthem.1に薬草を集め、 1盛萱ワイ、中国絶対に
島が付随またはフォルモサの言った島に属する。 「条約はしませんでした
sessions.4日本はこのことから主張していること尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )のその設立
諸島は米国の管理、 1953-1971
島の米政権は、 1951年条約の結果として1953年に始まった
日本との平和。条約は尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )を言及しなかったが、それは言及

尖閣諸島の主権。ボストン大学ロー·レビューは、 1972年秋: 767 ;米国
議会。外交上院委員会。沖縄復帰条約。第92回コング。 、
第一セッション数。 10月27日28および29 、1971 。ワシントン、米国政府。プリント。オフィス、 1971 。 P 。 89-90 。

2チェン·タオ。 TIAO湯隊(尖閣諸島)諸島と法上の中日紛争
領土獲得の。国際法、冬1974年のバージニア·ジャーナル。 P 。 244から246まで、 260 。
3アプトン、 OP 。 CIT 。 、 P 。 768 。
同上4 。 P 。 776 。
5沖縄復帰条約のヒアリング、 P 。 149 、 152 。
(琉球と大東諸島を含む) 。 。 。 「 1953年には、米国民事行政
南北29度の南西諸島」の境界を定義した( USCAR 27 )
平和条約は、 「南29度、北緯の南西諸島を「 」で理解されていた
米国と日本は、期間中、また尖閣諸島。 」 7を含むように
尖閣諸島( DIAOYUS )を含める
日本との平和条約第3条に基づく。 。 。沖縄へ。 「合意された分
USCAR 27 」に指定された。また、緯度と経度の境界が示された
合意された分には尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )を含むように表示されますが、これが認められた
上院外交Committee.9 Aの前に沖縄復帰条約の公聴会
·太平洋担当 - 国務長官ウィリアム·ロジャースの指示に作用する -
尖閣諸島を含む琉球諸島の復帰。 」 10

6沖縄復帰条約のヒアリング、 P 。 149 、 152 。
アジア·太平洋担当、ハリソンSymmes 、国務次官補代理のための
沖縄復帰のヒアリング、 Pを参照してください。 90〜91 、 93 、 147 。
8同上、 P 。 77 、 94 、 119 、ホーンズビー、マイケル。日本は中国が主張諸島への権利を主張。
ロンドン·タイムズ、 1972年3月19日。
9沖縄復帰条約のヒアリング、 P 。 93 、 144 、 148 。
10沖縄復帰条約のヒアリング、 P 。 91 。
国家の尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )領有権の決定に影響を与え、長官
全然。 」 1971年10月20日の彼の手紙の中で11 、演技アシスタント法律顧問、ロバート·スター
下の沖縄復帰条約における尖閣諸島( Diaoyus )を含めること
沖縄「 islands.14副長官の日本の家庭に適用されると同

11同上、 P 。 11 。
12同上、 P 。 91 。
13クリストフ、ニコラス· D· Aミニアジアテンペストオーバーミニ島グループ。ニューヨーク·タイムズ、 9月
16 、1996 。 P 。 A8 。

14沖縄復帰のヒアリング、 P 。 22 。
15同上、 P 。 42 、 44 。
武力攻撃」を受けて「その憲法上の規定やプロセス。 。 。中
日本の政権下」「管理」の地域ではなく、 「主権」
島々に適用される重要な違いです。 1971年以来、米国と日本
Anata wa Nihon no minzoku shugi-shadeareba, watashi wa ochitsuite meikaku ni kangaeru koto o tsuyoku o susume shimasu. Watashi wa katsute, intānetto-jō de Nihon no wakai gakusei ni ai, kare wa, kare ga Nihon de yomu kyōkasho ni madowasa reta kare ni tsugeta. Watashi wa kare ga Amerika ya Igirisu, ōsutoraria nado no yōna nin'i no eigo-ken no sekai ni kite, chōdo u~ikipedia o kidō suru hitsuyō ga ari kare ni itta! Kare wa shinjitsu o jibun jishin o manabu tame ni kare o shōrei suru tame ni watashi ni kansha shita! Nankindaigyakusatsu, ianfu, sekai taisen I& II Nihon no zangyaku kōi soshite mottomo jūyōna chōgyo/ Senkakushotō ni tsuite no shinjitsu o manabu. Nihonde wa korera no u~ebusaito wa, ken'etsu ya shinjitsu o kaihi suru tame ni sōsa shitanode anata ga mitai tame ni watashi wa koko ni kopī sa remasu. Korera wa seidjiteki eikyō-ryoku ni shōjiki gakusha, gakusha ni yotte kaka rete imasu. Anata wa, shiranuri sa reta anata no gakkō no kyōkasho ni jūbun'na shōsai o shiru koto wa dekimasen. Beikoku wa chōgyo/ Senkakushotō ni Nihon no shuken o ataeru koto wa arimasen'node, Beikoku wa Nihon ni kanrishakengen o fuyo shi, Nihon ga shuken ni sore o nejiru toki ni shidō-sha wa anata ni uso o tsuku. Ika no futoji o yonde, sore ga Beikoku no tachiba o rikai suru ue de hijō ni jūyōdesu. Sekai de dare mo chōgyo/ Senkakushotō no ue, Nihon no jiko shuchō no shuken o ninshiki shimasen. Te inai to shite mo, Beikoku, anata no shin'yū. Kono riyū no tame ni, anata no kokoro wa konran shi, Chūgoku wa warudeari, Nihon ga futō ni subete no anata no mondai no tame ni hinan sa rete iru to omou shite iru. Anata ga Nihon o hanare, sekai o mite,-gai no sekai ga nani o kangaete manabu hitsuyō ga arimasu. Nihon wa chīsana shimanoue no subete no kanojo no sugu tonari de kōron ijōdesu. Nanika ga anata no rīdāshippu ni mondai ga aru. Anata wa wakai nihonjindeareba, anata wa jigoku ni Ishihara no yōna anata no furui sedai no furui orokamono o sōshin suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Karera wa mina no tame ni meiwaku o tsukuru hanzai-sha no aru monodearu. Karera wa mijikai anata no mirai o kaeru monodesu. Anata wa korera no furui orokamono jikai o mita toki, sono raito o panchiauto! Nihon no shōrai wa, kokusai shakaide wa naku, semai kokoro hōken minzoku shugi-sha no kangaekatadearu. Chōgyo/ Senkakushotō de no bassui Beikoku gikai no hōkoku-sho: Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ Senkaku _ Islands _ dispute Nikuson seiken wa hijun o beijōin ni okinawafukki jōyaku o teiji shi, Nihon `zanryū shuken' no gainen ni sore o fukumerukara senkakushotō o sakujo shimashita. 1971-Nen 10 tsuki 20-nichi ni, kokumu chōkan U~Iriamu· rojāsu wa, Beikoku gikai ni shokan o okutta. Kare no tegami no naka de, engi ashisutanto hōritsu komon, robāto· sutā wa, Beikoku wa kenri ga jushin sa retakara, Nihon, , ni korera no shimajima ni taisuru kanri-ken no henkan wa kesshite henken de kiso to naru kurēmu ga. Amerika ni tsuika suru koto wa dekimasen koto o kangaete iru' nobeta Sore wa watashitachi ni, shima no kanri o tensō suru mae ni, hōteki kenri, Nihon ga hoyū shi, mata Beikoku wa, sore ga uketotta mono o bakku ataeru koto ni yotte, hoka no seikyū-sha no kenri o genshō sa seru koto ga dekiru··· Amerika wa senkakushotō ni nōkurēmu o shinakatta to kangaete imasu Shimajima e no mujun suru shuchō wa, kankei tōjisha ni yoru kaiketsu no tame no mondaidearu koto o. "[82] Ikutsu ka no senmonka wa, Nikuson no hōmon de saikōchōnitassuru, 1971-nen kara 1972-nen no ma ni Chūgoku e no Howaitohausu no mōshiire ni eikyō sa reta mono to shite, kono Nikuson seiken no seisaku tenkan ni kiin shite iru Chūgoku e. [78] Senkakushotō (chōgyo) shotō funsō: US hōteki kankei to gimu Senkakushotō (chōgyo) shotō funsō: Beikoku hōritsu kankei to gimu Rarī A. Niksch Ajia tantō no senmonka Gaimu· kokubō bumon Yōyaku Higashishinakai no keisō-chū no shimajima, Chūgoku, Nihon, Taiwan no ma de aratana kinchō Karera wa iji shite kita naganen no ryōdo-ken no shuchō ni motodzuite iru. Beikoku wa jūyōnaga arimasu Subete no 3ttsu no funsō tōjisha to no kankei wa, irai, shima e no hōteki kankei o motte ita 1951-Nen ni Nihon to no heiwa jōyaku no teiketsu. Kono hōritsu kankei no omona konpōnento Ika no tōridesu. 1953-Nen kara 1971-nen no shima (1 ) Amerika seiken, yōgo no shima no (2 ) o fukumeru Kurēmu jitai ni (3 ) Beikoku no tachiba; , 1971-nen no Nichibei okinawafukki jōyaku Oyobi (4 ) no kitei ni yoru shima e no nichibeianzenhoshōjōyaku no tekiyō Okinawafukki jōyaku. Hajimeni Koko sū-kagetsu no ma ni, kinchō ga chīsana kakete Nihon, Chūgoku, Taiwan no ma de shōjite iru Shimajima no gurūpu wa, Taiwan, yaku 120-mairu hokutō Taipei ni ichi. Nihon, Chūgoku, Nihonde wa senkakushotō to shite shira shimajima wa Taiwan no shuchō shuken, Chūgoku ya Taiwan de Diaoyus. Shima no kazu wa 8deari, mujintōdesu. Za· Saidai no mono wa naga-sa ga yaku 2-mairu, haba 1. 6 Km inaidesu. Shikashi, chishitsu gakusha Sorera o kakomu kaiiki de sekiyu ya ten'nen gasu kōshō ga hōfudeari eru koto o kangaete imasu. Keisō-chū no seikyū ga nagai Ta~tsu te. Genzai no kinchō ga kōhan ni hajimatta Chūgoku ga hajimatta 1995-nen to 1996-nen ni Kaiyō kanshi-sen to abura o okuru Chikaku ni umi ni rigu o kussaku Shotō. 1996-Nen 7 tsuki ni wa, nihonjin gakusei Gurūpu wa 1 ni tōdai o tateta Hinomaru hikō shotō. Chūgoku Hinan ichiren no kaitō Nihon no. Chūgokude wa, tokuni naka Nihon, shitsumon ni tsukimashite shōjite iru Shimajima e no Beikoku no hōteki kankei. Kono repōtode wa, motte iru, sono mondai ni shōten o ateru 4 Yōso: 1953 Kara 1971-nen Senkakushotō (Diaoyus) no (1 ) Beikoku no tōyo, (2 ) Nihon to no ma de 1971-nen `jōyaku no senkakushotō (Diaoyus) e no ōyō Ryūkyū shotō oyobi Daitōshotō' ni kansuru Beikoku - Ippantekini 1971-nen ni Beikoku Jōin de hijun okinawafukki jōyaku to shite shira rete iru; Funsō tōjisha no shuchō ni tsuite (3 ) Beikoku no tachiba, oyobi Beikoku no (4 ) no kankei Shimajima e no nichibeianzenhoshōjōyaku. Kyōgō kurēmu Chūgoku to Taiwan no shuchō wa, dōyō no konkyo o motte iru. Chūgoku ga asāto sono ryōshi Taiwan wa akiyo no jidai kara gyogyō katsudō no tame ni shima o shiyō kara (1368-Nen kara 1644-nen). Kono kikan-chū, Okinawa e no Chūgoku no shisetsu ni yoru tabi o suru tame ni, in'yō sa rete iru Korera no shisetsu wa tokidoki kiroku sa reta Ryūkyū shotō no nishi no kyōkai (Okinawa wa Ryūkyū no saidai no shimadearu) wa, Senkakushotō no chiten kara azuma ni oku (Diaoyus). 1893-Nen ni, Chūgoku no kōtaigō kōgō, tsu~īshīzū wa, shimajima no josei-kin o tsukutta Shikashi them. 1 Ni yakusō o atsume, 1 Sakari Kaya Wai, Chūgoku zettai ni Shima no minkan hito ya gun kankei-sha no teijū o setsuritsu shi, Akiraka ni, rinsetsu waters. 2 Towa kaigun-ryoku o iji shite inakatta Nihon wa 1894-nen kara 1895-nen no nitchūsensō made, shima o shuchō shimasendeshita. Ue no 1895-Nen 1 tsuki 14-nichi wa, ten'nō wa senkakushotō o heigō chokurei o shōnin shita 1895-Nen 5 tsuki ni wa Japan. 3 Ni, Nihon to Chūgoku ga owaru Shimonoseki jōyaku ni shomei shita Sensō. Jōyaku no shita de, Chūgoku ga issho ni `Nihon ni Taiwan (Taiwan) o katsujō subete Shima ga fuzui matawa forumosa no itta shima ni zokusuru. `Jōyaku wa shimasendeshita Senkakushotō ni genkyū shi, shima wa kōshō de giron sa rete inakatta Sessions. 4 Nihon wa kono koto kara shuchō shite iru koto Senkakushotō (Diaoyus) no sono setsuritsu Hanarete nisshinsensō kara no kōidatta. Chūgoku wa Nihon ga shōri o shiyō shita koto o shuchō shite iru Sensō de shima o fuzoku-sho. Chūgoku wa mata shuchō shi, sono dōmei no sengen no ito Dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni Kairo to Potsudamu ika kara no Chūgoku no ryōdo ni fukugen shita toki ni Sore Nihon no gunji aggression. 5 O tsūjite Shotō wa Beikoku no kanri, 1953 - 1971 Shima no Amerika seiken wa, 1951-nen jōyaku no kekka to shite 1953-nen ni hajimatta Nihon to no heiwa. Jōyaku wa Senkakushotō (Diaoyus) o genkyū shinakattaga, soreha genkyū Chūgoku ga shuchō shita Chūgoku no kontorōru matawa sono ni modotte ita ta no shima. Korera no Taiwan, hōko, Nansa, oyobi Paracels ga fukuma rete ita. Dai 3-jō wa Beikoku o ataeta Minami 29 hokui Nanseishotō' no un'ei no yuiitsu no kengen o nobete iru 1 Aputon, pītā N. Kokusai-hō to ryōdo no ue Chūnichi ronsō Senkakushotō no shuken. Bosuton daigaku rō· rebyū wa, 1972-nen aki: 767; Beikoku Gikai. Gaikō Jōin iinkai. Okinawafukki jōyaku. Dai 92-kai kongu. , Dai ichi sesshon-sū. 10 Tsuki 27-nichi 28 oyobi 29, 1971. Washinton, Beikoku seifu. Purinto. Ofisu, 1971. P. 89 - 90. Ikade wa, kōchōkai wa okinawafukki jōyaku no hiaringu to shite in'yō sa remasu. 2 Chen· Tao. TIAO yu-tai (Senkakushotō) shotō to noriue no Chūnichi funsō Ryōdo kakutoku no. Kokusai-hō, fuyu 1974-nen no bājinia· jānaru. P. 244 Kara 246 made, 260. 3 Aputon, OP. CIT. , P. 768. Dōjō 4. P. 776. 5 Okinawafukki jōyaku no hiaringu, P. 149, 152. (Ryūkyū to Daitōshotō o fukumu). . . `1953-Nen ni wa, Beikoku minji gyōsei Ryūkyū wa Ryūkyū sengen 27 Beikoku shimin kanri o hakkō shita no Nanboku 29-do no Nanseishotō' no kyōkai o teigi shita (USCAR 27) Okinawafukki no shomei-ji ni Senkakus. 6 Ga fukuma reru yō ni `ido Jōyaku wa, ikutsu ka no Kokumushō tōkyoku-sha wa shuchō shi, Nihon no chōin ika Heiwa jōyaku wa, `minami 29-do, hokui no Nanseishotō o `' de rikai sa rete ita Beikoku to Nihon wa, kikan-chū, mata senkakushotō. ' 7 O fukumu yō ni Amerika seiken no,-mai kaigun wa shimajima ni hassha han'i o kakuritsu shi, shiharatta Kinkei Koga islands. 8 No saisho no nihonjin nyūshoku-sha no musuko ni 11000-doru no nenkan chinryō Senkakushotō (DIAOYUS) o fukumeru Okinawahenkan kyōtei ni okeru 1971-Nen 6 tsuki 17-nichi,-bi ni shomei shi, Beikoku ga hijun okinawafukki jōyaku, Jōin wa 1971-nen 11 tsuki 10-nichi ni, subete no `Nihon e no kaiki to, nin'i no chikara no tame ni teikyō Gyōsei, hōritsu ya Ryūkyū to Daitōshotō, kankatsu-ken' to wa, Beikoku wa, Nihon no heiwa jōyaku ni motodzuki hoyū shite ita. Okinawafukki no kiji I Jōyaku ga motsu subete no ryōdo' to yōgo `Ryūkyū shotō oyobi Daitōshotō' o teigi Migi wa, subete to no nin'i no kengen o kōshi suru tame ni dono ni kanshite karera no ryōkai Gyōsei, rippō oyobi shihō-ken wa Amerikagasshūkoku ni accordedta Nihon to no heiwa jōyaku dai 3-jō ni motodzuku. . . Okinawa e. `Gōi sa reta bun Fukki jōyaku to shite, Ryūkyū shotō oyobi daitōshotō no shima' no kyōkai o teigi USCAR 27' ni shitei sa reta. Mata, ido to keido no kyōkai ga shimesa reta Gōi sa reta bun ni wa Senkakushotō (Diaoyus) o fukumu yō ni hyōji sa remasuga, kore ga mitome rareta Chūgoku seifu no to de shōgen shi, Chūgoku no shuchō no shiji-sha ni yoru Jōin gaikō Committee. 9 A no mae ni okinawafukki jōyaku no kōchōkai Robāto· sutā, Higashiajia no tame ni kōdō ashisutanto hōritsu komon ni yotte 1971-nen 10 tsuki 20-nichi no tegami, · Taiheiyō tantō - kokumu chōkan U~Iriamu· rojāsu no shiji ni sayō suru - Okinawafukki jōyaku' no jōkō o fukunde ita to nobete iru Senkakushotō o fukumu Ryūkyū shotō no fukki. ' 10 Kyōgō suru saiken no Beikoku no tachiba Hijun no tame Jōin ni okinawafukki jōyaku o teiji shite, Kokumushō wa, Beikoku ga ni kanshite chūritsu ichi o totta to shuchō Shima no henkan nimokakawarazu, shima e no Nihon to Chūgoku no shuchō o kyōgō Nihon tōyo. Bumon no shokuin wa gyōsei no fukki o shuchō Nihon e no kenri wa, shima e no kurēmu o gaisuru shimasendeshita. Kaichō ni tanoma reta toki 6 Okinawafukki jōyaku no hiaringu, P. 149, 152. 7 Kokumushō tōkyoku-sha wa robāto· sutā, azuma no tame ni kōdō ashisutanto hōritsu komon o fukume Ajia· Taiheiyō tantō, Harison Symmes, kokumu jikanho dairi no tame no Gikai no kankei, oyobi hawādo· makkeruroi, Nihon no kuni· ofisā. Sono bun no baai, Okinawafukki no hiaringu, P o sanshō shite kudasai. 90 〜 91, 93, 147. 8 Dōjō, P. 77, 94, 119, Hōnzubī, Maikeru. Nihon wa Chūgoku ga shuchō shotō e no kenri o shuchō. Rondon· Taimuzu, 1972-nen 3 tsuki 19-nichi. 9 Okinawafukki jōyaku no hiaringu, P. 93, 144, 148. 10 Okinawafukki jōyaku no hiaringu, P. 91. Jōin gaikō iinkai nodo no yō ni okinawafukki jōyakudarou Kokka no senkakushotō (Diaoyus) ryōyū-ken no kettei ni eikyō o atae, chōkan U~Iriamu· rojāsu wa `kono jōyaku wa, korera no shimajima no hōteki chii ni wa eikyō shinai to kaitō shite iru Zenzen. ' 1971-Nen 10 tsuki 20-nichi no kare no tegami no naka de 11, engi ashisutanto hōritsu komon, robāto· sutā Nobete iru: Chūgoku to Nihon no kuni no seifu to shite no iken'nosōidearu Senkakushotō no shuken e. Anata ni mo shitte okubeki koto Chūkajinminkyōwakoku mo no shimajima no ryōyū-ken o shuchō shite iru. Za· Beikoku wa kangaete iru mono shimajima ni taisuru kanri-ken no henkan Kenri ga jushin sa retakara Nihon ni, kesshite ikanaru o gaisuru koto ga dekimasu Shuchō no kiso to naru. Beikoku wa hōteki kenri ni Nihon o tsuika suru koto wa dekimasen Suru koto ga deki, sore ga watashitachi ni shimajima no kanri o tensō suru mae ni hoyū shi, mata, Beikoku wa, sore ga uketotta mono o bakku ataeru koto ni yotte, hoka no kenri o yowameru Seikyū-sha. Beikoku wa, Senkakushotō e no seikyū o okonawanai to shite iru Shimajima e no mujun suru shuchō ga kaiketsu no tame no mondaidearu to kangaete iru Tōjisha ga concerned. 12 Ni yoru Renzoku shita Beikoku no seiken ga ni kanshite chūritsu no kono ichi o shūsei sai hyōji shite imasu Kurēmu. Genzai no kinchō, Kokumushō to Beikoku no mattadanaka ni Nihon no taishikan wa kono pojishon. 13 O aratamete hyōmei shimashita Nichibeianzenhoshōjōyaku ya shima Shita no okinawafukki jōyaku ni okeru senkakushotō (Diaoyus) o fukumeru koto `Ryūkyū shotō oyobi Daitōshotō' no teigi wa, jōyakudai II o tsukutta Shimajima ni tekiyō. Kiji II wa, no yō ni nobete iru `jōyaku, kisoku oyobi sonohoka no keiyaku Nihon o fukumu Amerika,-koku to Amerikagasshūkoku to no ma no ga, nakute mo ketsuron Nihon to Amerika no ma no sōgo kyōryoku oyobi anzen hoshōjōyaku nado ni gentei suru Amerika no shū... No yōna Ryūkyū shotō oyobi daitōshotō ni tekiyō ni naru Kono kyōtei no kōryoku hassei no hi. No shōryaku katachi to shite no Okinawa' o `shiyō suru' Ryōdo wa jōyaku de kabā, kokumu chōkan rojāsu wa shōgen de nobeta Anzen hoshōjōyaku' to wa, tekiyō kanōna natta koto gaikō iinkai Okinawa `islands. 14 Fuku chōkan no Nihon no katei ni tekiyō sa reru to dō Bōei Debiddo· pakkādo wa, kare no shōgen de, Nihon wa `genpatsu o hikiukeru koto o kyōchō Jōyaku chiiki no bōei no tamede wa naku, anzen hoshōjōyakudeatta koto no sekinin' APPL watashi wa E o CABL. 15 Tsumari, kyōgō suru shuchō ni chūritsu-sei o iji shinagara, Beikoku Jōyaku eria ni anpo jōyaku o tekiyō suru tame ni, okinawafukki jōyaku de gōi sa reta, Senkakushotō (chōgyo) shotō o fukumu. Mata, ryūi subekide hijun 11 Dōjō, P. 11. 12 Dōjō, P. 91. 13 Kurisutofu, nikorasu· D· A miniajiatenpesutoōbāmini shima gurūpu. Nyūyōku· Taimuzu, 9 tsuki 16, 1996. P. A 8. 14 Okinawafukki no hiaringu, P. 22. 15 Dōjō, P. 42, 44. Jōyaku, Jōin wa sore ga fukuma rete iru koto o, ikutsu ka no iinkai no shōnin no jogen nimotozuite kōdō shimasendeshita Senkakushotō ni kansuru hijun yoyaku no kiki-nai. Mata, Anpo jōyaku jitai wa ni shitagatte `kaku tōjisha ga kōdō suru koto o dai 5-jō ni sengen shite imasu Buryoku kōgeki' o ukete `sono kenpō-jō no kitei ya purosesu. . .-Chū Nihon no seiken-ka'`kanri' no chiikide wa naku, `shuken' Shimajima ni tekiyō sa reru jūyōna chigaidesu. 1971-Nen irai, Beikoku to Nihon Shimajima e no anzen hoshōjōyaku no tekiyō o henkō shite inai.