Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Peek Into Japanese Electoral Process & How An Illegimate LDP Abe Government Run The Country & Potential War With China 日本の選挙プロセスへのかいま見&どのようにIllegimate自民党安倍政府ランザ·国·中国との潜在的な戦争

Japanese democracy looks like a democracy with rotten foundation, so it is basically a fraudulent democracy. This fraud was perpetuated by LDP since this is the majority party governing Japan for most of her post WWII period. Being an incumbent party it is easy to craft laws that are gerrymandered to get the most seats in the DIET. So this leads us today to the toxic situation between Japan and China all because of this deformed, manipulated democratic process. Whatever happen to One Man One Vote Universal Suffrage? Elections in Japan are so skewed in certain places the outcome is so suspect that even the Supreme Court ruled some elections invalid. But surprise, this Court let the result stand!
Japan's Electoral Unfairness Goes Deeper than Malapportionment
by Devin McCarthySara Helmi // Published April 8, 2013
On March 26, Okoyama's High Court ruled that Japan's 2012 lower house elections were invalid. The case followed several other similar decisions by courts throughout Japan, including from the Hiroshima High Court the day before and from Tokyo's High Court on March 6. The issue of contention is the apportionment of representatives to voters - that is, the relative weight that each Japanese voter receives in terms of seats in the legislature. In the 2012 election, some voters - mostly those in rural districts - had as much as 2.34 times as much voting weight as others.
The apportionment crisis is undoubtedly damaging to the legitimacy of Japanese democracy. All votes should, indeed, carry roughly equal weight. But malapportionment is not the source of the most pernicious unfairness in the Japanese electoral system. Japan uses a parallel system for electing its lower house, analogous to the similarly problematic Egyptian system we critiqued last month. While 180 of the Japanese parliament's 480 seats are elected through closed list proportional representation, the remaining 300 representatives are elected in winner-take-all, single member districts. In a parallel system, proportional representation seats do not compensate for distortions caused by winner-take-all seats.
There was plenty of distortion left uncorrected after December 2012. The story of the election was that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which had held power almost without interruption since 1955 before finally being defeated by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 2009, bounced back to win the election in an apparent landslide. The LDP and its coalition partner, the New Komeito Party, now control a supermajority of more than two-thirds of seats in the House of Representatives, which would seem to imply broad popular support for their policy proposals. In reality, the LDP actually received about four million fewer votes in 2012 than in their 2009 defeat.
That's partly because voter turnout decreased significantly in 2012 from 2009, but the LDP still received less than 28% of the PR vote and less than 40% when combined with the vote share of New Komeito. That's a higher percentage than any other party or coalition, but far from a majority - much less a supermajority - of nationwide support. The distortion stems from the fact that the LDP won 79% of the winner-take-all seats that comprise the bulk of the House.
LDP leader and current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has translated his party's plurality support into an aggressive policy agenda, confronting China over the Senkaku Islands and implementing a dramatic economic stimulus program. Regardless of the merits of these policies, they were not voted for by most of the Japanese electorate. Yet because the House of Representatives can override any veto by the upper House of Councillors, voters will not even have the power to affect Abe's policies in this July's upper house elections.
Malapportionment may have contributed to the distorted outcome in 2012, but significant distortions can easily occur in single-member district systems regardless of whether there are equal numbers of people in each district. Japanese electoral reformers should be most concerned with eliminating the parallel nature of Japan's voting system. One option that Japan could consider is moving to what FairVote calls a "districts plus" system, where the 180 proportional seats would be allocated to parties to compensate for any distortions caused by the single-member district elections. Similar systems are used in national elections for countries such as Germany and New Zealand, and are typically referred to as "mixed member proportional representation." Incredibly, even allocating all 180 proportional seats to non-LDP parties would not have been enough to give each party the seats they deserved based on their share of the proportional vote, but it would have at least forced the LDP to form a coalition to control a majority of the House.
Districts plus systems not only guarantee more representative governments, but they also greatly simplify the districting process. If every vote counts equally towards the composition of the legislature, the import of where district lines are drawn is significantly lessened. Cases of malapportionment in Japan and partisan gerrymandering in the U.S. would be rendered inconsequential under districts plus. The Japanese courts are right to be taking action to correct the flaws in the Japanese electoral system - but simply redrawing district lines is not enough to ensure fairness

デヴィン·マッカーシーによって、サラヘルミは/ / 、 2013年は4月8日公開
3月26日に、 Okoyamaの高等裁判所は、日本の2012年衆院選が無効であったとの判決を下した。ケースは、 3月6日前後に東京の高等裁判所から一日、広島高等裁判所からを含む全国の裁判所による他のいくつかの同じような決定を、続く。それは、それぞれの日本の有権者は議会の議席の面で受ける相対的な重みである - の競合の問題が有権者に代表者の配分である。 2012の選挙では、一部の有権者 - 農村地区の大部分がものは - 他人とほとんどの投票の重み限り2.34倍を示した。
2012年12月の後に訂正されていないままに歪みがたくさんありました。選挙の話は最終的に2009年に日本の民主党(民主党)に敗れされる前に、 1955年以来、ほぼ中断せずに電源を保有していた自民党(LDP )は、見かけ上の地滑りで選挙に勝つために戻っバウンスということでした。自民党とその連立パートナーである公明党は、今では政策提言のための広範な国民の支持を意味すると思われる衆議院の議席の三分の二以上の圧倒的多数を制御する。実際には、自民党が実際に2009年の敗北に比べ2012年には400万少ない票を獲得した。
投票率は2009年から2012年に大幅に減少したので、それは部分的だが、公明党の得票と組み合わせると、自民党はまだPRの投票の28%未満と40%未満を受けた。それは、他の政党や連合よりも高い割合だが、大多数から遠い - はるかに少ない圧倒的多数 - 全国の支援。歪みは自民党が家の大部分を含み、勝者がすべての議席の79%を獲得したことに由来。
議員定数配分の不均衡は、 2012年に歪んだ成果に貢献しているかもしれませんが、かなりの歪みを簡単にかかわらず、各地区の人々の同じ数があるかどうかの単一メンバー区システムで発生する可能性があります。日本の選挙改革派は、日本の投票システムの並列性を排除することが最も心配する必要があります。日本が検討する可能性が一つの選択肢はFairVoteが180 、比例議席は単一メンバーの地区選挙に起因する歪みを補償するために関係者に配分される「地区プラス」のシステム、と呼ぶものに移行しています。同様のシステムは、ドイツやニュージーランドなどの国々のために国政選挙で使用され、通常と呼ばれている「混合メンバーで比例代表。 "信じられないほどであっても非自民党関係者へのすべての180の比例議席を配分することは、各政党の比例票のシェアに基づいて、彼らは当然の席を与えるのに十分だったでしょうが、それは、少なくとも制御する連立政権を形成するために、自民党を余儀なくされたであろうハウスの大多数。
地区を加えたシステムでは、より代表的な政府が保証するだけでなく、彼らはまた、大幅地区編成プロセスを簡素化。すべての投票が議会の構成に向けても同様にカウントした場合は、地区の線が描画される場所の輸入が大幅に軽減されます。米国では、日本の議員定数配分の不均衡や党派gerrymanderingのケースは地区の下に取るに足らないレンダリングプラスされます。日本の裁判所は、日本の選挙制度の欠陥を修正するために行動を起こすことは正しいです - しかし、単純に、地区の行を再描画することは公平性を確保するのに十分ではありません
Nihon no senkyo fukōhei wa giin teisū haibun no fukinkō yori fukaku iku Devu~in· makkāshī ni yotte, saraherumi wa/ / , 2013-nen wa 4 tsuki 8-nichi kōkai 3 Tsuki 26-nichi ni, Okoyama no kōtōsaibansho wa, Nihon no 2012-nen Shūin-sen ga mukōdeatta to no hanketsu o kudashita. Kēsu wa, 3 tsuki 6-nichi zengo ni Tōkyō no kōtōsaibansho kara tsuitachi, Hiroshima kōtōsaibansho kara o fukumu zenkoku no saibansho ni yoru ta no ikutsu ka no onajiyōna kettei o, tsudzuku. Sore wa, sorezore no Nihon no yūkensha wa gikai no giseki no men de ukeru sōtaitekina omomidearu - no kyōgō no mondai ga yūkensha ni daihyō-sha no haibundearu. 2012 No senkyode wa, ichibu no yūkensha - nōson chiku no daibubun ga mono wa - tanin to hotondo no tōhyō no omomi kagiri 2. 34-Bai o shimeshita. Haibun no kiki wa, machigainaku Nihon no minshu shugi no seitō-sei o sokonau koto sa. Subete no hyō wa, tashika ni, hobo onaji jūryō o hakobu hitsuyō ga arimasu. Shikashi, giin teisū haibun no fukinkō wa, Nihon no senkyo seido no naka de mottomo yūgaina fukōhei no gen'inde wa arimasen. Nihon wa sengetsu hihyō dōyō ni mondainoaru Ejiputo no shisutemu ni ruiji shi, sono-ka no ie o, senshutsu no tame no heiretsu shisutemu o shiyō shite imasu. Nihon no kokkai no 480 giseki no 180 o tojita risuto hirei daihyō o tsūjite senshutsu sa rete imasuga, nokori no 300 no daihyō wa, shōsha ga subete o, tan'itsu no menbā-ku de senshutsu sa remasu. Heiretsu shisutemude wa, hirei daihyō giseki wa shōsha o subete no seki ni kiin suru yugami o hoshō shimasen. 2012-Nen 12 tsuki no nochi ni teisei sa rete inai mama ni yugami ga takusan arimashita. Senkyo no hanashi wa saishūtekini 2009-nen ni Nihon no minshutō (Minshutō) ni yabure sa reru mae ni, 1955-nen irai, hobo chūdan sezu ni dengen o hoyū shite ita Jimintō (LDP) wa, mikake-jō no jisuberi de senkyo ni katsu tame ni modo~tsu baunsu to iu kotodeshita . Jimintō to sono renritsu pātonādearu Kōmeitō wa, ima dewa seisaku teigen no tame no kōhan'na kokumin no shiji o imi suru to omowa reru Shūgiin no giseki no sanbun'noni ijō no attōteki tasū o seigyo suru. Jissai ni wa, Jimintō ga jissai ni 2009-nen no haiboku ni kurabe 2012-nen ni wa 400 man sukunai hyō o kakutoku shita. Tōhyō-ritsu wa 2009-nen kara 2012-nen ni ōhaba ni genshō shitanode, soreha bubun-tekidaga, Kōmeitō no tokuhyō to kumiawaseru to, Jimintō wa mada PR no tōhyō no 28-pāsento-miman to 40-pāsento-miman o uketa. Sore wa, hoka no seitō ya rengō yori mo takai wariaidaga, dai tasū kara tōi - haruka ni sukunai attōteki tasū - zenkoku no shien. Yugami wa Jimintō ga ie no daibubun o fukumi, shōsha ga subete no giseki no 79-pāsento o kakutoku shita koto ni yurai. Jimintō no rīdā to genzai no Nihon no abe shinzō shushō wa, Senkakushotō no ue, Chūgoku ga chokumen shite irushi, gekitekina keiki shigeki-saku o jisshi shi, sekigyokutekina seisaku kadai ni kare no tō no fukusū no sapōto o hon'yaku shite imasu. Ni kakawarazu, korera no seisaku no meritto, sorera wa Nihon no yūkensha no hotondo ga sansei-hyō o tōjite inakatta. Shūgiin wa, Sangiin no sangiin ni yoru ikanaru kyohi-ken o mukō ni suru koto ga deki, mada aru tame, yūkensha mo, kono 7 tsuki no sangiinsenkyo de Abe no seisaku ni eikyōwoataeru-ryoku o motte imasen. Giin teisū haibun no fukinkō wa, 2012-nen ni yuganda seika ni kōken shite iru kamo shiremasenga, kanari no yugami o kantan ni kakawarazu, kaku chiku no hitobito no onaji kazu ga aru ka dō ka no tan'itsu menbā-ku shisutemu de hassei suru kanōsei ga arimasu. Nihon no senkyo kaikaku-ha wa, Nihon no tōhyō shisutemu no heiretsu-sei o haijo suru koto ga mottomo shinpai suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Nihon ga kentō suru kanōsei ga hitotsu no sentakushi wa FairVote ga 180, hirei giseki wa tan'itsu menbā no chiku senkyo ni kiin suru yugami o hoshō suru tame ni kankei-sha ni haibun sa reru `chiku purasu' no shisutemu, to yobu mono ni ikō shite imasu. Dōyō no shisutemu wa, Doitsu ya nyūjīrando nado no kuniguni no tame ni kokusei senkyo de shiyō sa re, tsūjō to yoba rete iru `kongō menbā de hirei daihyō. " Shinji rarenai hododeatte mo hi Jimintō kankei-sha e no subete no 180 no hirei giseki o haibun suru koto wa, kaku seitō no hirei-hyō no shea nimotozuite, karera wa tōzen no seki o ataeru no ni jūbundattadeshouga, soreha, sukunakutomo seigyo suru renritsu seiken o keisei suru tame ni, Jimintō o yoginaku sa retadearou Hausu no dai tasū. Chiku o kuwaeta shisutemude wa, yori daihyōtekina seifu ga hoshō suru dakedenaku, karera wa mata, ōhaba chiku hensei purosesu o kanso-ka. Subete no tōhyō ga gikai no kōsei ni mukete mo dōyō ni kaunto shita baai wa, chiku no sen ga byōga sa reru basho no yunyū ga ōhaba ni keigen sa remasu. Beikokude wa, Nihon no giin teisū haibun no fukinkō ya tōha gerrymandering no kēsu wa chiku no shita ni torunitaranai rendaringupurasu sa remasu. Nihon no saibansho wa, Nihon no senkyo seido no kekkan o shūsei suru tame ni kōdō o okosu koto wa tadashīdesu - shikashi, tanjun ni, chiku no gyō o sai byōga suru koto wa kōhei-sei o kakuho suru no ni jūbunde wa arimasen

This essay has demonstrated that clientelism, an extension of pork-barrel politics, has been the chief method utilised to manufacture electoral success and prolong the dominance of the LDP. Although many factors have been cited as reason for the LDP’s domination of Japanese politics, clientelism is the only explanation which transverses electoral systems, politicians and periods of economic vigour. Structural factors within the Japanese political system, such as fiscal centralisation and the SNTV/MMD electoral system produced a context conducive to clientelism which the LDP exploited to full effect: during a fifty-year period (1955-2005), the LDP had been out of power a mere 10 months and 20 days. The fragmentation of opposition further increased the LDP’s pre-eminence in the political system. The continuation of the LDP’s dominance following electoral reform in 1994 can be ascribed to the place of clientelistic behaviour as a norm in Japanese political consciousness; the voters expect it, and political candidates employ it without question. So long as clientelistic appeals are effective in attracting and retaining the support of the Japanese electorate, then clientelism’s presence in Japanese politics is a continued possibility.

Japan top court says 2012 poll unconstitutional, but not invalid

TOKYO Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:36am EST
Posters of Japan's former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who is also the leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), with messages reading ''Decision'' are displayed at DPJ election headquaters in Tokyo December 16, 2012. REUTERS/Issei Kato
Posters of Japan's former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who is also the leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), with messages reading ''Decision'' are displayed at DPJ election headquaters in Tokyo December 16, 2012.
Credit: Reuters/Issei Kato
(Reuters) - Japan's top court on Wednesday held unconstitutional some district polls in the 2012 election that brought Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to power because of wide gaps in the weight of rural and urban votes, but stopped short of invalidating the result, the country's media reported.
Holding the elections invalid could have sparked political chaos since no precedent exists, but few had expected the Supreme Court to take that stance since the top judiciary is not known for rocking the establishment boat. Wednesday's court decision leaves the issue of reforms in lawmakers' hands.
Noting that changes made since last year's election had not addressed fundamental problems with distribution, the court urged parliament to tackle further reform.
"It is necessary to continue to steadily deal with the issue of fixing the electoral system," Kyodo news agency quoted the court as saying.
Critics say Japan's electoral system gives more influence to rural voters, many of whom are elderly, than to younger city dwellers, so driving politicians to push for policies favoring welfare and protectionism over economic growth.
The system has also been credited with keeping Abe's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in power for most of the past 60 years.
"Election reform is a bedrock issue for Abenomics," wrote Robert Feldman, chief economist at Morgan Stanley MUFG in Tokyo, ahead of the ruling.
"Without electoral reform that ends the major disparities of voter weights, the election incentives that have created and preserved vested interests would not change. Hence, both economic and fiscal reform would remain extremely difficult."
Abe told reporters he took the ruling seriously and would now examine it more closely.
High courts ruling on 16 lawsuits in March said elections in 31 of the 300 single-seat districts for parliament's 480-member lower house last December were unconstitutional, or held in a "state of unconstitutionality", because of wide disparities in vote weights.
A single vote in the least populous district carried 2.43 times the weight of one in the most heavily populated district.
Two courts also took the unprecedented step of declaring elections invalid in three constituencies.
Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling covered all those 16 suits.
The Supreme Court had already ruled in 2011 that because one vote in the least populous district effectively carried the weight of more than two votes in the most populous constituency, the 2009 election was held in a "state of unconstitutionality", but similarly declined to rule the poll invalid.
After that ruling, lawmakers passed a bill to redress the imbalance by cutting one seat from each of five sparsely populated districts.
This reduced the maximum disparity to just under two, but the measures had yet to be finalized when a snap election was called. Redistricting has since been completed but disparities remain and have widened in some cases.
More drastic reforms are needed to reduce the excess clout of vested interests such as farmers and the elderly and ease the way to reforms to generate economic growth, experts said.
But some analysts said the outlook for meaningful change remained dim. "They continued the previous warning and didn't push it up a notch. They are still leaving it to the legislature," said Sophia University professor Koichi Nakano.
Abe won high marks for the first two steps of his "Abenomics" strategy, hyper-easy monetary policy and fiscal spending.
But investors have been disappointed with the failure of his so-called "Third Arrow" to target structural reforms and deregulation of sectors such as labor and farming.
Lawyers' groups have filed separate suits to invalidate the results of last July's election for parliament's upper house, in which the maximum vote value disparity was 4.77.
Abe's ruling bloc won that election, resolving a parliamentary deadlock that had hobbled policy steps.

(Reporting by Linda Sieg; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)


このエッセイは、クライ、ポークバレル政治の延長は、選挙の成功を製造し、自民党の支配を延長するのに利用チーフ方法であったことを実証した。多くの要因が日本の政治の自民党支配の理由として引用されているが、クライは選挙システム、政治家や経済活力の期間を横断する唯一の説明である。このような財政集中化とSNTV / MMD選挙制度など日本の政治システム、内部構造的要因は自民党が完全な効果に悪用クライに資するコンテキスト生産: 50年の期間( 1955年から2005年)の間には、自民党が出ていた電力のわずか10ヶ月と20日間。野党の断片化がさらに政治システムに自民党の卓越性を増加させた。有権者はそれを期待し、政治的な候補者が迷わずそれを採用し、 1994年に選挙制度改革を次の自民党支配の継続は日本の政治意識の規範としてclientelistic行動の代わりに帰することができます。限りclientelisticアピールが誘致し、日本の有権者の支持を維持するのに効果的であるように、そして日本の政治におけるクライの存在が継続可能である。
日本トップの裁判所は、 2012年の世論調査違憲と言いますが、無効ではない



''決定''を読んでメッセージでも、日本の与党民主党(民主党)のリーダーである日本の元首相野田佳彦、 、のポスターは2012年12月16日東京の民主党選挙本部に表示されます。ロイター/一成加藤
''決定''を読んでメッセージでも、日本の与党民主党(民主党)のリーダーである日本の元首相野田佳彦、 、のポスターは2012年12月16日東京の民主党選挙本部に表示されます。
(ロイター) - 水曜日に日本のトップコートが原因農村と都市票の重量広いギャップのパワーに安倍首相をもたらした2012年の選挙で違憲いくつかの地区にポーリングを開催しましたが、結果を無効には至ら国のメディア報告された。
このシステムはまた、過去60年間の大半を電力に安倍自民党(LDP )を維持すると信じてきた。
「有権者の重みの主要な格差、既得権益。変わらないが作成され、保存されている選挙インセンティブを終了選挙制度改革がなければこのため、双方の経済·財政改革は非常に厳しい状況が続くだろう。 "
二つの庭には、 3選挙区の無効な宣言選挙の前例のない一歩を踏み出した。
最高裁判所は、すでに少なくとも人口の多い地区の1票が効果的に最も人口の多い選挙区以上2票の重みを行っているため、 2009年の選挙は「違憲状態」で開催されたことを2011年に判決を下したが、同じようにルールを拒否していたポーリング無効。
しかし、一部のアナリストは、意味のある変化の見通しが暗いままであったと述べた。 「彼らは、以前の警告を続け、ノッチそれをプッシュしていない。彼らはまだ議会にそれを残している、 「上智大学教授浩一中野は言った。
安倍は彼の " Abenomics 」戦略、ハイパー緩和的な金融政策と財政支出の最初の2つのステップのために高い評価を獲得した。
Nihon no minshu shugi wa kusatta kiban o motsu minshu shugi to shite watashi ni mieru node, soreha kihontekini sagi-tekina minshu shugidearu. Kore wa kanojo no posuto dainijisekaitaisen-ki no taihan o, Nihon o shihai suru tasū tōdearu tame, kono sagi wa, Jimintō de umaretsuita. Genshoku no tōdearu koto wa, soreha, kokkai no naka de mottomo giseki o eru tame ni gerrymandered ārukurafuto hōritsu ni kantandesu. Dakara, koreha subete kono tame, henkei shi, sōsa suru minshu-tekina purosesu no Nihon to Chūgoku no ma ni yūdokuna jōkyō ni kyō no watashitachi o rīdo shite imasu. 一人一票普通選挙 Ni okoru don'na? Nihon no senkyo wa kekka ga sōdeatte mo, Saikōsai ga mukō ikutsu ka no senkyo o shihai shite ita utagai ga aru-sa, tokutei no basho de sō katayotte iru. Shikashi, odoroki, tō saibansho wa, kekka ga tatte mimashou! Bassui: Ⅳ. Ketsuron Kono essei wa, Kurai, pōkubareru seiji no enchō wa, senkyo no seikō o seizō shi, Jimintō no shihai o enchō suru no ni riyō chīfu hōhōdeatta koto o jisshō shita. Ōku no yōin ga nihon'noseiji no Jimintō shihai no riyū to shite in'yō sa rete iruga, Kurai wa senkyo shisutemu, seijika ya keizai katsuryoku no kikan o ōdan suru yuiitsu no setsumeidearu. Kono yōna zaisei shūchū-ka to SNTV/ MMD senkyo seido nado nihon'noseiji shisutemu, naibu kōzō-teki yōin wa Jimintō ga kanzen'na kōka ni akuyō Kurai ni shisuru kontekisuto seisan: 50-Nen no kikan (1955-nen kara 2005-nen) no ma ni wa, Jimintō ga dete ita Denryoku no wazuka 10-kagetsu to 20-kakan. Yatō no danpen-ka ga sarani seiji shisutemu ni Jimintō no takuetsu-sei o zōka sa seta. Yūkensha wa sore o kitai shi, seiji-tekina kōho-sha ga mayowazu sore o saiyō shi, 1994-nen ni senkyo seido kaikaku o tsugi no Jimintō shihai no keizoku wa nihon'noseiji ishiki no kihan to shite clientelistic kōdō no kawari ni ki suru koto ga dekimasu. Kagiri clientelistic apīru ga yūchi shi, Nihon no yūkensha no shiji o iji surunoni kōka-tekidearu yō ni, soshite nihon'noseiji ni okeru Kurai no sonzai ga keizoku kanōdearu. Nihon toppu no saibansho wa, 2012-nen no seronchōsa iken to iimasuga, mukōde wanai Tōkyō mizu 2013-nen 11 tsuki 20-nichi 3: 36 No suto 0 Komento InShare 2 Kore o kyōyū suru E mēru Insatsu '' Kettei'' o yonde messēji demo, Nihon no yotō Minshutō (Minshutō) no rīdādearu Nihon no moto shushō noda yoshihiko, , no posutā wa 2012-nen 12 tsuki 16-nichi Tōkyō no Minshutō senkyo honbu ni hyōji sa remasu. Roitā/ Issei Katō '' Kettei'' o yonde messēji demo, Nihon no yotō Minshutō (Minshutō) no rīdādearu Nihon no moto shushō noda yoshihiko, , no posutā wa 2012-nen 12 tsuki 16-nichi Tōkyō no Minshutō senkyo honbu ni hyōji sa remasu. Kurejitto: Roitā/ issei Katō (Roitā) - suiyōbi ni Nihon no toppukōto ga gen'in nōson to toshi-hyō no jūryō hiroi gyappu no pawā ni Abe shushō o motarashita 2012-nen no senkyo de iken ikutsu ka no chiku ni pōringu o kaisai shimashitaga, kekka o mukō ni wa itara kuni no media Hōkoku sa reta. Mukōna senkyo o hoji suru koto wa zenrei ga nai tame, seidjiteki konran o hikiokoshita kamo shirenaiga, ikutsu ka wa, toppu shihō o kakuritsu bōtorokkingu no tame ni shira rete inai tame, Saikōsai wa sono sutansu o toru to yosō shite ita. Suiyōbi no saibansho no kettei wa, giin no te no naka ni kaikaku no mondai o nokoshimasu. Sakunen no sō senkyo ikō ni okonawa reta henkō wa, disutoribyūshon to no konpon-tekina mondai ni taisho shite inakatta koto o shiteki shi, saibansho wa, saranaru kaikaku ni torikumu tame ni, gikai ni unagashita. `Sore wa chakujitsu ni senkyo seido o kotei suru mondai ni taisho suru tame ni keizoku suruhitsuyōgāru' to Kyōdōtsūshin ga iu yō ni, saibansho o in'yō. Hihyō-ka wa, Nihon no senkyo seido wa totemo keizai seichō no ue ni fukushi ya hogo shugi o konomu seisaku o suishin suru seijika o kudō shi, wakai toshi seikatsu-sha ni kurabe kōrei-shadearu ōku no hito no nōson yūkensha, yori eikyō o ataemasu to iimasu. Kono shisutemu wa mata, kako 60-nenkan no taihan o denryoku ni Abe Jimintō (LDP) o iji suru to shinjite kita. `Senkyo kaikaku wa Abenomics-yō no ganban no mondaidesu' to robāto· ferudoman,-saki ni hanketsu no Tōkyō no Morugan· sutanrē MUFG no chīfuekonomisuto wa, kaite iru. `Yūkensha no omomi no shuyōna kakusa, kitoku ken'eki. Kawaranai ga sakusei sa re, hozon sa rete iru senkyo insentibu o shūryō senkyo seido kaikaku ga nakereba kono tame, sōhō no keizai· zaisei kaikaku wa hijō ni kibishī jōkyō ga tsudzukudarou. " Abe-shi wa, shinken ni hanketsu o totte, ima yori missetsu ni sore o shiraberudaro kisha-dan ni katatta. Kakusa ga jizoku 3 Tsuki 16 soshō de hanketsu ga takai saibansho wa gikai no 480 menbā Kain sakunen 12 tsuki ni wa 300 shōsenkyoku no 31 no senkyo ga gen'in-hyō no omomi no habahiroi kakusa, iken, matawa `iken jōtai' de kaisai sa reta to nobeta. Sukunakutomo jinkōnoōi chiku no hitotsu no tōhyō ga mottomo jinkō mitsudo no takai chiku no 1 no 2. 43-Bai no jūryō o hakonda. Futatsu no niwa ni wa, 3 senkyo-ku no mukōna sengen senkyo no zenrei no nai ippo o fumidashita. Suiyōbi no saikōsaihanketsu wa, subete no 16 no sūtsu o kabā shita. Saikōsaibansho wa, sudeni sukunakutomo jinkōnoōi chiku no 1-pyō ga kōka-teki ni mottomo jinkōnoōi senkyo-ku ijō 2-pyō no omomi o okonatte iru tame, 2009-nen no senkyo wa `iken jōtai' de kaisai sa reta koto o 2011-nen ni hanketsu o kudashitaga, onajiyōni rūru o kyohi shite ita Pōringu mukō. Sono hanketsu no ato, giin wa 5 mabara chiku kara sorezore 1 giseki o setsudan suru koto ni yotte fukinkō o zesei suru tame no hōan o kaketsu shita. Kore wa chōdo shita no 2 ni saidai shisa o genshō sa setaga, taisaku wa kaisansōsenkyo ga yobidasa reta toki ni mada kakutei sa renakereba naranakatta. Senkyo-ku wa sonogo kanryō shitaga, kakusa ga nokori, baainiyotte wa kakudai shite iru. Yori bappon-tekina kaikaku ga ko no yōna nōka ya kōrei-sha nado no kitoku ken'eki o uwamawaru eikyō-ryoku o teika sa se, keizai seichō o seisei suru tame ni, kaikaku e no michi o yōi ni suru tame ni hitsuyō to sa re, senmonka wa nobete imasu. Shikashi, ichibu no anarisuto wa, iminoaru henka no mitōshi ga kurai mamadeatta to nobeta. `Karera wa, izen no keikoku o tsudzuke, notchi sore o pusshu shite inai. Karera wa mada gikai ni sore o nokoshite iru, `Jōchidaigaku kyōju Kōichi Nakano wa itta. Abe wa kare no" Abenomics' senryaku, haipā kanwa-tekina kin'yū seisaku to zaisei shishutsu no saisho no 2tsu no suteppu no tame ni takai hyōka o kakutoku shita. Shikashi, tōshi-ka wa, kōzō kaikaku ya, rōdō ya nōgyō nado no bun'ya no kisei kanwa o mokuhyō to suru kare no, iwayuru `dai san no ya' no shippai ni shitsubō sa rete imasu. Bengoshi gurūpu wa, saidai tōhyō-chi no kakusa wa 4. 77 Sa reta gikai no Jōin no tame ni saigo no 7 tsuki no senkyo no kekka o mukō ni suru tame ni betsu no soshō o teiki shite iru. Abe no yotō wa, porishī· suteppu o ashikaseta gikai deddorokku o kaiketsu shi, sono senkyo ni katta. (Rinda· jīku ni yotte hōkoku; kurarensu· Ferunandesu ni yoru henshū) Http: / / Www. Reuters. Komu/ article/ 2013/ 11/ 20/ us - japan - politics - idUSBRE 9 AJ 0 D 520131120