Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Comfort Women History Specially For Japanese Readers 日本の読者のために慰安婦の歴史特別






「confort women」という名称は、日本語の「慰安婦」から来ている。



1 慰安婦システムの確立
1.1 日本軍の買娼
1.1.1 概要
1.1.2 査問と裁判の最新記録

1.2  慰安婦の人数
1.3 出身国
1.4 慰安婦の待遇
1.5 朝鮮

2 この問題の経過
2.1 謝罪と補償
2.2 争点
2.3 生き延びた慰安婦たち
2.3.1 水曜デモ
2.3.2 共生の家
2.3.3 慰安婦による記録

3 健康関連問題 
4 旧慰安婦のリスト
5 その他
6 参照
7 外部リンク



スタジオで撮影されたJan Ruff O'Herneの写真は、彼女や母や姉妹が数千のほかのオランダ人女性や子供とともに日本軍によって、アンバラヤに抑留されたときに撮られた。









生存者のうちの、Kang Duk-kyung、Kim Soon-duk and Lee Yong-Nyeoは、彼らの体験を絵に描いて保存していた、Center for Asian American Mediaの責任者のDai Sil Kim-Gibsonは、義務教育から大学教育までの学生のためのドキュメンタリーフィルムに、慰安婦の記録映像を撮った。女性の人権を主張したビデオ記録は、被害者や一般人に見せられた。女性の尊厳と人権を学ぶための生きた教材として提供され、年齢や性別や国境や国籍や思想を超えて人々の共感を得ている。



Comfort women sins are commited by Imperial Japan. If you are Japanese especially Yamato tribe, there is no need to constantly apologize for crimes commited by your forefathers. It is unfair to you. The best you can do is to vote for a more honest and democratic party in Japan. LDP especially under Abe is deceitful, nationalistic and is harmful for Japan and world peace, and economy.

Ianfu no tsumi wa, teikoku Nihon ga komitto sa rete imasu. Anata ga tokuni Yamato buzoku nihonjindeareba, tsuneni anata no senzo ni yotte komitto hanzai o shazai suru hitsuyō wa arimasen. Sore wa anata ni fukōheidearu. Anata ga dekiru saizen no wa Nihon de, yori shōjikide Minshutō ni tōhyō suru kotodesu. Tokuni Abe-ka no Jimintō wa kokka shugi, itsuwarideari, Nihon to sekai no heiwa to keizai no tame ni yūgaidearu. Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ Comfort _ women

Japanese textbook whitewash Comfort Women during World War II. It is important for Japanese to understand why S Korea and China feel offended by Abe and other Japanese PM Yasukuni visits.

By denying the extent of Comfort Women mistreatment by Imperial Japan, what Abe did when he visited Yasukuni Shrine is basically telling the Class A War Criminals that he has defended their honors and they were wrongly convicted by the Western led war crime tribunals.

So Abe's and other previous leaders Yasukuni Shrine visits were not to pray for peace but rather to tell those Class A War Criminals they were wrongly convicted as there are really no such thing as massive Comfort Women or massive Nanjing Massacre.

Comfort women were women and girls forced into a prostitution corps created by the Empire of Japan during World War II. The name "comfort women" is a translation of a Japanese name ianfu (慰安婦).[1][2] Ianfu is a euphemism for shōfu (娼婦) whose meaning is "prostitute(s)".[3]
Estimates vary as to how many women were involved, with numbers ranging from as low as 20,000 from some Japanese scholars [4] to as high as 410,000 from some Chinese scholars,[5] but the exact numbers are still being researched and debated. Many of the women were from KoreaChina, and the Philippines,[6] although women from BurmaThailand,VietnamMalaysiaTaiwanIndonesia and other Japanese-occupied territories were used for military "comfort stations". Stations were located in Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, then MalayaThailandBurmaNew GuineaHong KongMacau, and French Indochina.[7] A smaller number of women of European origin from Holland and Australia were also involved.
According to testimony, young women from countries under Japanese Imperial control were abducted from their homes. In many cases, women were also lured with promises of work in factories or restaurants. Once recruited, the women were incarcerated in "comfort stations" in foreign lands.[8]

Establishment of the Comfort Women System[edit]

Chinese and Malayan girls forcibly taken from Penang by the Japanese to work as 'comfort girls' for the troops

Studio portrait of Jan Ruff O'Herne, taken shortly before she, her mother and sisters, as well as thousands of otherDutch women and children were interned by the Japanese Imperial Army inAmbarawa. Over the following months, O'Herne, along with six other Dutch women, were repeatedly raped, day and night, by Japanese military personnel[9]

Japanese military prostitution[edit]

Military correspondence of the Japanese Imperial Army shows that the aim of facilitating comfort stations was the prevention of rape crimes committed by Japanese army personnel and thus preventing the rise of hostility among people in occupied areas.[4]
Given the well-organized and open nature of prostitution in Japan, it was seen as logical that there should be organized prostitution to serve the Japanese Armed Forces.[10] The Japanese Army established the comfort stations to prevent venereal diseases and rape by Japanese soldiers, to provide comfort to soldiers and head off espionage. The comfort stations were not actual solutions to the first two problems, however. According to Japanese historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi, they aggravated the problems. Yoshimi has asserted, "The Japanese Imperial Army feared most that the simmering discontentment of the soldiers could explode into a riot and revolt. That is why it provided women."[11]


The first "comfort station" was established in the Japanese concession in Shanghai in 1932. Earlier comfort women were Japanese prostitutes who volunteered for such service. However, as Japan continued military expansion, the military found itself short of Japanese volunteers, and turned to the local population to coerce women into serving in these stations.[12] Many women responded to calls for work as factory workers or nurses, and did not know that they were being pressed into sexual slavery.[13]
In the early stages of the war, Japanese authorities recruited prostitutes through conventional means. In urban areas, conventional advertising through middlemen was used alongside kidnapping. Middlemen advertised in newspapers circulating in Japan and the Japanese colonies of KoreaTaiwanManchukuo, and China. These sources soon dried up, especially from Japan.[14] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs resisted further issuance of travel visas for Japanese prostitutes, feeling it tarnished the image of the Japanese Empire.[15] The military turned to acquiring comfort women outside mainland Japan, especially from Korea and occupied China. Many women were tricked or defrauded into joining the military brothels.[16]
The situation became worse as the war progressed. Under the strain of the war effort, the military became unable to provide enough supplies to Japanese units; in response, the units made up the difference by demanding or looting supplies from the locals. Along the front lines, especially in the countryside where middlemen were rare, the military often directly demanded that local leaders procure women for the brothels. When the locals, especially Chinese, were considered hostile, Japanese soldiers carried out the "Three Alls Policy", which included indiscriminately kidnapping and raping local civilians.[17]
The United States Office of War Information report of interviews with 20 comfort women in Burma found that the girls were induced by the offer of plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen.[18]

Late archives inquiries and trials[edit]

On April 17, 2007 Yoshiaki Yoshimi and Hirofumi Hayashi announced the discovery, in the archives of the Tokyo Trials, of seven official documents suggesting that Imperial military forces, such as the Tokkeitai (Naval military police), forced women whose fathers attacked the Kenpeitai (Army military police), to work in front line brothels in China, Indochina and Indonesia. These documents were initially made public at the war crimes trial. In one of these, a lieutenant is quoted as confessing to having organized a brothel and having used it himself. Another source refers to Tokkeitai members having arrested women on the streets, and after enforced medical examinations, putting them in brothels.[19]
On 12 May 2007 journalist Taichiro Kajimura announced the discovery of 30 Dutch government documents submitted to the Tokyo tribunal as evidence of a forced mass prostitution incident in 1944 in Magelang.[20]
The South Korean government designated Bae Jeong-ja as a pro-Japan collaborator (chinilpa) in September 2007 for recruiting comfort women.[21][22]

Number of comfort women[edit]

Lack of official documentation has made estimates of the total number of comfort women difficult, as vast amounts of material pertaining to matters related to war crimes and the war responsibility of the nation's highest leaders were destroyed on the orders of the Japanese government at the end of the war.[23] Historians have arrived at various estimates by looking at surviving documentation which indicate the ratio of the number of soldiers in a particular area to the number of women, as well as looking at replacement rates of the women.[24] Historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi, who conducted the first academic study on the topic which brought the issue out into the open, estimated the number to be between 50,000 and 200,000.[4]
Based on these estimates, most international media sources quote about 200,000 young women were recruited or kidnapped by soldiers to serve in Japanese military brothels. The BBC quotes "200,000 to 300,000" and the International Commission of Jurists quotes "estimates of historians of 100,000 to 200,000 women."[25]

Country of origin[edit]

According to State University of New York at Buffalo professor Yoshiko Nozaki and other sources, the majority of the women were from Korea and China.[26][27] Chuo University professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi states there were about 2,000 centers where as many as 200,000 Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Dutch and Australian women were interned.[28] Ikuhiko Hata, a professor of Nihon University, estimated the number of women working in the licensed pleasure quarter was fewer than 20,000 and that they were 40% Japanese, 20% Koreans, 10% Chinese, with others making up the remaining 30%. According to Hata, the total number of government-regulated prostitutes in Japan was only 170,000 during World War II.[29] Others came from the PhilippinesTaiwanDutch East Indies, and other Japanese-occupied countries and regions.[30] Some Dutch women, captured in Dutch colonies in Asia, were also forced into sexual slavery.[31]
In further analysis of the Imperial Army medical records for venereal disease treatment from 1940, Yoshimi concluded that if the percentages of women treated reflected the general makeup of the total comfort women population, Korean women comprised 51.8 percent, Chinese 36 percent and Japanese 12.2 percent.[11]
A Dutch government study described how the Japanese military itself recruited women by force in the Dutch East Indies.[32] It concluded that among the 200 to 300 European women working in the Japanese military brothels, “some sixty five were most certainly forced into prostitution.” [33] Others, faced with starvation in the refugee camps, agreed to offers of food and payment for work, the nature of which was not completely revealed to them.[34][35][36][37][38]
To date, only one Japanese woman has published her testimony. This was done in 1971, when a former "comfort woman" forced to work for showa soldiers in Taiwan, published her memoirs under the pseudonym of Suzuko Shirota.[39]

Treatment of comfort women[edit]

Approximately three quarters of comfort women died, and most survivors were left infertile due to sexual trauma or sexually transmitted disease.[40] According to Japanese soldier Yasuji Kaneko. "The women cried out, but it didn't matter to us whether the women lived or died. We were the emperor's soldiers. Whether in military brothels or in the villages, we raped without reluctance."[41] Beatings and physical torture were said to be common.[42] Revisionist Japanese historian Ikuhiko Hata claims Kaneko's testimony is false since he testified about the 1937 Nanjing Massacre but he was not in the Army until 1940.[43]
Ten Dutch women were taken by force from prison camps in Java by officers of the Japanese Imperial Army to become forced sex slaves in February 1944. They were systematically beaten and raped day and night in a so-called "Comfort Station".[42][44] As a victim of the incident, in 1990, Jan Ruff-O'Herne testified to a U.S. House of Representatives committee:
"Many stories have been told about the horrors, brutalities, suffering and starvation of Dutch women in Japanese prison camps. But one story was never told, the most shameful story of the worst human rights abuse committed by the Japanese during World War II: The story of the “Comfort Women”, the jugun ianfu, and how these women were forcibly seized against their will, to provide sexual services for the Japanese Imperial Army. In the so-called “Comfort Station” I was systematically beaten and raped day and night. Even the Japanese doctor raped me each time he visited the brothel to examine us for venereal disease."[42][44]
In their first morning at the brothel, photographs of Jan Ruff-O'Herne and the others were taken and placed on the veranda which was used as a reception area for the Japanese personnel who would choose from these photographs. Over the following four months the girls were raped and beaten day and night, with those who became pregnant forced to have abortions. After four harrowing months, the girls were moved to a camp at Bogor, in West Java, where they were reunited with their families. This camp was exclusively for women who had been put into military brothels, and the Japanese warned the inmates that if anyone told what had happened to them, they and their family members would be killed. Several months later the O'Hernes were transferred to a camp at Batavia, which was liberated on 15 August 1945.[45][46][47]
The Japanese officers involved received some punishment by Japanese authorities at the end of the war.[48] After the end of the war, 11 Japanese officers were found guilty with one soldier being sentenced to death by the Batavia War Criminal Court.[48] The court decision found that the charges those who raped violated were the Army's order to hire only voluntary women.[48] Victims from East Timor testified they were forced into slavery even when they were not old enough to have started menstruating. The court testimonies state that these prepubescent girls were repeatedly raped by Japanese soldiers[49] while those who refused to comply were executed.[50][51]
Hank Nelson, emeritus professor at the Australian National University's Asia Pacific Research Division, has written about the brothels run by the Japanese military in RabaulPapua New Guinea during WWII. He quotes from the diary of Gordon Thomas, a POW in Rabaul. Thomas writes that the women working at the brothels “most likely served 25 to 35 men a day” and that they were “victims of the yellow slave trade.”[52]
Nelson also quotes from Kentaro Igusa, a Japanese naval surgeon who was stationed in Rabaul. Igusa wrote in his memoirs that the women continued to work through infection and severe discomfort, though they “cried and begged for help.”[52]


During World War II, the Shōwa regime implemented in Korea, a prostitution system similar to the one established in other parts of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Korean agents, Korean Kempeitai (military police) and military auxiliaries were involved in the procurement and organization of comfort women, and made use of their services.[53] Chong-song Pak found that "Koreans under Japanese rule became fully acculturated as main actors in the licensed prostitution system that was transplanted in their country by the colonial state".[54]

History of the issue[edit]

The Allied Forces captured "comfort women" as well as Japanese soldiers, and issued a report on them. In 1944, a United States Army interrogator reported that "a 'comfort girl' is nothing more than a prostitute or 'professional camp follower' attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers."[55] The report continues, "They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics ... While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping."[55][56] In South Korea, during and after the Korean War, separate "comfort stations" were maintained for UN/U.S. and South Korean soldiers. The women were called "Western princesses" as well as "comfort women" (wianbu).[57]
There was no discussion of the comfort women issue when the last stations were closed after the Korean War. It did not enter into discussions when diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea were restored in 1965.
In 1973 a man named Kakou Senda wrote a book about the comfort women system but focused on Japanese participants. His book has been widely criticized as distorting the facts by both Japanese and Korean historians.[58] This was the first postwar mention of the comfort women system and became an important source for 1990s activism on the issue.[59]
In 1974 a South Korea film studio made an adult film called Chonggun Wianbu, "Women's Volunteer Corps", featuring comfort women and Japanese soldiers. The first book written by a Korean on the subject of comfort women appeared in 1981. It was a plagiarism of a 1976 Japanese book by the zainichi author Kim Il-Myeon.[60][61]
In 1989, the testimony of Seiji Yoshida was translated into Korean. His book was debunked as fraudulent by both Japanese and Korean journalists, but after its publication, a number of people came forward attesting to kidnapping by Japanese soldiers. In 1996, Yoshida finally admitted his memoir was fictional.
Following multiple testimonies the Kono Statement of 1993 was issued claiming that coercion was involved.[62] However, in 2007, the Japanese government made a cabinet decision, "No evidence was found that the Japanese army or the military officials seized the women by force." [63][64]

Apologies and compensation[edit]

RangoonBurma. August 8, 1945. A young ethnic Chinese woman who was in one of the Imperial Japanese Army's "comfort battalions" is interviewed by anAllied officer.
In 1965, the Japanese government awarded $364 million to the Korean government for war damages. However, because the comfort women was not known by Korea at that time, Japan did not reward for injuries on comfort women.[65] In 1994, the Japanese government set up the Asian Women's Fund (AWF) to distribute additional compensation to South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Indonesia.[66] Each survivor was provided with a signed apology from the then prime minister Tomiichi Murayama, stating "As Prime Minister of Japan, I thus extend anew my most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women."[67] However, many former comfort women rejected the compensations because of pressure from a non-government organization known as the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, or "Chongdaehyop", and because of media pressure. Eventually, 11 former comfort women accepted funds from the AWF along with the signed apology, while 142 others received funds from the government of Korea.[68][69] The fund was dissolved on March 31, 2007.[70]
Three Korean women filed suit in Japan in December, 1991, around the time of the 50th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, demanding compensation for forced prostitution. In 1992, documents which had been stored since 1958 when they were returned by United States troops and which indicated that the military had played a large role in operating what were euphemistically called "comfort stations" were found in the library of Japan's Self-Defense Agency. the Japanese Government admitted that the Japanese Army forced tens of thousands of Korean women to have sex with Japanese soldiers during World War II.[71] On January 14, 1992, Japanese Chief Government Spokesman Koichi Kato issued an official apology saying "We cannot deny that the former Japanese army played a role" in abducting and detaining the "comfort girls," and "We would like to express our apologies and contrition".[71][72][73]Three days later on January 17, 1992 at a dinner given by South Korean President Roh Tae Woo, the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa told his host: "We Japanese should first and foremost recall the truth of that tragic period when Japanese actions inflicted suffering and sorrow upon your people. We should never forget our feelings of remorse over this. As Prime Minister of Japan, I would like to declare anew my remorse at these deeds and tender my apology to the people of the Republic of Korea." and apologized again the following day in a speech before South Korea's National Assembly.[74][75] On April 28, 1998, the Japanese court ruled that the Government must compensate the women and awarded them US$2,300($3,294 in 2013) each.[76]
In 2007 the surviving sex slaves wanted an apology from the Japanese government. Shinzō Abe, the prime minister at the time, stated on March 1, 2007, that there was no evidence that the Japanese government had kept sex slaves, even though the Japanese government had already admitted the use of brothels in 1993. On March 27 the Japanese parliament issued an official apology.[77]


Japanese historian and Nihon University professor, Ikuhiko Hata estimates the number of comfort women to be more likely between 10,000 and 20,000.[4] Hata writes that none of the comfort women were forcibly recruited.[78]
Some Japanese politicians have argued that the former comfort women's testimony is inconsistent and unreliable, making it invalid.[79] Mayor of Osaka and co-leader of the nationalist Japan Restoration PartyTōru Hashimoto, while initially maintaining that "there is no evidence that people called comfort women were taken away by violence or threat by the [Japanese] military",[80] he later modified his position asserting that they became comfort women "against their will",[81] still justifying their role during World War II as "necessary", so that soldiers could "have a rest".[81]
A comic book, Neo Gomanism Manifesto Special - On Taiwan by Japanese author Yoshinori Kobayashi, depicts kimono-clad women lining up to sign up for duty before a Japanese soldier. Kobayashi's book contains an interview with Taiwanese industrialist Shi Wen-long who stated that no women were forced to serve, and that they worked in more hygienic conditions compared to regular prostitutes because the use of condoms was mandatory.[82]
There was a controversy involving NHK in early 2001. What was supposed to be coverage of the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery was heavily edited to reflect revisionist views.[83]

Survivors of Comfort Women[edit]

Wednesday Demonstrations[edit]

Every Wednesday, living comfort women, women’s organizations, socio-civic groups, religious groups, and a number of individuals participate in the “Wednesday Demonstrations” in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul, sponsored by “The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (KCWDMSS)”. It was first held on January 8, 1992, when Japan’s Prime Minister, Miyazawa, visited the Republic of Korea. In December 2011, a statue of a young woman was erected to honor the comfort women, on the 1,000th of the weekly “Wednesday demonstrations”.[84] The Japanese government has repeatedly asked the South Korean government to have the statue taken down, but it has not been.[84] In June 2012, two Japanese extremists tied a 90 cm (35 in) signpost to the statue. The signpost read "'Takeshima' is Japanese territory", referring to the Liancourt Rocks which are disputed islets known as Dokdo in South Korea.[85] In October 2012, a Comfort Women memorial in New Jersey, USA was similarly vandalized.[86] In 2013 a statue honoring comfort women was unveiled in Glendale, California.[87]

House of Sharing[edit]

The House of Sharing is the home for living comfort women. The House of Sharing was founded in June 1992 through funds raised by Buddhist organizations and various socio-civic groups and it moved to Gyunggi-do, South Korea in 1998. The House of Sharing includes “The Museum of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Military” to spread the truth about the Japanese military’s brutal abuse of comfort women and to educate descendants and the public.[88]
  • Address
65 Wongdang-ri, Twoichon-myon, Gwangju-si, Gyunggi-do, 464-840, South Korea

Archives by Comfort Women[edit]

Some of the survivors, Kang Duk-kyung, Kim Soon-duk and Lee Yong-Nyeo, preserved their personal history through their drawings as a visual archive Also, the director of the Center for Asian American Media, Dai Sil Kim-Gibson, made a comfort women video archive, a documentary film for K-12 through college level students. Feminist visual and video archives have promoted a place for solidarity between the victims and the public. It has served as a living site for the teaching and learning of women’s dignity and human rights by bringing people together despite age, gender, borders, nationality, and ideologies.[89]

Health-related issues[edit]

In the aftermath of the war, the women recalled bouts of physical and mental abuses that they had experienced while working in military brothels. In the Rorschach test, the women showed distorted perceptions, difficulty in managing emotional reactions and internalized anger.[90] A 2011 clinical study found that comfort women are more prone to showing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even 60 years after the end of the war.[91]

慰安婦は、女性と第二次世界大戦中に日本の帝国によって作成された売春隊に強制的に女の子だった。名称「慰安婦」はianfuは(慰安妇) [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Ianfuの意味「娼婦( S ) 」である松風のための婉曲表現(娼妇)で日本名の翻訳である。 [ 3 ]

推定値は、いくつかの日本の学者〜20000程度の低いから[ 4 ]いくつかの中国の学者から41万、と高くまでの数字で、多くの女性が関与したかのように変化[ 5 ]が、正確な数字はまだ調査され、議論されています。女性の多くは、韓国、中国、フィリピンからのものであった[ 6 ]ビルマ、タイ、ベトナム、マレーシア、台湾、インドネシア、他の日本の占領地域からの女性が軍の「慰安所」に使用していたが。ステーションは、日本、中国、フィリピン、インドネシア、そしてマラヤ、タイ、ビルマ、ニューギニア、香港、マカオ、およびフランス領インドシナ。 [7]オランダとオーストラリアからヨーロッパ起源の女性の数が少ないにも関与していたに位置していた。

証言によると、日本帝国制御下の国の若い女性が自宅から拉致された。多くの場合、女性にも工場やレストランでの仕事の約束に魅了された。一度募集し、女性は外国では「慰安所」に監禁された[ 8 ]



彼女、彼女の母親や姉妹だけでなく、他のオランダ人女性と子どもの数千をAmbarawaに日本軍によって抑留された直前に取らヤン·ラフO'Herneのスタジオの肖像、 。次のヶ月の間に、 O'Herneは、他の6つのオランダ人の女性と一緒に、繰り返し日本の軍人で、昼と夜をレイプした[ 9 ]
日本軍の軍事的対応が慰安所を促進する目的は、日本軍の担当者が犯した強姦犯罪の防止であり、したがって占有面積での人々の間で敵意の上昇を防止することを示している。 [ 4 ]

日本での売春のよく組織され、オープンな性質を考えると、それは日本軍に奉仕するために組織売春が必要であることなどの論理見られた。 [ 10 ]日本軍は日本兵によって性病疾患やレイプを防ぐために慰安所を設立、兵士たちに快適さを提供し、スパイ活動を阻止するために。慰安所は、しかし、最初の2つの問題が、実際の解決策はありませんでした。日本の歴史家義明吉見によると、彼らは問題を悪化させ。吉見は「日本軍は、兵士の沸騰不満が暴動や反乱に爆発する可能性が最も恐れていた。それは女性に与えている理由である」と主張している[ 11 ]

最初の「慰安所」は1932年に上海で日本の譲歩に設立されました。以前の慰安婦は、そのようなサービスのために志願し、日本の売春婦だった。日本が軍事拡大を続けしかし、軍は日本人ボランティアの自体は短い発見し、これらの局で勤務し、女性を強制するために地元住民になった。 [ 12 ]多くの女性は、工場労働者や看護師としての仕事を求める声に応えて、やった彼らは性的奴隷にプレスされていたことを知らない。 [ 13 ]

戦争の初期段階では、日本の当局は、従来の手段を通じて売春婦を募集した。都市部では、仲介者を通じて、従来の広告は、誘拐と一緒に使用した。仲買人は、日本と韓国、台湾、満州、中国、日本植民地内を循環する新聞の広告に掲載。これらのソースはすぐに、特に日本から、干上がっ。 [ 14 ]外務省は、それが日本の帝国のイメージを傷つけ。 [ 15 ]軍が本土外で慰安婦を取得するに転じ感じ、日本の売春婦のための旅行ビザのさらなる発行に抵抗特に韓国から日本、そして中国を占領した。多くの女性が軍の売春宿に参加するようにだまさまたは詐取された。 [ 16 ]

戦争が進むにつれて状況が悪化した。戦争の努力のひずみの下では、軍は日本軍ユニットに十分な物資を提供することができないとなった。対応して、単位が地元の人から物資を要求するか、略奪で違いを作りました。フロントラインに沿って、特に仲買人はまれであった田舎で、軍は、多くの場合、直接地元の指導者が、売春宿のために女性の調達を要求した。地元の人々 、特に中国は、敵対的とみなされた場合には、日本兵が無差別に誘拐や地元民間人を強姦を含んでいた「三オールズ方針」を、実施しました。 [ 17 ]

ビルマの20慰安婦へのインタビューの第二次情報の米国オフィスレポートでは、少女たちがお金をたくさん、家族の借金、簡単な作業を完済する機会との新生活の見通しの提供によって誘導されたことがわかった新しい土地、シンガポール。これらの偽の表現に基づいて多くの女の子は、海外任務のために入隊し、数百円の進歩で報われた。 [ 18 ]

4月17日に、 2007年義明吉見博文林(例えばTokkeitai (海軍憲兵)として帝国軍は、その父親強制女性がKenpeitaiを攻撃したことを示唆している7公式文書の東京裁判のアーカイブ内の発見を、発表しました陸軍の軍事警察は) 、中国、インドシナ、インドネシアの前線売春宿で動作するように。これらの文書は、最初は戦争犯罪裁判で公開された。これらのいずれかでは、中尉は売春宿を組織したし、それを自分自身を使用したことに告白したと伝えられている。別のソースは、路上で逮捕された女性を持つTokkeitaiのメンバーを参照し、強制健康診断の後、売春宿にそれらを置く。 [ 19 ]

12日、2007年5月ジャーナリスト太一郎Kajimuraはマゲランでの1944年の強制質量売春事件の証拠として、東京裁判所に提出された30オランダ政府文書の発見を発表しました。 [ 20 ]

韓国政府が慰安婦を募集するために2007年9月に親日協力者( chinilpa )などのペ·ジョンJAを指定された。 [ 21 ] [ 22 ]

公式ドキュメントの欠如は、戦争犯罪及び国家の最高指導者の戦争責任は終了時に日本政府の命令で破壊されたに関連する事項に係る材料の膨大な量として、慰安婦の総数の推定が困難になっている戦争が。 [ 23 ]歴史家は、女性の数に特定の領域での兵士の数の比だけでなく、女性の所得代替率を見てを示す資料を生き残っを見ることによって、様々な推計に到着した。 [ 24 ]オープンに問題を持ち出しトピックに関する最初の学術的研究を行った歴史家義明吉見は、数50,000 〜200,000の間であると推定している。 [ 4 ]

これらの推定値に基づいて、最も国際的なメディアソースは、約200,000人の若い女性が募集さや日本軍売春宿で奉仕するために兵士が誘拐された引用。 BBCは「30万20万を」引用し国際法律家委員会は、引用符「 100,000 200,000への女性の歴史家の推定値を。 」 [ 25 ]

バッファロー教授芳子野崎やその他のソースのニューヨーク州立大学によると、女性の大半は、韓国や中国からのものであった。 [ 26 ] [ 27 ]中央大学教授義明吉見として20万人、日本は約2,000のセンターがあったと述べ、中国語、韓国語、フィリピン語、台湾語、ビルマ語、インドネシア語、オランダとオーストラリアの女性が抑留された[ 28 ] Ikuhiko秦、日本大学の教授は、ライセンス歓楽街で働く女性の数が少ない2万だったと推定し、その彼ら他の人が残りの30%を構成すると40% 、日本20% 、韓国人10% 、中国であった。秦によると、日本では政府規制の売春婦の総数は17万第二次世界大戦の間にあった。 [ 29 ]その他フィリピン、台湾、オランダ領東インド、および他の日本の占領国と地域から来ました。 [ 30 ]いくつかのアジアにおけるオランダの植民地で捕獲オランダ人女性は、性的奴隷として強制された。 [ 31 ]

1940から性病治療のための帝国軍の医療記録のさらなる分析では、吉見は治療を受けた女性の割合は、全慰安婦の人口の一般的な構成を反映した場合、韓国人女性は、中国の36% 、日本の12.2%を51.8パーセントを占めていることを結論した。 [ 11 ]

オランダ政府の研究では、日本軍自体はオランダ領東インドに力で女性を募集した方法を説明しました。 [ 32 ]それは、日本軍の売春宿で働く200から300のヨーロッパの女性の間で、 「いくつかの65が最も確かに売春を強制されたと結論付けた」[ 33 ]その他、難民キャンプでの飢餓に直面し、食品や仕事に対する支払いの申し出に合意した、の性質は完全に彼らに明らかにされていませんでした。 [ 34 ] [ 35 ] [ 36 ] [ 37 ] [ 38 ]

現在までのところ、唯一の日本人女性は、彼女の証言を公開しています。これは、台湾で昭和の兵士のために働くことを余儀なくかつての「慰安婦」は、鈴子城田のペンネームで彼女の回顧録を出版1971年に行われた。 [ 39 ]

慰安婦の約4分の3が死亡し、ほとんどの生存者が原因の性外傷や性感染症に不妊のままにした。 [ 40 ]日本兵安治金子による。 「女性が叫んだが、女性が住んでいたか死んだかどうか、それが私たちには関係ありませんでした。私たちは、皇帝の兵士だった。どうか、軍の売春宿や村で、我々は不本意ずにレイプ。 」 [ 41 ]殴打および物理的な拷問だった一般的であると述べた[ 42 ]修正主義日本の歴史家Ikuhiko秦は、彼が1937年の南京大虐殺について証言以来、金子の証言がfalseであるが、彼は1940年まで陸軍ではなかったと主張している。 [ 43 ]

テンオランダの女性は1944年2月の強制性奴隷になるために日本軍の将校で、Javaで捕虜収容所からの力によって撮影された。彼らは体系的に、いわゆる「慰安所」に昼と夜を殴られレイプされた[ 42 ] [ 44 ]事件の犠牲者として、 1990年には、ヤン·ラフ· O'Herneは下院委員会の米下院に証言した。 :

「多くの物語は、日本の捕虜収容所のオランダ人の女性の恐怖、残虐、苦しみや飢餓について言われているが、 1話は第二次世界大戦中に日本が犯した最悪の人権侵害の中で最も恥ずべき話、言ったことなかった。 「慰安婦」 、 jugunのianfu 、およびこれらの女性を強制的に日本軍のために性的サービスを提供するために、自分の意思に反して摘発されたか。いわゆる「慰安所」で、私は、体系的に殴られ、日をレイプしたのストーリーと夜でさえ日本の医者は私に、彼は性病のために私達を検査するために売春宿を訪問するたびにレイプ。 」 [ 42 ] [ 44 ]
売春宿での彼らの最初の朝には、ヤン·ルフ· O'Herne他人の写真を撮影し、これらの写真から選択することになり、日本人材のレセプションエリアとしたベランダに置かれ。次の4ヶ月の間に女の子が中絶を持っていることを強制妊娠した人たちで、昼と夜をレイプし、殴打された。 4悲惨ヶ月後、少女たちは彼らが彼らの家族と再会した西ジャワでは、ボゴールでのキャンプに移動しました。このキャンプは軍の売春宿に置かれていた女性専用で、日本人は誰もが彼らに何が起こったのか言ったら、彼らとその家族が殺されることを受刑者に警告した。数ヵ月後O'Hernesは1945年8月15日に解放されたバタビアでのキャンプに移された。 [ 45 ] [ 46 ] [ 47 ]

関係する日本の将校が戦争の終わりに日本の当局による何らかの罰を受けた。 [ 48 ]の終戦後、 11日本の役員はバタビア戦争刑事裁判所で死刑を宣告された1人の兵士との有罪判決を受けた。 [ 48 ]裁判所の決定は、料金が違反レイプ人たちだけの自主的、女性を雇用する陸軍のためにあることがわかった。東ティモールから[ 48 ]被害者は、彼らが月経開始したのに十分な年齢ではなかった場合でも、彼らは奴隷に強制されたと証言した。裁判所の証言を遵守することを拒否した人たちが実行している間、これらの思春期前の少女たちが繰り返し日本兵[ 49 ]にレイプされたと述べている。 [ 50 ] [ 51 ]

ハンクネルソン、オーストラリア国立大学のアジア太平洋研究部門の名誉教授は、第二次世界大戦中ラバウル、パプアニューギニアで日本軍が経営する売春宿について書かれています。彼はゴードン·トーマス、ラバウルでの捕虜の日記から引用している。トーマスは売春宿で働く女性は「最も可能性の高い25から35 、男性一日を提供」し、彼らがいたことと書いて「イエロー奴隷貿易の犠牲者」[ 52 ]

ネルソンはまた健太郎井草、ラバウルに駐留した日本海軍の外科医からの引用。井草は、彼らはしかし、女性は、感染症や重度の不快感を介して動作し続けていることを彼の回顧録に書いた「泣いて助けを懇願した。 」 [ 52 ]

第二次世界大戦中、昭和政権は韓国、大東亜共栄圏の他の部分に設立されたものと同様の売春システムに実装。韓国のエージェント、韓国Kempeitai (憲兵)や軍の助が慰安婦の調達や組織に関与し、そのサービスを利用し行われた。 [ 53 ]チョン曲パックは、日本統治下の韓国人が主役のように完全に文化変容になった」ことを発見「植民地国家が自分たちの国に移植した公娼制度において。 [54]


連合軍は「慰安婦」だけでなく、日本の兵士を撮影し、それらに関する報告書を公表した。 1944年に、米国陸軍の質問器」は「快適さの女の子が「兵士の利益のために日本軍に添付売春婦や「専門的なキャンプフォロワー」に過ぎない。 」と報告し[ 55 ]レポートでは、彼らは"継続彼らの食べ物や材料が重く配給及びそれらが所望の記事を購入するためにお金をたくさん持っていなかったためによく住んでいた。ビルマで、彼らがスポーツに参加することによって自分自身を楽しませている間彼らは··· 、靴、タバコ、および化粧品の布を購入することができました将兵、および出席ピクニック、娯楽、および社会的なディナーの両方でイベントが。彼らは蓄音機を持っていて、町で彼らは買い物に行くことができました。 "[ 55 ] [ 56 ]韓国では、朝鮮戦争中および後に、別の「慰安所」は、UN /米国のために維持されたそして韓国の兵士。女性は「西洋のプリンセス」だけでなく、 「慰安婦」 ( wianbu )と呼ばれていました。 [ 57 ]


1973年にKakou千田という男は、慰安婦制度についての本を書きましたが、日本の参加者に焦点を当てた。彼の本は、広く日本と韓国の歴史学者の両方で事実を歪曲として批判されている。 [ 58 ]これは、慰安婦制度の戦後初の言及だった問題で、1990年代の行動のための重要な源となった。 [ 59 ]

1974年に韓国の映画スタジオは、慰安婦と日本兵を搭載し、 Chonggun Wianbuと呼ばれる大人の映画、 「女性のボランティア隊」を作りました。慰安婦をテーマに韓国語で書かれた最初の本は1981年に登場した。それは在日著者金日成北面による1976年日本の本の盗作だった。 [ 60 ] [ 61 ]

1989年には、誠治吉田の証言は、韓国に翻訳された。彼の本は、日本語と韓国語のジャーナリストが詐欺として暴かが、その出版後、人々の数は、日本兵によって誘拐を証明進み出た。 1996年には、吉田が最終的に彼の回顧録が架空だったと認めた。

複数の証言次の1993年の河野文は、その強制が関与していたと主張発行されました。 [ 62 ]しかし、 2007年には、日本政府は「証拠が日本軍や軍当局が力で女性を押収したことを見られなかった、閣議決定しました。 " [ 63 ] [ 64 ]


ラングーン、ビルマ。 1945年8月8日。旧日本軍の「慰安大隊」の1にあった若い中国人女性が連合軍の将校からインタビューされる。
1965年、日本政府は戦争賠償のために韓国政府に3.64億ドルを授与されました。慰安婦は当時の韓国では知られていなかったので、日本は慰安婦に怪我のために報いるしませんでした。 [ 65 ] 1994年、日本政府は韓国に追加報酬を配布するためにアジア女性基金( AWF )を設定、フィリピン、台湾、オランダ、インドネシアが。 [66]各生存が日本の総理大臣として「述べ、その後、村山首相の署名入りの謝罪を備えていた、私は、このように新たに私の最も誠実な謝罪と反省を拡張計り知れないほどの痛みを伴う経験を受け、慰安婦として難病心身の傷を負った。 「すべての女性は、 [ 67 ]はしかし、多くの元慰安婦が原因女性のための韓国語協議会として知られている非政府組織からの圧力補償を拒否された日本、または「 Chongdaehyop 「軍事慰安婦のために起草され、ためにメディアの圧力。 142他の人が韓国政府から資金を受けながら、最終的には、 11の元慰安婦は、署名した謝罪と一緒にアジア女性基金から資金を受け入れた。 [ 68 ] [ 69 ]ファンドは2007年3月31日に解散した。 [ 70 ]

三つの韓国人女性は、強制売春のための補償を要求して、真珠湾攻撃50周年の頃、 12月、 1991年に日本で訴訟を提起した。 1992年には、これらは、米国軍によって返されたとき1958年以来、保存されていた文書は、軍が婉曲日本の自衛隊庁の図書館で発見された「慰安所」と呼ばれていたものを動作させる際に大きな役割を果たしたことを示した。日本政府は、日本軍が第二次世界大戦中に日本軍とセックスがし十韓国人女性の何千もの強制ことを認めた。 [ 71 ] 1992年1月14日、日本のチーフ政府報道官加藤紘一我々は否定することはできません」という公式の謝罪を発行しました「旧日本軍は、慰安女の子「拉致や拘留中の「役割を果たした」と「私達は私達の謝罪と悔恨の意を表したいと思いこと。 [ 71 ] [ 72 ] [ 73 ]三日後1992年1月17日にで韓国の大統領泰愚、日本の宮沢首相によって与えられた夕食は、彼のホストを言った: 「私たち日本人は、何よりもまず日本のアクション民を苦しみと悲しみを与えたときに我々は忘れてはならないという悲劇的な時代の真実を思い出す必要があります。この上の後悔の気持ちは日本の総理大臣として、私はこれらの行為で新たに私の自責の念を宣言し、韓国の人々に私の謝罪を入札したいと思います。 "そして韓国の国会前のスピーチで、次の日、再び謝罪した。 [ 74 ] [ 75 ] 1998年4月28日には、日本の裁判所は政府が女性に補償しなければならないとの判決を下し、それらに米2300ドル( 2013年3294ドル)をそれぞれ授与されました。 [76]

2007年には存続の性奴隷は、日本政府からの謝罪を求めていました。安倍晋三、当時の首相は、日本政府は、日本政府がすでに1993年の売春宿の使用を認めていたにもかかわらず、性奴隷を保管していましたという証拠がなかったこと、 2007年3月1日に述べた。 3月27日に日本の国会は公式の謝罪を発行した。 [ 77 ]

日本の歴史家と日本大学教授、 Ikuhiko秦は慰安婦の数は万と20,000の間でより多くの可能性が高いと推定している。 [ 4 ]秦は慰安婦のいずれも強制的に動員されなかったと書いている。 [ 78 ]

一部の日本の政治家は、元慰安婦の証言は、それが無効なこと、一貫性がなく、信頼性がないと主張してきた。 [ 79 ]大阪市長と民族主義日本明治維新党、橋本徹の共同リーダーで、最初に証拠がない」ことを維持しながら、その慰安婦と呼ばれる人々は[日本]軍による暴力や脅威に奪われた[ 81 ]まだ第二次世界大戦中に彼らの役割を正当化する、 "彼らの意思に反して」 、 [ 80 ]彼は後で彼の立場は、彼らが慰安婦になったと主張する改変された」兵士たちは「残りを持っている」ことができるように、 [ 81 ] 。 、 「必要」として、

漫画本、ネオGomanism宣言スペシャル - 日本の著者小林よしのりによる台湾では、日本兵の前に義務のためにサインアップするに並ぶ着物姿の女性を描いている。小林の本は何人の女性が機能するよう強制されず、コンドームの使用が必須であったため、彼らは定期的に売春婦に比べて、より衛生的な条件で働いていることをされたと述べている台湾の実業市ウェン·ロングインタビューが含まれています。 [ 82 ]

初期の2001年にNHKを含む論争がありました。日本の軍事慰安婦に関する女性の国際戦犯法廷の報道になるはずだったものを大きく修正主義見解を反映するように編集された。 [ 83 ]

毎週水曜日、生きている慰安婦、女性団体、社会市民団体、宗教団体、そして個人の数は、のために起草女性のための「韓国協議会主催、ソウルの日本大使館の前で「水曜デモ」に参加日本による軍事慰安婦( KCWDMSS ) 」 。これは、最初の日本の総理大臣、宮沢は、韓国を訪問した1992年1月8日、開催されました。 2011年12月では、若い女性の銅像が毎週「水曜日のデモ」の千日に、慰安婦を称えるために建てられた。 [ 84 ]日本政府は繰り返し、像がダウンしているため、韓国政府に要請しているしかし、それは不可能であった。 [ 84 ] 2012年6月には、二人の日本人過激派は、彫像に道標( 35 )が90センチ結んだ。道標は韓国で独島として知られている係争中の小島である竹島を参照すると、 「「竹島」は日本の領土である」をお読みください。 [ 85 ] 2012年10月には、ニュージャージー州の慰安婦追悼は、米国も同様に破壊された[ 86 ] 2013年に慰安婦を称える銅像がグレンデール、カリフォルニア州で発表された。 [ 87 ]

共有のハウスは慰安婦を生活のために家である。共有の家は仏教組織や様々な社会市民団体が提起し、それが1998年に京畿北道、韓国に移動したファンドを通じて1992年6月に設立されました。共有の家は慰安婦の日本軍の残忍な虐待についての真実を広めるために子孫や国民を教育するために「日本軍性奴隷博物館」が含まれている。 [ 88 ]

65 Wongdang里Twoichon -みょん、光州京畿、京畿北道、 464から840 、韓国

生存者の中には、カン·ドクス·ウンギョン、キム·スンドクとイ· Nyeoは、また、アジア系アメリカ人のメディア、大シルキム·ギブソン、センター長が作られ、ビジュアルアーカイブとしての図面を通じて、個人的な歴史を保存慰安婦映像アーカイブ、大学レベルの学生を通じて、K- 12のためのドキュメンタリー映画。フェミニストのビジュアルやビデオアーカイブは、被害者と公衆の間で連帯の場を推進してきました。それは、年齢、性別、国境、国籍、そしてイデオロギーにもかかわらず、人々を一緒にさせることで、女性の尊厳と人権の教育と学習のための生きているサイトを務めている。 [ 89 ]


戦争の余波で、女性が軍の売春宿で働いている間、彼らが経験したことが物理的および精神的な虐待の発作を思い出した。ロールシャッハ·テストでは、女性は、感情的な反応や内面化怒りを管理することが困難で歪んだ認識を示した。 [ 90 ] 2011年の臨床研究では、慰安婦が心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD )の症状を示すになりやすいことがわかった、でも60年後終戦。 [ 91 ]
Ianfu wa, josei to dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni Nihon no teikoku ni yotte sakusei sa reta baishun-tai ni kyōsei-teki ni on'nanokodatta. Meishō `ianfu' wa ianfu wa (ian 妇 ) [1 ] [2 ] Ianfu no imi `shōfu (S )'dearu matsukaze no tame no enkyoku hyōgen ( 娼妇 ) De Nihon-mei no hon'yakudearu. [3 ] Suitei-chi wa, ikutsu ka no Nihon no gakusha 〜 20000 teido no hikuikara [4 ] ikutsu ka no Chūgoku no gakusha kara 41 man, to takaku made no sūji de, ōku no josei ga kan'yo shita ka no yō ni henka [5 ] ga, seikakuna sūji wa mada chōsa sa re, giron sa rete imasu. Josei no ōku wa, Kankoku, Chūgoku, Firipin kara no monodeatta [6 ] Biruma, Tai, Betonamu, marēshia, Taiwan, Indoneshia, hoka no Nihon no senryō chiiki kara no josei ga gun no `ian-sho' ni shiyō shite itaga. Sutēshon wa, Nihon, Chūgoku, Firipin, Indoneshia, soshite maraya, Tai, Biruma, nyūginia, Honkon, Makao, oyobi furansuryōindoshina. [7 ] Oranda to ōsutoraria kara yōroppa kigen no josei no kazu ga sukunai ni mo kan'yo shite ita ni ichi shite ita . Shōgen ni yoru to, Nihon teikoku seigyo-ka no kuni no wakai josei ga jitaku kara rachi sa reta. Ōku no baai, josei ni mo kōjō ya resutoran de no shigoto no yakusoku ni miryō sa reta. Ichido boshū shi, josei wa gaikokude wa `ian-sho' ni kankin sa reta [8 ] Mokuji [hi hyōji] Ianfu seido no 1 no kakuritsu 1. 1 Nippongun baishun 1. 1. 1 Gaiyō 1. 1. 2 Kōki no ākaibu kara no toiawase to toraiaru Ianfu no 1. 2 Sū Gensan kuni 1. 3 Ianfu no 1. 4 Chiryō 1. 5 Kankoku Mondai no 2 rekishi 2. 1 Shazai to hoshō 2. 2 Ronsō Ianfu no 2. 3 Seizon-sha 2. 3. 1 Suiyōbi demonsutorēshon Kyōyū suru 2. 3. 2 Hausu Ianfu ni yoru 2. 3. 3 Ākaibu 3 Kenkō kanren no mondai Moto ianfu no 4 ichiran 5 Mo sanshō shite kudasai 6 Sanshō 7 Gaibu rinku Ianfu shisutemu [henshū] no setsuritsu Kyōsei-teki ni guntai no tame no `ian joshi to shite dōsa suru yō ni, Nihon de Penan kara torare, Chūgoku to marē no on'nanoko Kanojo, kanojo no hahaoya ya shimai dakedenaku, hoka no Oranda hito josei to kodomo no sūsen o Ambarawa ni nippongun ni yotte yokuryū sa reta chokuzen ni tora Yan· rafu O' Herne no sutajio no shōzō,. Tsugi no-kagetsu no ma ni, O' Herne wa, hoka no muttsu no Oranda hito no josei to issho ni, kurikaeshi Nihon no gunjin de, hiru to yoru o reipu shita [9 ] Nippongun baishun [henshū] Nippongun no gunji-teki taiō ga ian-sho o sokushin suru mokuteki wa, nippongun no tantōsha ga okashita gōkan hanzai no bōshideari, shitagatte sen'yū menseki de no hitobito no ma de tekii no jōshō o bōshi suru koto o shimeshite iru. [4 ] Nihon de no baishun no yoku soshiki sa re, ōpun'na seishitsu o kangaeru to, soreha nippongun ni hōshi suru tame ni soshiki baishun ga hitsuyōdearu koto nado no ronri mi rareta. [10] Nippongun wa nipponhei ni yotte seibyō shikkan ya reipu o fusegu tame ni ian-sho o setsuritsu , Heishi-tachi ni kaiteki-sa o teikyō shi, supai katsudō o soshi suru tame ni. Ian-sho wa, shikashi, saisho no 2tsu no mondai ga, jissai no kaiketsusaku wa arimasendeshita. Nihon'norekishi-ka Yoshiaki Yoshimi ni yoru to, karera wa mondai o akka sa se. Yoshimi wa `nippongun wa, heishi no futtō fuman ga bōdō ya hanran ni bakuhatsu suru kanōsei ga mottomo osorete ita. Sore wa josei ni ataete iru riyūdearu' to shuchō shite iru [11] Gaiyō [henshū] Saisho no `ian-sho' wa 1932-nen ni Shanhai de Nihon no jōho ni setsuritsu sa remashita. Izen no ianfu wa, sono yōna sābisu no tame ni shigan shi, Nihon no baishunpudatta. Nihon ga gunji kakudai o tsudzuke shikashi,-gun wa nihonjin borantia no jitai wa mijikai hakken shi, korera no kyoku de kinmu shi, josei o kyōsei suru tame ni jimoto jūmin ni natta. [12] Ōku no josei wa, kōjō rōdō-sha ya kankoshi to shite no shigoto o motomeru koe ni kotaete, yatta Karera wa seiteki dorei ni puresu sa rete ita koto o shiranai. [13] Sensō no shoki dankaide wa, Nihon no tōkyoku wa, jūrai no shudan o tsūjite baishunpu o boshū shita. Toshi-bude wa, chūkai-sha o tsūjite, jūrai no kōkoku wa, yūkai to issho ni shiyō shita. Nakagainin wa, Nihon to Kankoku, Taiwan, Manshū, Chūgoku, Nihon shokuminchi-nai o junkan suru shinbun no kōkoku ni keisai. Korera no sōsu wa sugu ni, tokuni Nihon kara, hiaga~tsu. [14] Gaimushō wa, sore ga Nihon no teikoku no imēji o kizutsuke. [15]-Gun ga hondo-gai de ianfu o shutoku suru ni tenji kanji, Nihon no baishunpu no tame no ryokō biza no saranaru hakkō ni teikō Tokuni Kankoku kara Nihon, soshite Chūgoku o senryō shita. Ōku no josei ga gun no baishun yado ni sanka suru yō ni damasa matawa sashu sa reta. [16] Sensō ga susumu ni tsurete jōkyō ga akka shita. Sensō no doryoku no hizumi no motode wa,-gun wa nippongun yunitto ni jūbun'na busshi o teikyō suru koto ga dekinai to natta. Taiō shite, tan'i ga jimoto no hito kara busshi o yōkyū suru ka, ryakudatsu de chigai o tsukurimashita. Furonto rain ni sotte, tokuni nakagainin wa maredeatta inaka de,-gun wa, ōku no baai, chokusetsu jimoto no shidō-sha ga, baishun yado no tame ni josei no chōtatsu o yōkyū shita. Jimoto no hitobito, tokuni Chūgoku wa, tekitai-teki to minasa reta baai ni wa, nipponhei ga musabetsu ni yūkai ya jimoto minkan hito o gōkan o fukunde ita `san ōruzu hōshin' o, jisshi shimashita. [17] Biruma no 20 ianfu e no intabyū no dainiji jōhō no Beikoku ofisurepōtode wa, shōjo-tachi ga okane o takusan, kazoku no shakkin, kantan'na sagyō o kansai suru kikai to no shin seikatsu no mitōshi no teikyō ni yotte yūdō sa reta koto ga wakatta Atarashī tochi, shingapōru. Korera no nise no hyōgen ni motodzuite ōku no on'nanoko wa, kaigai ninmu no tame ni nyūtai shi, sū hyaku-en no shinpo de mukuwa reta. [18] Kōhan no ākaibu kara no toiawase ya saiban [henshū] 4 Tsuki 17-nichi ni, 2007-nen Yoshiaki Yoshimi Hirofumi Hayashi (tatoeba Tokkeitai (kaigun kenpei) to shite teikoku-gun wa, sono chichioya kyōsei josei ga Kenpeitai o kōgeki shita koto o shisa shite iru 7 kōshiki bunsho no Tōkyō saiban no ākaibu-nai no hakken o, happyō shimashita Rikugun no gunjikeisatsu wa), Chūgoku, Indoshina, Indoneshia no zensen baishun yado de dōsa suru yō ni. Korera no bunsho wa, saisho wa sensō hanzai saiban de kōkai sa reta. Korera no izurekade wa, chūi wa baishun yado o soshiki shitashi, sore o jibun jishin o shiyō shita koto ni kokuhaku shita to tsutae rarete iru. Betsu no sōsu wa, rojō de taiho sa reta josei o motsu Tokkeitai no menbā o sanshō shi, kyōsei kenkōshinda no ato, baishun yado ni sorera o oku. [19] 12-Nichi, 2007-nen 5 tsuki jānarisuto Taichirō Kajimura wa mageran de no 1944-nen no kyōsei shitsuryō baishun jiken no shōko to shite, Tōkyō saibansho ni teishutsu sa reta 30 Oranda seifu bunsho no hakken o happyō shimashita. [20] Kankoku seifu ga ianfu o boshū suru tame ni 2007-nen 9 tsuki ni shin'nichi kyōryoku-sha (chinilpa) nado no pe· Jon JA o shitei sa reta. [21] [22] Ianfu no kazu [henshū] Kōshiki dokyumento no ketsujo wa, sensō hanzai oyobi kokka no saikōshidō-sha no sensō sekinin wa shūryō-ji ni nipponseifu no meirei de hakai sa reta ni kanren suru jikō ni kakaru zairyō no bōdaina ryō to shite, ianfu no sōsū no suitei ga kon'nan ni natte iru Sensō ga. [23] Rekishiya wa, josei no kazu ni tokutei no ryōiki de no heishi no kazu no hi dakedenaku, josei no shotoku daitai-ritsu o mite o shimesu shiryō o ikinoko~tsu o miru koto ni yotte, samazamana suikei ni tōchaku shita. [24] Ōpun ni mondai o mochidashi topikku ni kansuru saisho no gakujutsu-teki kenkyū o okonatta rekishi-ka Yoshiaki Yoshimi wa, sū 50, 000 〜 200, 000 no madearu to suitei shite iru. [4 ] Korera no suitei-chi nimotozuite, mottomo kokusai-tekina mediasōsu wa, yaku 200, 000-ri no wakai josei ga boshū-sa ya nippongun baishun yado de hōshi suru tame ni heishi ga yūkai sa reta in'yō. BBC wa `30 man 20 man o' in'yō shi kokusaihōritsukaiinkai wa, in'yō fu `100, 000 200, 000 e no josei no rekishiya no suitei-chi o. ' [25] Gensan-koku [henshū] Baffarō kyōju Yoshiko Nozaki ya sonohoka no sōsu no nyūyōku shūritsu daigaku ni yoru to, josei no taihan wa, Kankoku ya Chūgoku kara no monodeatta. [26] [27] Chūōdaigaku kyōju Yoshiaki Yoshimi to shite 20 man-ri, Nihon wa yaku 2, 000 no sentā ga atta to nobe , Chūgokugo, Kankoku-go, Firipin-go, Taiwan-go, Biruma-go, Indoneshia-go, Oranda to ōsutoraria no josei ga yokuryū sa reta [28] Ikuhiko Hata, Nihon daigaku no kyōju wa, raisensu kanrakugai de hatarakujosei no kazu ga sukunai 2 mandatta to suitei shi, sono karera Hokanohito ga nokori no 30-pāsento o kōsei suruto 40-pāsento, Nihon 20-pāsento, kangokujin 10-pāsento, Chūgokudeatta. Hata ni yoru to, Nihonde wa seifu kisei no baishunpu no sōsū wa 17 man dainijisekaitaisen no ma ni atta. [29] Sonohoka Firipin, Taiwan, orandaryōhigashiindo, oyobi hoka no Nihon no senryō-koku to chiiki kara kimashita. [30] Ikutsu ka no Ajia ni okeru Oranda no shokuminchi de hokaku Oranda hito josei wa,-sei-teki dorei to shite kyōsei sa reta. [31] 1940 Kara seibyō chiryō no tame no teikoku-gun no iryō kiroku no saranaru bunsekide wa, Yoshimi wa chiryō o uketa josei no wariai wa, zen ianfu no jinkō no ippantekina kōsei o han'ei shita baai, kangokujin josei wa, Chūgoku no 36-pāsento, Nihon no 12. 2-Pāsento o 51. 8 Pāsento o shimete iru koto o ketsuron shita. [11] Oranda seifu no kenkyūde wa, nippongun jitai wa orandaryōhigashiindo ni chikara de josei o boshū shita hōhō o setsumei shimashita. [32] Sore wa, nippongun no baishun yado de hataraku 200 kara 300 no yōroppa no josei no ma de, `ikutsu ka no 65 ga mottomo tashika ni baishun o kyōsei sa reta to ketsuron tsuketa '[33] Sonota, nanmin kyanpude no kiga ni chokumen shi, shokuhin ya shigoto ni taisuru shiharai no mōshide ni gōi shita, no seishitsu wa kanzen ni karera ni akiraka ni sa rete imasendeshita. [34] [35] [36] [37] [38 ] Genzai made no tokoro, yuiitsu no nipponjinjosei wa, kanojo no shōgen o kōkai shite imasu. Kore wa, Taiwan de Shōwa no heishi no tame ni hataraku koto o yoginaku katsute no `ianfu' wa, suzuko Shirota no pen'nēmu de kanojo no kaiko-roku o shuppan 1971-nen ni okonawa reta. [39] Ianfu no chiryō [henshū] Ianfu no yaku 4-bun'no 3 ga shibō shi, hotondo no seizon-sha ga gen'in no sei gaishō ya sei kansen-shō ni funin no mama ni shita. [40] Nipponhei Yasuji Kaneko ni yoru. `Josei ga sakendaga, josei ga sunde ita ka shinda ka dō ka, sore ga watashitachi ni wa kankei arimasendeshita. Watashitachiha, kōtei no heishidatta. Dō ka,-gun no baishun yado ya mura de, wareware wa fuhon'izu ni reipu. ' [41] Ōda oyobi butsuri-tekina gōmondatta Ippan-tekidearu to nobeta [42] shūsei shugi nihon'norekishi-ka Ikuhiko Hata wa, kare ga 1937-nen no nankindaigyakusatsu ni tsuite shōgen irai, Kaneko no shōgen ga falsedearuga, kare wa 1940-nen made rikugunde wa nakatta to shuchō shite iru. [43] Ten'oranda no josei wa 1944-nen 2 tsuki no kyōsei seidorei ni naru tame ni nippongun no shōkō de, jawa de horyoshūyōjo kara no chikara ni yotte satsuei sa reta. Karera wa taikei-teki ni, iwayuru `ian-sho' ni hiru to yoru o nagura re reipu sa reta [42] [44] jiken no gisei-sha to shite, 1990-nen ni wa, Yan· rafu· O' Herne wa Kain iinkai no beikain ni shōgen shita. : `Ōku no monogatari wa, Nihon no horyoshūyōjo no Oranda hito no josei no kyōfu, zangyaku, kurushimi ya kiga ni tsuite iwa rete iruga, 1-wa wa dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni Nihon ga okashita saiaku no jinken shingai no naka de mottomo hazubeki hanashi, itta koto nakatta. `Ianfu' , jugun no ianfu, oyobi korera no josei o kyōsei-teki ni nippongun no tame ni seiteki sābisu o teikyō suru tame ni, jibun no ishi ni hanshite tekihatsu sa reta ka. Iwayuru `ian-sho' de, watashi wa, taikei-teki ni nagura re,-bi o reipu shita no sutōrī to Yorude sae Nihon no isha wa watashi ni, kare wa seibyō no tame ni watashitachi o kensa suru tame ni baishun yado o hōmon suru tabi ni reipu. ' [42] [44] Baishun yado de no karera no saisho no asa ni wa, Yan· rufu· O' Herne tanin no shashin o satsuei shi, korera no shashin kara sentaku suru koto ni nari, Nihon jinzai no resepushon eria to shita beranda ni oka re. Tsugi no 4kagetsu no ma ni on'nanoko ga chūzetsu o motte iru koto o kyōsei ninshin shita hito-tachi de, hiru to yoru o reipu shi, ōda sa reta. 4 Hisan kagetsugo, shōjo-tachi wa karera ga karera no kazoku to saikai shita Nishi Jawa dewa, bogōru de no kyanpu ni idō shimashita. Kono kyanpu wa gun no baishun yado ni oka rete ita josei sen'yō de, nihonjin wa daremoga karera ni nani ga okotta no ka ittara, karera to sono kazoku ga korosa reru koto o jukei-sha ni keikoku shita. Sūkagetsugo O' Hernes wa 1945-nen 8 tsuki 15-nichi ni kaihō sa reta batabia de no kyanpu ni utsusa reta. [45] [46] [47] Kankei suru Nihon no shōkō ga sensō no owari ni Nihon no tōkyoku ni yoru nanrakano batsu o uketa. [48] No shūsen-go, 11 Nihon no yakuin wa batabia sensō keiji saibansho de shikei o senkoku sa reta 1-ri no heishi to no uzaihanketsu o uketa. [48] Saibansho no kettei wa, ryōkin ga ihan reipu hito-tachi dake no jishu-teki, josei o koyō suru rikugun no tame ni aru koto ga wakatta. Azuma timōru kara [48] higaisha wa, karera ga gekkei kaishi shitanoni jūbun'na nenreide wa nakatta baai demo, karera wa dorei ni kyōsei sa reta to shōgen shita. Saibansho no shōgen o junshu suru koto o kyohi shita hito-tachi ga jikkō shite iru ma, korera no shishunki mae no shōjo-tachi ga kurikaeshi nipponhei [49] ni reipu sa reta to nobete iru. [50] [51] Hankuneruson, ōsutoraria kunitachidaigaku no ajiataiheiyō kenkyū bumon no meiyo kyōju wa, dainijisekaitaisen-chū Rabauru, papuanyūginia de nippongun ga keiei suru baishun yado ni tsuite kaka rete imasu. Kare wa gōdon· tōmasu, Rabauru de no horyo no nikki kara in'yō shite iru. Tōmasu wa baishun yado de hatarakujosei wa `mottomo kanōsei no takai 25 kara 35, dansei tsuitachi o teikyō' shi, karera ga ita koto to kaite `ierō dorei bōeki no gisei-sha'[52] Neruson wa mata Kentarō Igusa, Rabauru ni chūryū shita nipponkaigun no gekai kara no in'yō. Igusa wa, karera wa shikashi, josei wa, kansen-shō ya jūdo no fukai-kan o kaishite dōsa shi tsudzukete iru koto o kare no kaiko-roku ni kaita `naite tasuke o kongan shita. ' [52] Kankoku [henshū] Dainijisekaitaisen-chū, Shōwa seiken wa Kankoku, daitōakyōeiken no ta no bubun ni setsuritsu sa reta mono to dōyō no baishun shisutemu ni jissō. Kankoku no ējento, Kankoku Kempeitai (kenpei) ya gun no suke ga ianfu no chōtatsu ya soshiki ni kan'yo shi, sono sābisu o riyō shi okonawa reta. [53] Chon-kyoku pakku wa, Nihon tōchi-ka no kangokujin ga shuyaku no yō ni kanzen ni bunka hen'yō ni natta' koto o hakken `Shokuminchi kokka ga jibun-tachi no kuni ni ishoku shita kōshō seido ni oi te. [54] Mondai no rekishi [henshū] U~ikisōsu wa, kono kiji ni kanren shita orijinaru no tekisuto ga arimasu. Sensō jinmon hōkoku-sho 49 no Nihon no shūjin Rengō-gun wa `ianfu' dakedenaku, Nihon no heishi o satsuei shi, sorera ni kansuru hōkoku-sho o kōhyō shita. 1944-Nen ni, Beikoku rikugun no shitsumon-ki' wa `kaiteki-sa no on'nanoko ga `heishi no rieki no tame ni nippongun ni tenpu baishunpu ya `senmon-tekina kyanpuforowā' ni suginai. ' To hōkoku shi [55] repōtode wa, karera wa" keizoku Karera no tabemono ya zairyō ga omoku haikyū oyobi sorera ga shomō no kiji o kōnyū suru tame ni okane o takusan motte inakatta tame ni yoku sunde ita. Biruma de, karera ga supōtsu ni sanka suru koto ni yotte jibun jishin o tanoshima sete iru ma karera wa··· , kutsu, tabako, oyobi keshōhin no nuno o kōnyū suru koto ga dekimashita Shōhei, oyobi shusseki pikunikku, goraku, oyobi shakai-tekina dinā no ryōhō de ibento ga. Karera wa chikuonki o motte ite, machi de karera wa kaimono ni iku koto ga dekimashita. "[55] [56] Kankokude wa, chōsensensō-chū oyobi ato ni, Betsu no `ian-sho' wa, UN/ Beikoku no tame ni iji sa reta Soshite Kankoku no heishi. Josei wa `seiyō no purinsesu' dakedenaku, `ianfu' (wianbu) to yoba rete imashita. [57] Saigo no kyoku wa chōsensensō-go ni heisa sa reta toki ni ianfumondai no disukasshon wa arimasendeshita. Nihon to Kankoku no kokkō wa 1965-nen ni fukugen sa reta toki, soreha giron ni hairanakatta. 1973-Nen ni Kakou Senda to iu otoko wa, ianfu seido ni tsuite no hon o kakimashita ga, Nihon no sankasha ni shōten o ateta. Kare no hon wa, hiroku Nihon to kankokunorekishi gakusha no ryōhō de jijitsu o waikyoku to shite hihan sa rete iru. [58] Kore wa, ianfu seido no sengo-hatsu no genkyūdatta mondai de, 1990-nendai no kōdō no tame no jūyōna minamoto to natta. [59] 1974-Nen ni Kankoku no eiga sutajio wa, ianfu to nipponhei o tōsai shi, Chonggun Wianbu to yoba reru otona no eiga, `josei no borantia-tai' o tsukurimashita. Ianfu o tēma ni Kankoku-go de kaka reta saisho no hon wa 1981-nen ni tōjō shita. Sore wa zainichi chosha kimu iruson hokumen ni yoru 1976-nen Nihon no hon no tōsakudatta. [60] [61] 1989-Nen ni wa, Seiji Yoshida no shōgen wa, Kankoku ni hon'yaku sa reta. Kare no hon wa, nihongo to Kankoku-go no jānarisuto ga sagi to shite abaka ga, sono shuppan-go, hitobito no kazu wa, nipponhei ni yotte yūkai o shōmei susumideta. 1996-Nen ni wa, Yoshida ga saishūtekini kare no kaiko-roku ga kakūdatta to mitometa. Fukusū no shōgen-ji no 1993-nen no Kōno bun wa, sono kyōsei ga kan'yo shite ita to shuchō hakkō sa remashita. [62] Shikashi, 2007-nen ni wa, nipponseifu wa `shōko ga nippongun ya gun tōkyoku ga chikara de josei o ōshū shita koto o mi rarenakatta, kakugi kettei shimashita . " [63] [64] Shazai to hoshō [henshū] Rangūn, Biruma. 1945-Nen 8 tsuki 8-nichi. Kyūnihongun no `ian daitai' no 1 ni atta wakai chūgokujin josei ga rengō-gun no shōkō kara intabyū sa reru. 1965-Nen, nipponseifu wa sensō baishō no tame ni Kankoku seifu ni 3. 64 Oku-doru o juyo sa remashita. Ianfu wa tōji no Kankokude wa shira rete inakattanode, Nihon wa ianfu ni kega no tame ni mukuiru shimasendeshita. [65] 1994-Nen, nipponseifu wa Kankoku ni tsuika hōshū o haifu suru tame ni Ajia josei kikin (AWF) o settei , Firipin, Taiwan, Oranda, Indoneshia ga. [66] Kaku seizon ga Nihon no sōri daijin to shite `nobe, sonogo, Murayama shushō no shomei-iri no shazai o sonaete ita, watashi wa, kono yō ni arata ni watashi no mottomo seijitsuna shazai to hansei o kakuchō Hakarishirenai hodo no itami o tomonau keiken o uke, ianfu to shite nanbyō shinshin no kizu o otta. `Subete no josei wa, [67] wa shikashi, ōku no moto ianfu ga gen'in josei no tame no Kankoku-go kyōgi-kai to shite shira rete iru hiseifusoshiki kara no atsuryoku hoshō o kyohi sa reta Nihon, matawa `Chongdaehyop `gunji ianfu no tame ni kisō sa re, tame ni media no atsuryoku. 142 Hokanohito ga Kankoku seifu kara shikin o ukenagara, saishūtekini wa, 11 no moto ianfu wa, shomei shita shazai to issho ni Ajia josei kikin kara shikin o ukeireta. [68] [69] Fando wa 2007-nen 3 tsuki 31-nichi ni kaisan shita. [70] Mittsu no kangokujin josei wa, kyōsei baishun no tame no hoshō o yōkyū shite, shinjuwankōgeki 50-shūnen no koro, 12 tsuki, 1991-nen ni Nihon de soshō o teiki shita. 1992-Nen ni wa, korera wa, Beikoku-gun ni yotte kaesa reta toki 1958-nen irai, hozon sa rete ita bunsho wa,-gun ga enkyoku Nihon no jieitai-chō no toshokan de hakken sa reta `ian-sho' to yoba rete ita mono o dōsa sa seru sai ni ōkina yakuwari o hatashita koto o shimeshita . Nipponseifu wa, nippongun ga dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni nippongun to sekkusu ga shi 十韓国人女性 No nan sen mo no kyōsei koto o mitometa. [71] 1992-Nen 1 tsuki 14-nichi, Nihon no chīfu seifu hōdō-kan katō kōichi wareware wa hitei suru koto wa dekimasen' to iu kōshiki no shazai o hakkō shimashita `Kyūnihongun wa, ian on'nanoko `rachi ya kōryū-chū no `yakuwari o hatashita' to `watashitachi wa watashitachi no shazai to kaikon no i o arawashitai to omoi koto. [71] [72] [73] Mikka-go 1992-nen 1 tsuki 17-nichi ni de Kankoku no daitōryō Teu, Nihon no Miyazawa shushō ni yotte atae rareta yūshoku wa, kare no hosuto o itta: `Watashitachi nihonjin wa, naniyori mo mazu Nihon no akushon-min o kurushimi to kanashimi o ataeta toki ni wareware wa wasurete wa naranai to iu higeki-tekina jidai no shinjitsu o omoidasu hitsuyō ga arimasu. Kono Jō no kōkai no kimochi wa Nihon no sōri daijin to shite, watashi wa korera no kōi de arata ni watashi no jiseki no nen o sengen shi, Kankoku no hitobito ni watashi no shazai o nyūsatsu shitai to omoimasu. " Soshite Kankoku no kokkai mae no supīchi de, tsugunohi, futatabi shazai shita. [74] [75] 1998-Nen 4 tsuki 28-nichi ni wa, Nihon no saibansho wa seifu ga josei ni hoshō shinakereba naranai to no hanketsu o kudashi, sorera ni Amerika 2300-doru (2013-nen 3294-doru) o sorezore juyo sa remashita. [76] 2007-Nen ni wa sonzoku no seidorei wa, nipponseifu kara no shazai o motomete imashita. Abe shinzō, tōji no shushō wa, nipponseifu wa, nipponseifu ga sudeni 1993-nen no baishun yado no shiyō o mitomete ita nimokakawarazu, seidorei o hokan shite imashita to iu shōko ga nakatta koto, 2007-nen 3 tsuki 1-nichi ni nobeta. 3 Tsuki 27-nichi ni Nihon no kokkai wa kōshiki no shazai o hakkō shita. [77] Ronsō [henshū] Nihon'norekishi-ka to Nihon daigaku kyōju, Ikuhiko Hata wa ianfu no kazu wa man to 20, 000 no ma de yori ōku no kanōsei ga takai to suitei shite iru. [4 ] Hata wa ianfu no izure mo kyōsei-teki ni dōin sa renakatta to kaite iru. [78] Ichibu no Nihon no seijika wa, moto ianfu no shōgen wa, sore ga mukōna koto, ikkan-sei ga naku, shinrai-sei ga nai to shuchō shite kita. [79] Ōsaka shichō to minzoku shugi Nihon Meijiishin tō, hashimoto tōru no kyōdō rīdā de, saisho ni shōko ga nai' koto o iji shinagara, sono Ianfu to yoba reru hitobito wa [Nihon]-gun ni yoru bōryoku ya kyōi ni ubawa reta [81] mada dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni karera no yakuwari o seitō-ka suru, " karera no ishi ni hanshite' , [80] kare wa atode kare no tachiba wa, karera ga ianfu ni natta to shuchō suru kaihen sa reta' Heishi-tachi wa `nokori o motte iru' koto ga dekiru yō ni, [81]. , `Hitsuyō' to shite, Mangabon, neo Gomanism sengen supesharu - Nihon no chosha kobayashi yoshinori ni yoru Taiwande wa, nipponhei no mae ni gimu no tame ni sain appu suru ni narabu kimono sugata no josei o kaite iru. Kobayashi no hon wa nan-ri no josei ga kinō suru yō kyōsei sa rezu, kondōmu no shiyō ga hissudeatta tame, karera wa teikitekini baishunpu ni kurabete, yori eisei-tekina jōken de hataraite iru koto o sa reta to nobete iru Taiwan no jitsugyō-shi u~en· ronguintabyū ga fukuma rete imasu. [82] Shoki no 2001-nen ni NHK o fukumu ronsō ga arimashita. Nihon no gunji ianfu ni kansuru josei no kokusai senpan hōtei no hōdō ni naru hazudatta mono o ōkiku shūsei shugi kenkai o han'ei suru yō ni henshū sa reta. [83] Ianfu no seizon-sha [henshū] Suiyōbi demonsutorēshon [henshū] Maishū suiyōbi, ikite iru ianfu, josei dantai, shakai shimin dantai, shūkyō dantai, soshite kojin no kazu wa, no tame ni kisō josei no tame no `Kankoku kyōgi-kai shusai, Sōru no Nihon taishikan no mae de `suiyō demo' ni sanka Nihon ni yoru gunji ianfu (KCWDMSS)'. Kore wa, saisho no Nihon no sōri daijin, Miyazawa wa, Kankoku o hōmon shita 1992-nen 1 tsuki 8-nichi, kaisai sa remashita. 2011-Nen 12 tsukide wa, wakai josei no dōzō ga maishū `suiyōbi no demo' no sen-nichi ni, ianfu o tataeru tame ni tate rareta. [84] Nipponseifu wa kurikaeshi,-zō ga daun shite iru tame, Kankoku seifu ni yōsei shite iru Shikashi, sore wa fukanōdeatta. [84] 2012-Nen 6 tsuki ni wa, futari no nihonjin kageki-ha wa, chōzō ni michishirube (35) ga 90-senchi musunda. Michishirube wa Kankoku de dokushima to shite shira rete iru keisō-chū no Kojimadearu Takeshima o sanshō suru to, ``Takeshima' wa Nihon no ryōdodearu' o o yomi kudasai. [85] 2012-Nen 10 tsuki ni wa, nyūjājī-shū no ianfu tsuitō wa, Beikoku mo dōyō ni hakai sa reta [86 ] 2013-Nen ni ianfu o tataeru dōzō ga gurendēru, Kariforunia-shū de happyō sa reta. [87] Kyōyū no ie [henshū] Kyōyū no hausu wa ianfu o seikatsu no tame ni iedearu. Kyōyū no ie wa bukkyō soshiki ya samazamana shakai shimin dantai ga teiki shi, sore ga 1998-nen ni keiki Hokudō, Kankoku ni idō shita fando o tsūjite 1992-nen 6 tsuki ni setsuritsu sa remashita. Kyōyū no ie wa ianfu no nippongun no zan'nin'na gyakutai ni tsuite no shinjitsu o hiromeru tame ni shison ya kokumin o kyōiku suru tame ni `nippongun seidorei hakubutsukan' ga fukuma rete iru. [88] Adoresu 65 Wongdang sato Twoichon - myon, Kōshū keiki, keiki Hokudō, 464 kara 840, Kankoku Ianfu ni yoru ākaibu [henshū] Seizon-sha no nakaniha, kan· dokusu· ungyon, Kimu· sundoku to i· Nyeo wa, mata, Ajia-kei amerikahito no media, dai Shiru Kimu· gibuson, sentā-chō ga tsukura re, bijuaruākaibu to shite no zumen o tsūjite, kojin-tekina rekishi o hozon Ianfu eizō ākaibu, daigaku reberu no gakusei o tsūjite, K - 12 no tame no dokyumentarī eiga. Feminisuto no bijuaru ya bideoākaibu wa, higaisha to kōshū no ma de rentai no ba o suishin shite kimashita. Sore wa, nenrei, seibetsu, kokkyō, kokuseki, soshite ideorogī nimokakawarazu, hitobito o issho ni sa seru koto de, josei no songen to jinken no kyōiku to gakushū no tame no ikite iru saito o tsutomete iru. [89] Kenkō kanren no mondai [henshū] Sensō no yoha de, josei ga gun no baishun yado de hataraite iru ma, karera ga keiken shita koto ga butsuri-teki oyobi seishin-tekina gyakutai no hossa o omoidashita. Rōrushahha· tesutode wa, josei wa, kanjō-tekina han'nō ya naimen-ka ikari o kanri suru koto ga kon'nan de yuganda ninshiki o shimeshita. [90] 2011-Nen no rinshō kenkyūde wa, ianfu ga shintekigaishōgosutoresushōgai (PTSD) no shōjō o shimesu ni nari yasui koto ga wakatta, demo 60-nen-go Shūsen. [91]