Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hear The Okinawan Voices Here! ここでは沖縄の声を聞く!

Write on comment in blog  to contact professor or maybe his linkedin page

Kyōju matawa tabun kare no LinkedIn no pēji ni renraku suru koto o burogu http: / / T enthousandthingsfromkyoto. Blogspot. Komu ni komento ni kaku http: / / Www. Linkedin. Komu/ pub/ tetsumi - takara/ 8/ b 20/ 748

The Okinawans are obviously very angry at both US and Japan for trampling on their feelings, put them in harms way and being treated as second class citizens.

I sympathize with them and aim to help them achieve Independence. However after much thought, I think it is not realistic for Okinawans to achieve their Independence aim right away, especially to move US bases out of Okinawa.

In order for Okinawans to succeed to move US out of Okinawa, I think they need to do the Two Step Dance to achieve their aim. First step is to achieve Independence to get rid of Japanese air bases and navy, ground forces from Okinawa, and islands off Miyako Strait. These are the places that China will attack first if war break out and Okinawans will be the first to suffer.

I encourage Okinawans to do the Second Step like the Phillipines Subic Bay closure model whereby the Phillipines refuse to renew the Subic Bay to US and she was forced to leave in 1992.

It must be remembered that I do not have an opinion whether to kick out US after lease expire. It all depends on Okinawans own thinking. Do they need US there? Is US presence harming Okinawans or helping Okinawans? Maybe even by end of first term lease of perhaps ten years subject to renewal, US may consider substituting Drones Technology thus having less US personnel in Okinawa than is now. More land space will be returned to Okinawans for productive economic usage!

Or perhaps Okinawans can 'prescribe' what kinds of weapons US can put in Okinawa. For example No Nuclear Weapons on land or ships around Okinawa. No Strategic Bombers based in Okinawa. No F22's, No Ospreys in Okinawa after lease expire, to be substituted with drones.

Below is article from Testumi Takara highlighting Okinawans sentiments.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Testumi Takara: "Okinawans are being discriminated against, that is the fundamental problem."

This BBC article by Philippa Fogarty from last fall (Oct. 3, 2010) provides a comprehensive overview on U.S. military occupation of Okinawa and local insights into the Washington-Tokyo pattern of discrimination against Okinawans:
Okinawans are being discriminated against, that is the fundamental problem” 

- Professor Tetsumi Takara, Ryukyu University

The Japanese island of Okinawa is the reluctant host of dozens of US military bases - and a row over moving an airfield has sparked an angry stand-off...

Heading north from the castle, the roads are gridlocked. For 20km, almost without a break, US bases stand on one or other side of the road.

High fences with "Keep out" signs make it clear that these areas are off limits to Okinawans.

Opposite them bars and shops sell used cars and Mexican food. Cargo planes and fighter jets fly overhead.

The bases occupy almost a fifth of the island. They constitute 74% of all US bases in Japan, on less than 1% of its landmass.

Okinawans have been saying for decades that this is not fair. And in April 90,000 residents gathered to protest, in the biggest show of opposition for 15 years...

Okinawa was forcibly incorporated into Japan in the late 19th Century. Sho Tai, the last Ryukyu king and master of Shuri Castle, died in Tokyo in 1901. A process of Japanisation began.

After the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II, Tokyo ceded Okinawa to temporary US control.

The US seized land for bases which now serve as the foundation for the US-Japan security alliance...

Protest over the issue has gone in waves. One came in 1972, when Okinawans found that reversion from US to Japan rule did not result in base closures.

Another came in 1995 after the gang-rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US troops.

The latest wave was triggered by Yukio Hatoyama, elected prime minister in June 2009, who suggested Futenma airbase could be moved off Okinawa altogether, instead of to the north of the island as previously agreed.

"Until then no politician had suggested moving the base out of Okinawa," said Susumu Inamine, the mayor of Nago, the northern city proposed as the relocation site. "The fact that the DPJ [Democratic Party of Japan] said it could gave people hope."

Amid this wave of hope, Okinawans elected four anti-base MPs to the national parliament. That same wave, in January, helped Mr Inamine fight the Nago mayoral election on an anti-base platform and win.

The huge April rally was held. The Okinawan prefectural assembly unanimously backed a letter demanding the removal of the base off the island. Seventeen thousand people formed a human chain around Futenma.

But - after intense US pressure - Mr Hatoyama back-tracked. In May he said he had been unable to find an alternative site for the base. His "heart-breaking conclusion" therefore, was that the relocation should go ahead as planned. Then he stepped down.

Okinawans were furious. Local media described it as a betrayal. Why, people asked, was it more acceptable to put bases in Okinawa than anywhere else in the country?

Since then, the anger has not gone away. Cars and buses sport signs calling for a "peaceful" Okinawa. So do some buildings. Local media remain militant.

Professor Tetsumi Takara, Dean of the Graduate School of Law at Ryukyu University, says the issue is much bigger than just the relocation plan.

Okinawans feel that their voices have been ignored by the Japanese government for decades, he says.

Since becoming part of Japan they have had no control over their fate - during World War II, when Okinawa was the site of Japan's only land battle, in the 1960s when US nuclear weapons were located in Okinawa, in 1972 when US rule ended but the bases stayed.

The rights of Okinawans, he says, have been consistently subordinated to Japanese security concerns. "Okinawans are being discriminated against. That is the fundamental problem," he says.

He says this point is not adequately understood on the mainland.

"When we protested in April, they thought we were protesting about the US military but that wasn't it," he said. "It was more about the questionable treatment we are getting from the Japanese government."

Naoya Iju, of the prefectural government, says that many people think that Okinawans are being treated as second-class citizens...


1429: King Sho Hashi establishes Ryukyu kingdom, with seat at Shuri Castle

1609: Satsuma clan from southern Japan invade, establish tributary ties

1872: Japan makes Ryukyu kingdom a feudal domain; forcibly absorbs it in 1879

Apr - June 1945: An estimated 100,000 Okinawan civilians die in Battle of Okinawa

Aug 1945: Japan surrenders; US takes control of Okinawa

1972: Okinawa reverts to Japan; US bases stay
3 October 2010 Last updated at 22:15 ET
Anger simmers over Okinawa base burden

US base in Ginowan in foreground, with Okinawan residential areas in the backgroundUS military base in central Okinawa, with a residential area in the background

The Japanese island of Okinawa is the reluctant host of dozens of US military bases - and a row over moving an airfield has sparked an angry stand-off.
Shuri Castle stands on a hill above the Okinawan capital, Naha.
It used to be the seat of the Ryukyu kings, who ruled over an archipelago south of Japan and north of Taiwan.
It is an elegant red pavilion where the kings received emissaries and conducted trade across Asia.
Now the castle is a tourist attraction in Japan's southern-most prefecture. It looks down on densely-packed apartment blocks and offices.
Heading north from the castle, the roads are gridlocked. For 20km, almost without a break, US bases stand on one or other side of the road.
High fences with "Keep out" signs make it clear that these areas are off limits to Okinawans.
Opposite them bars and shops sell used cars and Mexican food. Cargo planes and fighter jets fly overhead.
The bases occupy almost a fifth of the island. They constitute 74% of all US bases in Japan, on less than 1% of its landmass.
Okinawans have been saying for decades that this is not fair. And in April 90,000 residents gathered to protest, in the biggest show of opposition for 15 years.
"Okinawans understand there are national security needs, but they do not understand why Okinawa has to have such a large proportion of the US bases," says Naoya Iju of the prefectural government's Military Base Affairs Division.
"Many people think: 'We are all Japanese so why do just Okinawans have to bear this burden?"
Crowded island
Okinawa was forcibly incorporated into Japan in the late 19th Century. Sho Tai, the last Ryukyu king and master of Shuri Castle, died in Tokyo in 1901. A process of Japanisation began.
After the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II, Tokyo ceded Okinawa to temporary US control.
The US seized land for bases which now serve as the foundation for the US-Japan security alliance. Simply put, the US will protect Japan if Japan hosts and pays for its troops.
Today 26,500 US military personnel are in Okinawa, on more than 30 different bases.
These include the huge air base at Kadena and a massive jungle training area in the north. Plus, of course, Futenma, the Marine Corps airbase right in the middle of Ginowan city, where houses and schools nestle right up against the fence.
Both the Japanese and US governments say they are vital for maintaining security in an unstable and increasingly competitive region.
Supporters say there are benefits. Okinawa is Japan's poorest prefecture and base-related income provides about 5% of its income.
More than 9,000 residents are employed by the bases. Generous rents are paid to families whose land is used, as are subsidies to local authorities hosting bases.
But opponents point to aircraft noise and traffic disruption - they have to drive around the bases. They complain about high levels of base-related crime. They say Okinawans - who have the highest birth-rate in Japan - desperately need the land back to live on.
They also argue that the bases are eroding Okinawa's cultural identity and the subsidies creating a dependency culture. They say that if the base land were returned, it could be made more economically productive.
False hope
Protest over the issue has gone in waves. One came in 1972, when Okinawans found that reversion from US to Japan rule did not result in base closures.
Another came in 1995 after the gang-rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US troops.


Keep out sign at Futenma air base, Ginowan, Okinawa
  • 1429: King Sho Hashi establishes Ryukyu kingdom, with seat at Shuri Castle
  • 1609: Satsuma clan from southern Japan invade, establish tributary ties
  • 1872: Japan makes Ryukyu kingdom a feudal domain; forcibly absorbs it in 1879
  • Apr - June 1945: An estimated 100,000 Okinawan civilians die in Battle of Okinawa
  • Aug 1945: Japan surrenders; US takes control of Okinawa
  • 1972: Okinawa reverts to Japan; US bases stay
The latest wave was triggered by Yukio Hatoyama, elected prime minister in June 2009, who suggested Futenma airbase could be moved off Okinawa altogether, instead of to the north of the island as previously agreed.
"Until then no politician had suggested moving the base out of Okinawa," said Susumu Inamine, the mayor of Nago, the northern city proposed as the relocation site. "The fact that the DPJ [Democratic Party of Japan] said it could gave people hope."
Amid this wave of hope, Okinawans elected four anti-base MPs to the national parliament. That same wave, in January, helped Mr Inamine fight the Nago mayoral election on an anti-base platform and win.
The huge April rally was held. The Okinawan prefectural assembly unanimously backed a letter demanding the removal of the base off the island. Seventeen thousand people formed a human chain around Futenma.
But - after intense US pressure - Mr Hatoyama back-tracked. In May he said he had been unable to find an alternative site for the base. His "heart-breaking conclusion" therefore, was that the relocation should go ahead as planned. Then he stepped down.
Okinawans were furious. Local media described it as a betrayal. Why, people asked, was it more acceptable to put bases in Okinawa than anywhere else in the country?
Since then, the anger has not gone away. Cars and buses sport signs calling for a "peaceful" Okinawa. So do some buildings. Local media remain militant.
Professor Tetsumi Takara, Dean of the Graduate School of Law at Ryukyu University, says the issue is much bigger than just the relocation plan.
Professor Tetsumi Takara, in his office at Ryukyu UniversityProf Tetsumi Takara says Okinawans are waiting for the governor's election to make their anger felt
Okinawans feel that their voices have been ignored by the Japanese government for decades, he says.
Since becoming part of Japan they have had no control over their fate - during World War II, when Okinawa was the site of Japan's only land battle, in the 1960s when US nuclear weapons were located in Okinawa, in 1972 when US rule ended but the bases stayed.
The rights of Okinawans, he says, have been consistently subordinated to Japanese security concerns. "Okinawans are being discriminated against. That is the fundamental problem," he says.
He says this point is not adequately understood on the mainland.
"When we protested in April, they thought we were protesting about the US military but that wasn't it," he said. "It was more about the questionable treatment we are getting from the Japanese government."
Naoya Iju, of the prefectural government, says that many people think that Okinawans are being treated as second-class citizens.
Mr Hatoyama's flip-flop even appears to have engaged young people, who have only ever known Okinawa with the bases.
"My mother worked on a base and I learned English because of the bases," said one young civil servant. "But now more and more people are starting to think that there is something wrong here."
The relocation plan that sparked the wave of protest is currently stalled pending the Okinawa governor's election in November.
It is the governor who can grant or deny permission for the plan to go ahead - and the staunchly anti-base mayor of Ginowan, Yoichi Iha, is challenging an incumbent whose view on the relocation plan remains ambiguous.
An Iha victory could force the Japanese government to choose between over-ruling its own citizens and their democratically-elected representative or jeopardising its key security relationship.
Okinawans, says Prof Takara, do not protest on the streets every day. But they watch and they wait and many, he says, are looking to the election as a chance to make their feelings felt.








Testumiタカラ: 「沖縄は差別されている、それが根本的な問題です。 "
昨年秋からのフィリッパフォガティ( 2010年10月3日)することで、このBBCの記事では、沖縄や沖縄に対する差別のワシントン東京パターンに局所的な洞察の米軍占領に関する総合的な概要を説明します。

- 教授Tetsumiタカラ、琉球大学

沖縄の日本の島は、米軍基地の数十の消極ホストである - と飛行場を動かすの上の行には怒ってスタンドオフを巻き起こしています...

城から北へ向かう道路が大渋滞している。 20キロの場合は、ほとんど途切れることなく、米軍基地は、 1または道路の反対側に立っている。

との高いフェンス兆候はそれを明確にこれらの領域は沖縄に立ち入り禁止であることを確認して、「出てください」 。




沖縄は強制的に19世紀後半に日本に組み込まれた。翔タイ、最後の琉球王と首里城のマスターは、 1901年に東京で死亡した。 Japanisationのプロセスが始まった。



問題をめぐる抗議が波のように行ってきました。沖縄がアメリカから日本のルールベースの閉鎖をもたらさなかったことへの復帰を見つけたときの一つは、 1972年に来た。

もう一つは、 3米軍による12歳の少女のギャングレイプした後、1995年に来た。

最新の波は、普天間空軍基地ではなく、以前に合意された島の北部の、完全に沖縄から移動することができたが示唆鳩山由紀夫、 2009年6月に選出された首相が、によって引き起こされた。

「それまでは全く政治家が沖縄の外に拠点を移動示唆していなかった、 「進稲嶺名護市長によると、北部の都市は、移設先として提案した。 「民主党[民主党]は、それができると言いましたということは、人々が願っていました。 "

希望の波の中で、沖縄県民は、国の議会に4抗基本MPを選出した。その同じ波は、 1月では、MR稲嶺抗ベースのプラットフォーム上で名護市長選挙を戦い、勝ちました。

巨大な4月の集会が開催されました。沖縄県議会は全会一致で島沖ベースの除去を要求する書簡を支持した。 17000人が普天間の周りの人間の鎖を形成した。

しかし - 強烈な米国の圧力の後に - 鳩山氏は、バックトラッキングさ。月に彼は彼がベースのための代替サイトを見つけることができなかったと述べた。彼の "心破りの結論は、「このため、計画通り移転先に行くべきだとした。それから彼は辞任。





日本の一部になるので、彼らは彼らの運命を制御することはなかったしている - 第二次世界大戦中に米国の核兵器は1972年に、沖縄に位置していたとき、沖縄は1960年代、日本で唯一の陸上戦闘の現場となったとき、米国のルールが終わったが、ときベースは、宿泊しました。

沖縄の権利は、彼によれば、一貫して日本の安全保障上の懸念に従属しています。 「沖縄は差別されている。それは根本的な問題である」と彼は言う。


"我々は4月に抗議すると、彼らは我々が米軍について抗議していたと思ったが、それはそれではなかった"と彼は言った。 「私たちは、日本政府から得ている疑わしい治療について以上であった。 」



1429 :キング翔橋は首里城の席で、琉球王国を確立

1609 :南日本から薩摩藩が侵入し、支流の関係を確立する

1872 :日本は琉球王国の藩になり、強制的に1879年にそれを吸収し、



1972 :沖縄は、日本に戻り、米軍基地に滞在


沖縄の日本の島は、米軍基地の数十の消極ホストである - と飛行場を動かすの上の行には怒ってスタンドオフを巻き起こしました。





城から北へ向かう道路が大渋滞している。 20キロの場合は、ほとんど途切れることなく、米軍基地は、 1または道路の反対側に立っている。

との高いフェンス兆候はそれを明確にこれらの領域は沖縄に立ち入り禁止であることを確認して、「出てください」 。




「沖縄は国家安全保障の必要性があると理解しますが、沖縄米軍基地のような大きな割合を有していなければならない理由を、彼らは理解していない、 「県の米軍基地課の直哉IJUは述べています。

「多くの人が思う: 「我々は、すべての日本人は、なぜ単に沖縄がこの負担をしなければならないのですか? "


沖縄は強制的に19世紀後半に日本に組み込まれた。翔タイ、最後の琉球王と首里城のマスターは、 1901年に東京で死亡した。 Japanisationのプロセスが始まった。








しかし反対派は、航空機騒音やトラフィックの中断を指して - 彼らは基地の周りにドライブする必要があります。彼らは、ベース関連の犯罪の高いレベルに文句を言う。日本で最も高い出生率を持っている - - 必死に生きて戻って土地を必要とする彼らは、沖縄が言う。



問題をめぐる抗議が波のように行ってきました。沖縄がアメリカから日本のルールベースの閉鎖をもたらさなかったことへの復帰を見つけたときの一つは、 1972年に来た。

もう一つは、 3米軍による12歳の少女のギャングレイプした後、1995年に来た。


1429 :キング翔橋は首里城の席で、琉球王国を確立
1609 :南日本から薩摩藩が侵入し、支流の関係を確立する
1872 :日本は琉球王国の藩になり、強制的に1879年にそれを吸収し、
1972 :沖縄は、日本に戻り、米軍基地に滞在
最新の波は、普天間空軍基地ではなく、以前に合意された島の北部の、完全に沖縄から移動することができたが示唆鳩山由紀夫、 2009年6月に選出された首相が、によって引き起こされた。

「それまでは全く政治家が沖縄の外に拠点を移動示唆していなかった、 「進稲嶺名護市長によると、北部の都市は、移設先として提案した。 「民主党[民主党]は、それができると言いましたということは、人々が願っていました。 "

希望の波の中で、沖縄県民は、国の議会に4抗基本MPを選出した。その同じ波は、 1月では、MR稲嶺抗ベースのプラットフォーム上で名護市長選挙を戦い、勝ちました。

巨大な4月の集会が開催されました。沖縄県議会は全会一致で島沖ベースの除去を要求する書簡を支持した。 17000人が普天間の周りの人間の鎖を形成した。

しかし - 強烈な米国の圧力の後に - 鳩山氏は、バックトラッキングさ。月に彼は彼がベースのための代替サイトを見つけることができなかったと述べた。彼の "心破りの結論は、「このため、計画通り移転先に行くべきだとした。それから彼は辞任。






日本の一部になるので、彼らは彼らの運命を制御することはなかったしている - 第二次世界大戦中に米国の核兵器は1972年に、沖縄に位置していたとき、沖縄は1960年代、日本で唯一の陸上戦闘の現場となったとき、米国のルールが終わったが、ときベースは、宿泊しました。

沖縄の権利は、彼によれば、一貫して日本の安全保障上の懸念に従属しています。 「沖縄は差別されている。それは根本的な問題である」と彼は言う。


"我々は4月に抗議すると、彼らは我々が米軍について抗議していたと思ったが、それはそれではなかった"と彼は言った。 「私たちは、日本政府から得ている疑わしい治療について以上であった。 」



「私の母は、ベースに取り組み、私が原因で塩基から英語を学んだ、 「一人の若い公務員は述べています。 「しかし、今より多くの人々が何か間違ったことがここにあると思い始めている。 "

抗議の波を巻き起こした再配置計画は、現在、 11月に沖縄の知事の選挙を保留中ストールします。

それが先に行く計画の許可を許可または拒否することができ知事は - と宜野湾洋一伊波の断固抗ベース市長は、そのビューの再配置計画に関するあいまいなままに現職に挑戦している。


Http: / / T enthousandthingsfromkyoto. Blogspot. Komu/ 2010/ 11/ bbc - anger - simmers - ōvu~ā - okinawa - bāze. Html Okinawa wa akiraka ni jibun no kanjō ni fumitsuke, Beikoku to Nihon no ryōhō de hijō ni ikatteiru, sorera wa gai no hōhō de irete, ni-kyū shimin to shite atsukawa reru. Watashi wa karera ni dōjō shi, karera wa dokuritsu o tassei suru koto o mezashite imasu. Shikashi ōku no shikō no ato, watashi wa Okinawa no, tokuni Okinawa kara beigunkichi o idō suru ni wa, sono dokuritsu-sei o sugu ni mezasu tassei suru no wa genjitsu-tekide wa nai to omoimasu. Okinawa wa Okinawa kara Amerika o ugokasu koto ni seikō suru tame ni wa, watashi wa karera ga karera no mokuteki o tassei suru tame ni 2tsu no suteppu dansu o okonau hitsuyō ga aru to omoimasu. Saisho no suteppu wa, Okinawa kara Nihon no kūgun kichi to kaigun, chijō-gun o torinozoku tame ni dokuritsu o tassei suru kotodeari, shima ofu Miyako kaikyō. Korera wa, sensō ga boppatsu shi, Okinawa kenmin ga kurushimu koto ni saisho ni sa reru baai wa, Chūgoku ga saisho ni kōgeki suru bashodesu. Watashi wa, Firipin wa Beikoku ni sūbikku-wan o kōshin suru koto o kyohi shi, kanojo ga 1992-nen ni hanareru koto o yoginaku sa reta koto ni yori, Firipin no sūbikku-wan heisa moderu no yōna daini kōtei o okonau tame ni Okinawa o o susume shimasu. Sore wa watashi ga, rīsu no kigengakireta-go, Beikoku o kikku suru ka dō ka no iken o motte inai koto o wasurete wa naranai. Sore wa subete Okinawa dokuji no shikō ni izon shimasu. Karera wa soko ni Beikoku ga hitsuyōna nodeshou ka? Beikoku no sonzai ga Okinawa o kizutsukeru ka, Okinawa o shien shite iru? Tabun kōshin o uke, osoraku 10-nen no saisho no chōki rīsu no owari made ni, Beikoku wa, kono yō ni ima yori Okinawa de sukunai Beikoku no jin'in o motsu dorōn gijutsu ni okikaete kangaeru koto ga dekiru. Yori ōku no tochi kūkan wa seisan-teki, keizai-teki shiyō no tame ni Okinawa ni modorimasu! Soretomo Okinawa wa Okinawa de `purisuku' o oku koto ga deki, buki, Beikoku no dono yō na. Tatoeba mase kakuheiki Okinawa mawari no tochi ya fune. Okinawa o kyoten ni nai senryaku bakugeki-ki wa arimasen. Īe F 22-nendai, Okinawamase misago wa, rīsu-go no dorōn de chikan sa rete iru to, yūkō kigen ga kirete imasen. Shita no Okinawa no kanjō o kyōchō Testumi Takara kara no kijidesu. 2011-Nen 6 tsuki 9-nichi (mokuyōbi) Testumi Takara: `Okinawa wa sabetsu sa rete iru, sore ga konpon-tekina mondaidesu. " Sakunen aki kara no firippafogati (2010-nen 10 tsuki 3-nichi) suru koto de, kono BBC no kijide wa, Okinawa ya Okinawa ni taisuru sabetsu no Washinton Tōkyō patān ni kyokusho-tekina dōsatsu no beigun senryō ni kansuru sōgō-tekina gaiyō o setsumei shimasu. Okinawa dewa `sore wa konpon-tekina mondaideari, sabetsu sa rete iru - Kyōju Tetsumi Takara, Ryūkyūdaigaku Okinawa no Nihon no shima wa, beigunkichi no sūjū no shōkyoku hosutodearu - to hikōjō o ugokasu no ue no gyō ni wa okotte sutandōfu o makiokoshite imasu... Shiro kara kita e mukau dōro ga dai jūtai shite iru. 20-Kiro no baai wa, hotondo togireru koto naku, beigunkichi wa, 1 matawa dōro no hantaisoku ni tatte iru. To no takai fensu chōkō wa sore o meikaku ni korera no ryōiki wa Okinawa ni tachiiri kinshidearu koto o kakunin shite,`dete kudasai'. Sorera no hantaisoku no bā ya shoppu ga chūko-sha to Mekishiko no shokuhin o hanbai shite imasu. Kamotsu-ki ya sentōki, ōbāheddo ga tobu. Bēsu wa, shima no hobo gobun'noichi o shimete iru. Karera wa sono kokudo no 1-pāsento-miman de, zenkoku no beigunkichi no 74-pāsento o kōsei suru. Okinawa dewa, kore wa kōheide wanai koto o nanjūnen mo itte iru. Soshite 4 tsuki ni 9 man jūmin ga 15-nenkan yatō no saidai no shō de, kōgi shite atsumatta... Okinawa wa kyōsei-teki ni 19 seiki kōhan ni Nihon ni kumikoma reta. Shō Tai, saigo no ryūkyūō to shurijō no masutā wa, 1901-nen ni Tōkyō de shibō shita. Japanisation no purosesu ga hajimatta. Dainijisekaitaisengo no Nihon kōfuku-go, Tōkyō wa ichiji-tekina Beikoku no kontorōru ni Okinawa o katsujō. Beikoku wa genzai, nichibeianpo taisei no kiban to naru kyoten no tame ni tochi o ōshū shita... Mondai o meguru kōgi ga nami no yō ni ittekimashita. Okinawa ga Amerika kara Nihon no rūrubēsu no heisa o motarasanakatta koto e no fukki o mitsuketa toki no hitotsu wa, 1972-nen ni kita. Mōhitotsu wa, 3 beigun ni yoru 12-sai no shōjo no gyangureipu shita nochi, 1995-nen ni kita. Saishin no nami wa, Futenma kūgun kichide wa naku, izen ni gōi sa reta shima no hokubu no, kanzen ni Okinawa kara idō suru koto ga dekitaga shisa hatoyama yukio, 2009-nen 6 tsuki ni senshutsu sa reta shushō ga, ni yotte hikiokosa reta. `Sore made wa mattaku seijika ga Okinawa no soto ni kyoten o idō shisa shite inakatta, `Susumu Inamine Nago shichō ni yoru to, hokubu no toshi wa, isetsu-saki to shite teian shita. `Minshutō [Minshutō] wa, sore ga dekiru to iimashita to iu koto wa, hitobito ga negatte imashita. " Kibō no nami no naka de, Okinawa kenmin wa,-koku no gikai ni 4 kō kihon MP o senshutsu shita. Sono onaji nami wa, 1 tsukide wa, MR Inamine kō bēsu no purattofōmu-jō de Nago shichō senkyo o tatakai, kachimashita. Kyodaina 4 tsuki no shūkai ga kaisai sa remashita. Okinawa kengikai wa zenkai itchi de shima oki bēsu no jokyo o yōkyū suru shokan o shiji shita. 17000-Ri ga Futenma no mawari no ningen no kusari o keisei shita. Shikashi - kyōretsuna Beikoku no atsuryoku no nochi ni - Hatoyama-shi wa, bakkutorakkingu sa. Tsuki ni kare wa kare ga bēsu no tame no daitai saito o mitsukeru koto ga dekinakatta to nobeta. Kare no" kokoro-yaburi no ketsuron wa,`kono tame, keikakudōri iten-saki ni ikubekida to shita. Sorekara kare wa jinin. Okinawa wa gekido ​​ shita. Jimoto media wa, uragiri to shite sore o setsumei shita. Naze, hitobito wa tazuneta, doko ka hoka no kuni ni kurabete, Okinawa ni kyoten o oku koto o yori kyoyō dekiru monodeatta? Sore irai, ikari wa hanarete itte orimasen. Kuruma ya basusupōtsu chōkō wa `heiwa-tekina `Okinawa no tame ni yobidashita. Dakara, ikutsu ka no tatemono o okonau. Jimoto media wa, kageki-ha no mama. Kyōju Tetsumi Takara Ryūkyūdaigaku hōgaku kenkyūkachō wa, mondai wa tan'ni iten keikaku yori mo haruka ni ōkī to iu. Okinawa wa karera no koe wa nanjūnen mo nipponseifu ni yotte mushi sa rete kita koto o kanji, kare wa iu. Nihon no ichibu ni narunode, karera wa karera no unmei o seigyo suru koto wa nakatta shite iru - dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni Beikoku no kakuheiki wa 1972-nen ni, Okinawa ni ichi shite ita toki, Okinawa wa 1960-nendai, Nihon de yuiitsu no rikujō sentō no genba to natta toki, Beikoku no rūru ga owatta ga, to ki Bēsu wa, shukuhaku shimashita. Okinawa no kenri wa, kare ni yoreba, ikkanshite Nihon no anzen hoshō-jō no kenen ni jūzoku shite imasu. `Okinawa wa sabetsu sa rete iru. Sore wa konpon-tekina mondaidearu' to kare wa iu. Kare wa kono ten o jūbun ni hondo de rikai sa rete inai to iimasu. " Wareware wa 4 tsuki ni kōgi suru to, karera wa wareware ga beigun ni tsuite kōgi shite ita to omottaga, soreha soredewa nakatta" to kare wa itta. `Watashitachiha, nipponseifu kara ete iru utagawashī chiryō ni tsuite ijōdeatta. ' Kenchō no Naoya IJU wa, ōku no hito ga Okinawa o niryū shimin to shite atsukawa rete iru to omou to itte iru... Okinawa no taimu rain 1429: Kingu Shō-bashi wa shurijō no seki de, Ryūkyū ōkoku o kakuritsu 1609: Minaminihon kara Satsuma-han ga shin'nyū shi, shiryū no kankei o kakuritsu suru 1872: Nihon wa Ryūkyū ōkoku no han ni nari, kyōsei-teki ni 1879-nen ni sore o kyūshū shi, 1945-Nen 4 tsuki - 6 tsuki: Suitei 10 man Okinawa no minkan hito wa, Okinawa-sen de shibō 1945-Nen 8 tsuki: Nihon ga kōfuku shi, Amerika wa Okinawa o seigyo shimasu 1972: Okinawa wa, Nihon ni modori, beigunkichi ni taizai Http: / / Www. Bbc. Co. Uk/ nyūzu/ world - asia - pashifikku - 11390281 2010-Nen 10 tsuki 3-nichi 22-ji 15-bu ET de kōshin Ikari ga Okinawa no kichi futan no ue simmers Firippafogati ni yoru BBC nyūsu, Naha-shi Bakkuguraundo de Okinawa no jūtakuchi to zenkei no Ginowan-shi ni aru beigunkichi, Haikei no jūtakugai to Chūō Okinawa no beigunkichi, Okinawa no Nihon no shima wa, beigunkichi no sūjū no shōkyoku hosutodearu - to hikōjō o ugokasu no ue no gyō ni wa okotte sutandōfu o makiokoshimashita. Shurijō wa Okinawa no shuto, Naha-shi o miorosu oka no ue ni aru. Sore wa, Nihon no minami rettō to Taiwan no kita o ue ni shihai ryūkyūō no suwarete imashita. Soreha-ō ga shisha o uke, Ajia zen'iki no bōeki o okonatte ereganto aka pabiriondesu. Ima no shiro wa, Nihon no sainantan ken no kankō meishodesu. Kore wa, kōmitsudo ni jūten sa reta danchi ya ofisu o mioroshi. Shiro kara kita e mukau dōro ga dai jūtai shite iru. 20-Kiro no baai wa, hotondo togireru koto naku, beigunkichi wa, 1 matawa dōro no hantaisoku ni tatte iru. To no takai fensu chōkō wa sore o meikaku ni korera no ryōiki wa Okinawa ni tachiiri kinshidearu koto o kakunin shite,`dete kudasai'. Sorera no hantaisoku no bā ya shoppu ga chūko-sha to Mekishiko no shokuhin o hanbai shite imasu. Kamotsu-ki ya sentōki, ōbāheddo ga tobu. Bēsu wa, shima no hobo gobun'noichi o shimete iru. Karera wa sono kokudo no 1-pāsento-miman de, zenkoku no beigunkichi no 74-pāsento o kōsei suru. Okinawa dewa, kore wa kōheide wanai koto o nanjūnen mo itte iru. Soshite 4 tsuki ni 9 man jūmin ga 15-nenkan yatō no saidai no shō de, kōgi shite atsumatta. `Okinawa wa kokka anzen hoshō no hitsuyō-sei ga aru to rikai shimasuga, Okinawa beigunkichi no yōna ōkina wariai o yūshite inakereba naranai riyū o, karera wa rikai shite inai, `ken no beigunkichi-ka no Naoya IJU wa nobete imasu. `Ōku no hito ga omou: `Wareware wa, subete no nihonjin wa, naze tan'ni Okinawa ga kono futan o shinakereba naranai nodesu ka? " Konzatsu shita shima Okinawa wa kyōsei-teki ni 19 seiki kōhan ni Nihon ni kumikoma reta. Shō Tai, saigo no ryūkyūō to shurijō no masutā wa, 1901-nen ni Tōkyō de shibō shita. Japanisation no purosesu ga hajimatta. Dainijisekaitaisengo no Nihon kōfuku-go, Tōkyō wa ichiji-tekina Beikoku no kontorōru ni Okinawa o katsujō. Beikoku wa genzai, nichibeianpo taisei no kiban to naru kyoten no tame ni tochi o ōshū shita. Tan'ni Nihon ga hosuto shi, sono guntai no tame ni shiharatte iru baai, Beikoku ga Nihon o mamotte kureru, oku. Kyō 26, 500 beigun kankei-sha wa 30 ijō no kotonaru enki ni, Okinawa ni aru. Gurafikku Korera wa, Kadena no kyodaina kūgun kichi to kita de ōkibona janguru kunren eria ga arimasu. Sarani, tōzen no kotonagara, Futenma, Ginowan-shi no man'naka de kaihei-tai kōkū kichi no migi koko migi fensu ni kōgeki o ie ya gakkō Nesure. Ryōhō no Nichibei ryō seifu wa, karera ga fuanteide kyōsō ga gekika suru chiiki no anzen hoshō o iji suru tame ni fukaketsudearu to iu. Sapōtā wa meritto ga aru to iu. Okinawa wa, Nihon de mottomo mazushī kendeari, bēsu kanren no shūeki wa, sono shūnyū no yaku 5-pāsento o teikyō shite imasu. 9, 000-Ri ijō no jūmin ga kichi ni koyō sa rete imasu. Jimoto tōkyoku hosutingu kyoten e no hojokin ga sōdearu yō kandaina chinryō wa, sono tochi no shiyō sa rete iru kazoku ni shiharawa remasu. Shikashi hantai-ha wa, kōkūki sōon ya torafikku no chūdan o sashite - karera wa kichi no mawari ni doraibu suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Karera wa, bēsu kanren no hanzai no takai reberu ni monkuwoiu. Nihon de mottomo takai shusseiritsu o motte iru - - hisshi ni ikite modotte tochi o hitsuyō to suru karera wa, Okinawa ga iu. Karera wa mata, bēsu wa Okinawa no bunka-teki aidentiti o shinshoku sa re, hojokin izon bunka no sōzō to shuchō shite iru. Karera wa, kichi tochi ga kaesa reta baai, soreha, yori keizai-teki ni seisan-tekina okonau koto ga dekiru koto o iu. Soradanomi Mondai o meguru kōgi ga nami no yō ni ittekimashita. Okinawa ga Amerika kara Nihon no rūrubēsu no heisa o motarasanakatta koto e no fukki o mitsuketa toki no hitotsu wa, 1972-nen ni kita. Mōhitotsu wa, 3 beigun ni yoru 12-sai no shōjo no gyangureipu shita nochi, 1995-nen ni kita. Meinsutōrī no tsudzukiwoyomu Okinawa no taimu rain Futenma kūgun kichi, Ginowan, Okinawa de kigō o shimedasu 1429: Kingu Shō-bashi wa shurijō no seki de, Ryūkyū ōkoku o kakuritsu 1609: Minaminihon kara Satsuma-han ga shin'nyū shi, shiryū no kankei o kakuritsu suru 1872: Nihon wa Ryūkyū ōkoku no han ni nari, kyōsei-teki ni 1879-nen ni sore o kyūshū shi, 1945-Nen 4 tsuki - 6 tsuki: Suitei 10 man Okinawa no minkan hito wa, Okinawa-sen de shibō 1945-Nen 8 tsuki: Nihon ga kōfuku shi, Amerika wa Okinawa o seigyo shimasu 1972: Okinawa wa, Nihon ni modori, beigunkichi ni taizai Purofīru: Nihon no Okinawa Saishin no nami wa, Futenma kūgun kichide wa naku, izen ni gōi sa reta shima no hokubu no, kanzen ni Okinawa kara idō suru koto ga dekitaga shisa hatoyama yukio, 2009-nen 6 tsuki ni senshutsu sa reta shushō ga, ni yotte hikiokosa reta. `Sore made wa mattaku seijika ga Okinawa no soto ni kyoten o idō shisa shite inakatta, `Susumu Inamine Nago shichō ni yoru to, hokubu no toshi wa, isetsu-saki to shite teian shita. `Minshutō [Minshutō] wa, sore ga dekiru to iimashita to iu koto wa, hitobito ga negatte imashita. " Kibō no nami no naka de, Okinawa kenmin wa,-koku no gikai ni 4 kō kihon MP o senshutsu shita. Sono onaji nami wa, 1 tsukide wa, MR Inamine kō bēsu no purattofōmu-jō de Nago shichō senkyo o tatakai, kachimashita. Kyodaina 4 tsuki no shūkai ga kaisai sa remashita. Okinawa kengikai wa zenkai itchi de shima oki bēsu no jokyo o yōkyū suru shokan o shiji shita. 17000-Ri ga Futenma no mawari no ningen no kusari o keisei shita. Shikashi - kyōretsuna Beikoku no atsuryoku no nochi ni - Hatoyama-shi wa, bakkutorakkingu sa. Tsuki ni kare wa kare ga bēsu no tame no daitai saito o mitsukeru koto ga dekinakatta to nobeta. Kare no" kokoro-yaburi no ketsuron wa,`kono tame, keikakudōri iten-saki ni ikubekida to shita. Sorekara kare wa jinin. Okinawa wa gekido ​​ shita. Jimoto media wa, uragiri to shite sore o setsumei shita. Naze, hitobito wa tazuneta, doko ka hoka no kuni ni kurabete, Okinawa ni kyoten o oku koto o yori kyoyō dekiru monodeatta? Sore irai, ikari wa hanarete itte orimasen. Kuruma ya basusupōtsu chōkō wa `heiwa-tekina `Okinawa no tame ni yobidashita. Dakara, ikutsu ka no tatemono o okonau. Jimoto media wa, kageki-ha no mama. ' Sabetsu' Kyōju Tetsumi Takara Ryūkyūdaigaku hōgaku kenkyūkachō wa, mondai wa tan'ni iten keikaku yori mo haruka ni ōkī to iu. Ryūkyūdaigaku de kare no ofisu no kyōju Tetsumi Takara, Kyōju Tetsumi Takara wa Okinawa ga karera no ikari o kanji ni suru chiji no senkyo o matte iru to iu Okinawa wa karera no koe wa nanjūnen mo nipponseifu ni yotte mushi sa rete kita koto o kanji, kare wa iu. Nihon no ichibu ni narunode, karera wa karera no unmei o seigyo suru koto wa nakatta shite iru - dainijisekaitaisen-chū ni Beikoku no kakuheiki wa 1972-nen ni, Okinawa ni ichi shite ita toki, Okinawa wa 1960-nendai, Nihon de yuiitsu no rikujō sentō no genba to natta toki, Beikoku no rūru ga owatta ga, to ki Bēsu wa, shukuhaku shimashita. Okinawa no kenri wa, kare ni yoreba, ikkanshite Nihon no anzen hoshō-jō no kenen ni jūzoku shite imasu. `Okinawa wa sabetsu sa rete iru. Sore wa konpon-tekina mondaidearu' to kare wa iu. Kare wa kono ten o jūbun ni hondo de rikai sa rete inai to iimasu. " Wareware wa 4 tsuki ni kōgi suru to, karera wa wareware ga beigun ni tsuite kōgi shite ita to omottaga, soreha soredewa nakatta" to kare wa itta. `Watashitachiha, nipponseifu kara ete iru utagawashī chiryō ni tsuite ijōdeatta. ' Kenchō no Naoya IJU wa, ōku no hito ga Okinawa o niryū shimin to shite atsukawa rete iru to omou to itte iru. Hatoyama-shi no furippufuroppu wa, sarani wa ima made no enki to Okinawa o shitte iru wakai hito-tachi o, jūji shite iru yō ni miemasu. `Watashinohaha wa, bēsu ni torikumi, watashi ga gen'in de enki kara eigo o mananda, `hitori no wakai kōmuin wa nobete imasu. `Shikashi, ima yori ōku no hitobito ga nani ka machigatta koto ga koko ni aru to omoi hajimete iru. " Kōgi no nami o makiokoshita sai haichi keikaku wa, genzai, 11 tsuki ni Okinawa no chiji no senkyo o horyū-chū sutōru shimasu. Sore ga saki ni iku keikaku no kyoka o kyoka matawa kyohi suru koto ga deki chiji wa - to Ginowan Yōichi Inami no danko kō bēsu shichō wa, sono byū no sai haichi keikaku ni kansuru aimaina mama ni genshoku ni chōsen shite iru. Inami no shōri wa ji kokumin to sono minshu-teki ni senshutsu sa reta daihyō o shihai ōbā matawa sono shuyōna sekyuriti kankei o ayauku suru ka o sentaku suru yō ni, nipponseifu ga kyōsei ​​-sei ga arimasu. Okinawa dewa, kyōju Takara ni yoru to, Mainichi rojō de kōgi shinaide kudasai. Shikashi, karera wa mite, karera wa matte, ōku wa, kare ni yoreba, jibun no kanjō o kanji tsukuru kikai to shite senkyo ni sagashiteimasu.