Saturday, February 22, 2014

All Roads Leads To China: How Geopolitical Calculations Will Make An Independent Okinawa Very Wealthy! すべての道は中国へ続く:地理的計略がどのように独立沖縄国を富ませるかについて!

China Rising And The Opportunity For Okinawa Independence:

CREEPING Independence may be the best way to force Japan to let Okinawans have their own destiny. By this I mean Okinawans build up their own economic strength and that is where China comes into the picture! 

A strengthening China offers an excellent opportunity for Okinawan Independence. There is no better time in history for Okinawans to fight for independence than now! The reason as noted in my various posts is an economically strong China lift all boats in the region and many countries around the world. Think of this like US lifting the economic boats of developing countries.

The golden opportunity is now or it never will be. Okinawans are at a crossroad. Wait longer and she will lose her own identity and forever become part of Japan. The reason of course is assimilation and younger generations generally have little interest in self identity. Look across the ocean and see Taiwanese as an example. It is pretty scary to hear many southern Taiwanese having being influenced by Japan refuse to see themselves as more Chinese than Japanese. Of course the reason is they despise mainland Chinese because China is not yet a democracy. This very same people will be more Chinese when they see China more prosperous and advanced than them. Anyway self identity should be natural, from own cultural heritage, not just adopting others and forgetting one's own roots. 

All Roads Lead To China. Really! This is just a consequence of China being a big populous nation and the awakened China is full of economic activities. This economic activities will benefit all nations and it will be rather silly for Okinawans not to have a piece of the pie. Even Vietnam with all the disputes with China is building casinos to cater for the Chinese gamblers. Okinawa can benefit if she work hard to win over Chinese investments as well. However as noted elsewhere the Investment Climate in Okinawa is not conducive for China to participate. Okinawans themselves may wrongly have a bad impression of China after years of being misled by news about China as a threat. Furthermore a Chinese consulate in Naha will facilitate trade instead of present Tokyo scheme to strangle China's investment by forcing Chinese to go to Fukuoka to get paperworks done.

I hope Okinawans smarten up and see China as an Opportunity, a Savior and not a danger to her existence. If properly managed, Okinawans will be able to find a crack on her path to independence by way of Chinese influence. Of course this should be done cautiously so as to avoid being accused of selling out to China.

The first step perhaps is for the Naha mayor and Okinawa governor to make a business delegation visit to China to explore the possibilities of China bringing in investments to Okinawa. China should come in cautiously as well, investing no more than say 5% of Okinawan economy to show good faith she can help to improve Okinawan condition on her pathway to independence.

If independence people see China helping out, more people may join as they won't have to worry about Tokyo strangulating their economy as a punishment on the path to independence.

Ideally as I said, foreign influence in Okinawa should be about 40% China, 40% Japan and balance 20% from Europe, America and other Asian countries. This will make Okinawa a cosmopolitan country not dependent on any particular country for economic survival.

Strange as it may sound, an independent Okinawa will prosper immensely. Okinawans do not have to do a lot of things. They will finally see big prosperity in their future for precisely the same reason they suffer because of their LOCATION.

? How so As we see now, Okinawans suffer endlessly due to the strategic locations of Okinawan islands to benefit Japan and US So remember this:. It is due to military consideration Okinawans are made to suffer through no fault of their own due to the strategic locations of their islands. If the Okinawans do not get out of this occupation of their homeland by US and Japan the majority will forever be in poverty and never have a chance to prosper.

However what if they become independent? Will they become rich BECAUSE of their strategic location? The answer is a Definite YES!

? How is it possible First I want to digress: Tokyo will put every roadblocks to prevent Okinawa from becoming independent, So Okinawans have to go in via the Back Door, meaning act AS IF independent by trading with other countries, border controls, do extra things outside the control of Tokyo. Among the things that Okinawans must do is to attract Massive Trade with China, be it service or products. The idea is to BALANCE OUT the economic dependency of Okinawa on Tokyo and allow China to influence Okinawan economy up to the 40% limit.

With this danger of Chinese overruning Okinawa economically, Tokyo will be forced to pay more attention to Okinawa by increasing trade, special preferences to counter act Chinese influence. Tokyo and China may not necessary make sound economic decisions but that is their problem and Okinawan wins!

Think of Myanmar as an example. Remember Myanmar depend on China for decades due to lack of democracy, she was shunned by Western world and is economically stunted. Now that she is more democratic Japan rushed in to give away money to her, forgiving billions of debt and give generous economic terms. So think of Okinawa like Myanmar, two big suitors wanting to have influence over her and they will be very willing to give generous terms to her. Thus one can see because Okinawa is so very important to both China and Japan for Strategic Location considerations, both these countries will make sure Okinawa will NEVER AGAIN fall into the hand of the other party. Both China and Japan will work very very hard to please Okinawans, showering her with gifts and special treatment!

So yes, in a strange way Okinawans having suffered greatly due to their strategic location will benefit Very Handsomely exactly due to this very same reason! She must however make the first step to move towards independence and not just talk talk talk and worry about being intimidated by Japan / US.

The fact is Okinawa will never be a country with no influence by her neighbors. She will always be influenced by both China and Japan, hopefully after independence it will be for the better of all Okinawans!

Thus I see a Vision of Okinawa in the future to be a constant tug of war between China and Japan in the economic sense, no war, but both countries trying to keep Okinawa within her sphere of influence. The end result will be Okinawa having clusters of Chinatowns here and there and Japanese companies all over Okinawa and other Ryukus Islands as they have now. There will be many Chinese companies in collaboration with Okinawan researchers in the field of science and technology perhaps in the new Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology University. China will provide generous funding to help discover and develop new products. Tokyo is broke, so funding will most likely come from China. The end result will be a fairly evenly matched economic influence between China and Japan over Okinawa, both perhaps investing about 40% in her economy and the balance from other countries. Tourism from both countries may be about evenly matched as well.

Okinawa is a small country with less than 1.5 million people so it is quite easy to improve her economy easily just by taking a small portion of China and Japan's foreign investments. The whole China Seas have not yet being fully explored for oil and gas. Current research underway in the South China Seas, funded mostly by China, but research done by international group. If successful and there is no reason why ocean topography is much different in the East China Sea, there is very good chance Okinawa / Ryukus Islands will benefit from future oil / gas drilling. -years /

Fake sanshin music:. ​​Once independence movement gather steam, Tokyo / Washington will try to play snake charmer blowing fake music to put Okinawans to sleep again, perhaps by bribing them or move some bases out The train have already left the station and Okinawans should not go for half a loaf. Full Speed ​​Ahead!         

So sit back and relax, fight for independence and your future will be very bright indeed!

P / S:. I want to remind readers my motivation for an Independent Okinawa is primarily to remove the Japanese military presence in Naha, Ishigaki and elsewhere Of course justice need be done to Okinawans as well, to free themselves from being under the thumb of Tokyo / Washington, so I feel good when Okinawans celebrate Independence Day, coming soon! This I think will create a peaceful environment between China and Japan as Japan will find herself unable to patrol Diaoyu / Senkaku, too far away to be practical and thus forced to negotiate with China, instead of the arrogant 'Nothing To Negotiate' stance now. Meanwhile pre independence, China will not dare to attack Diaoyu / Senkaku as the islands are protected by US guarantee to defend against invasion. Okinawans must include Diaoyu / Senkaku as part of their independence movement, from Amami up north to Diaoyu / Senkaku. How they deal with China and Japan later after independence regarding Diaoyu / Senkaku will be up to them to negotiate but I think a 50/50 split will be wonderful with Okinawans themselves having unlimited access.

「和訳版」All Roads Leads To China: How Geopolitical Calculations Will Make An Independent Okinawa Very Wealthy!













まず話がそれるけど:東京は、独立の邪魔をするためにあらゆる手を使ってくるだろう、だから沖縄の人たちは、裏口から入らねばならない、どういう意味かと いうと、まるで独立しているかのように他の国と貿易をすること、国境警備をすること、東京のコントロールの外でいろいろやること。






全シナ海(訳者註:原文では彼はThe whole China Seasとしていますので、適切な日本語がありません)におけるオイルやガスの探索は、まだじゅうぶんに行われていない。



私は、このことによって、日本が、あまりにも遠いから尖閣の警備が不可能であるということに気がつき、今のような「交渉すべきことは何もない」という傲慢 なスタンスに代えて、中国との交渉をせざるを得ないということになり、平和な環境を作り出すことができると思っている、