Friday, February 21, 2014

Addressing the Okinawan Fear About China's Intention Over Their Land 沖縄への中国の意図を巡る、沖縄の人たちの恐れについて

I was surprised many Okinawans have deep suspicions about China's military design over her. This is very bad for Okinawa independence as my numerous posts suggest Okinawa needs China to help her prosper and be a viable country after independence. The fact of the matter is for Okinawa to prosper she need China more than China needs her. Like it or not, All Roads Lead To China simply because of current Chinese economic strength and massive market.

If one looks at Chinese history, power projection is always based on Soft Power, not hard power with military presence. China knows it is much too expensive to maintain hard power military presence and cause resentment among locals. Thus trade, tributary status of smaller countries is the usual way for Chinese power projection. That is what happen with Malacca, Malaysia before when China sent Hang Li Poh to marry the sultan there to establish relationship with her ​​tributary state. So anybody who think China have military design, putting a Military Garrison on Okinawa Have Being Brainwashed by Propaganda from U.S. and Japan.  Http :/ / / Wiki / Malacca

History of Okinawans with China:

Early History of The Ryukyu Kingdom and its Relationship with China and Japan
In many ways, the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom previous to the Meiji Restoration provides a depiction of an island kingdom that maintained a high degree of national sovereignty that was eventually shattered by colonial domination by the Satsuma-han in the 17th century. From the earliest times, the Ryukyu Kingdom occupied a privileged position to the south of Japan due largely to its trade and cultural links with China. Despite the fact that Japan had exercised brief contacts with the kingdom from the 7th to the 9th century, it's attempts to interfere with Ryukyuan domestic affairs virtually disappeared from Ryukyuan history until the 17th century. Until that time, the Ryukyu Kingdom maintained it's strongest economic and cultural ties with China, and remained in somewhat constant contact with the Asian continent, through China. From the 14th century on, the Ryukyu Kingdom developed a tributary relationship with China, which while symbolically signifying the Ryukyu Kingdom's status under China (as demonstrated in a pledge of loyalty made by the Ryukyuan King to the Chinese Emperor) basically maintained the Ryukyu Kingdom's independent status as a nation. In no way did China seek to interfere in Ryukyuan domestic affairs, but merely sought to maintain cordial relations with the kingdom (which by the 16th century had consolidated all of the islands in the archipelago under centralized monarchical rule, with it's capitol at Shuri castle on the island of Okinawa). China's preeminent status had several key implications for the Ryukyuan people. It provided legitimacy to the Ryukyuan Monarchy, and also established the manner in which Chinese ethics and cultural customs were able to enter into the Ryukyus. Most importantly, however, it's status as a tributary allowed the Ryukyu Kingdom access to trade with China, which would serve to boost the Ryukyus status in terms of mercantile affairs.

The whole world is gravitating towards China and it will be foolish not to take advantage of China's economic needs. Even Vietnam, a traditional enemy of China sees it fit to do more business with China. Vietnamese are building casinos to win over more Chinese money. ASEAN countries benefited greatly from trade with China. However Philippines is the odd man standing out with much less trade with China. As a result Philippines lose out to other ASEAN nations. Less Chinese investments, less Chinese tourists, less exports to China, so having a short sighted position with regard to China does more harm to one's own economy while the rest of the world prosper.

As for Okinawa economic interaction with China, there is not much Okinawans can export to China as land is scarce, there is no land to lease to China to cultivate agricultural produce. However both Chinese and Okinawans loves pork and Okinawa may have some islands specially set up for pork business to serve the Chinese market. Manufacturing is also not a strong possibility as Okinawa uses Yen making Okinawa not a very cost competitive place to do business.

However there is one advantage in perception that Okinawa can take advantage of:. The Made In Japan label command more respect and value than Made In China label This will become an opportunity for Chinese companies to move some of their semi finished products to Okinawa for final assembly, their produce to Okinawa for final inspection and packaging before selling to Japan itself and other countries. All this of course have to follow WTO labelling rules.

The other attractions of Okinawa to China such as tourism, second home, time share etc have being discussed elsewhere. The question is why are Okinawans so worried about China? I suspect this have to do with being brainwashed by constant news about how bad China is given her Communist political system and danger of Okinawa being attacked by China. But as I explained in my many post, the target is not Okinawa, but the Japanese military bases in Naha and elsewhere that put Okinawans at risk if China is forced to attack Okinawa if hell break loose. Keeping planes and ships grounded, destroyed at the airbases and port is a sure way to prevent danger to China, thus this is not unexpected in how the Chinese military could be thinking.

Is there a need for Chinese military to force herself to be present in Okinawa assuming Okinawa become independent? I have not seen any reason why this is necessary. Okinawa is not like Hong Kong where a Chinese military garrison is based. Hong Kong is clearly Chinese territory whereas Okinawa is not. Having Chinese military garrison in Hong Kong is necessary to show Hong Kong belongs to China. It does not make sense to say Hong Kong belongs to China and China cannot have a military base there.

Okinawa on the other hand have never being under China, just a tributary state. That does not permit China to have any military base in Okinawa ever. So I have to say many Okinawans are misled by Japan and US to think China is Bad Panda. There is no historical evidence of that.

About the Japanese Jeitai presence in Okinawa:. I can see how Okinawans see them as 'good boys' vs US misbehaving marines based in Okinawa However as I said the presence of Jeitai in Okinawa serve Okinawans no good purpose but the potential danger in a war as noted above. It only serve to ATTRACT ATTACK from China. Without the Jeitai there is no reason for China to come over and harm Okinawa.

As a guarantee perhaps some token US base presence in Okinawa and more in Guam may be necessary to keep China in check. The other thing is to encourage Chinese investments into Okinawa but limited to say 40% so as to avoid over dependency on China. This is the same scenario right now between Okinawans and mainland Japan relationship. Okinawans depends on over 90% of tourism from mainland Japan. Without mainland Japan tourists, Okinawans are in even worse shape. So Okinawans are held hostage by Tokyo if there is economic boycott of Okinawa.

The best solution then is to have a balanced economic mix dependency, so China and Japan both have about 40% influence, the rest from other countries.

「和訳版」Addressing The Okinawan Fear About China's Intention Over Their Land









中国と沖縄の経済的相互作用については、土地が狭いので、沖縄から中国へはそれほど輸出ができない、農業のために中国に提供するだけの土地がない。とにか く、中国人も沖縄の人も豚肉が好きだから、中国市場へ向けて、特定の島を豚肉ビジネスにするということも可能かもしれない。






