Friday, February 28, 2014

Dirty Politics, Nakaima Question, Funding, Tainted Independence Pursuit

Politics is a dirty business. One should not expect politicians to be unblemished. Over the course of their careers, some will change party, even sell out their constituents for own selfish gains. Self preservation is usually the culprit. There are very few politicians who are altruistic. We see politicians changing party all the time in the US, from Democratic to Republican and vice versa. Sometimes to become independent, or form another party which is quite rare.

So given the nature of reality in the political world, one should not be surprised at the flip flop position of Governor Nakaima. His job is supposed to be to look out for the Okinawa Prefecture. Somehow under intense arm twisting by Tokyo and Washington, he caved in, perhaps he think he can sell a bigger budget from Tokyo sweetener in exchange for sacrificing Henoko.

This very same Governor Nakaima can also be twisted back to go against Tokyo if enough pressure is put on him!

First of all, we all have to remember that Governor Nakaima was elected to serve Okinawa Prefecture. Somewhere along the way, he was pressured to serve his LDP party first which is for Henoko base relocation of Futenma, at the expense of his initial priority to serve Okinawans first.

What happened is history. Governor Nakaima got the extra budget promise of $3 billion plus per year for Okinawa in exchange for Henoko relocation. He might be finessing his strategy to allow the land reclaimation to start and hope the local mayor Inaime do the dirty work for him to stop the relocation. He is condemned by many Okinawans and is considered a spent political force there.

However what if Governor Nakaima can be used by Okinawan independence activists to gather more support for independence? What if he throw his weight to the independence movement and get his fellow LDP members in Okinawan Assembly to pass the Independence Bill? He will of course make Tokyo very angry, perhaps US too. However it does not matter to him anymore. He have to preserve his legacy among the Okinawan people whom he owes First Allegiance. I am sure in his heart he is a pure Okinawan and want to look out for Okinawans. However he was in a very difficult situation and perhaps he have miscalculated by allowing Henoko land reclaimation. Or perhaps he was subtly forced into doing it. We never know how dirty Tokyo politics work. He was in Tokyo supposedly for medical trip when he make the decision. Was there coercion? We never know.

Anyway, I am pretty sure, Gov Nakaima want to find a way to redeem himself and the opportunity to redeem himself will only happen if Okinawans welcome his support for Okinawa Independence. As I said, politics is dirty, people change sides. It is important not to take it personally and have a visionary discussion with Governor Nakaima to try to influence him to support Okinawa Independence. His legacy is at stake and I believe he will welcome his participation in Okinawa Independence if only someone ask him nicely!

Once he decide to publicly announce his support for independence, I am pretty sure the current kindling of independence movement will become a flame that will gather international attention. Headline News: Governor Nakaima, the guy who approve Henoko support Okinawa Independence! One publicity leads to another, changing this small flame into a bigger fire. With more visibility, more Okinawans will see HOPE that independence is a Real Possibility! This is also the Golden Time to solicit Funding to help Okinawans campaign for their independence. It cost money, lots of money to help make this a successful movement. I am very optimistic there are plenty of people within Japan and overseas in US, China, HK, Taiwan, Europe, anywhere, once they understand the aspirations of the Okinawan People and my own Global Peace initiative, they will see this as a very worthy cause to support.

So Gov Nakaima is still useful. He is not to be discarded. He can also persuade other LDP members in Okinawa to become independent members and forget about dependency on Tokyo. This will especially be so when they see massive amount of money flowing into Okinawa Independence funds to help take care of their basic needs of own self survival with no need to depend on Tokyo. Seriously as I said, politics is dirty, so I suspect many LDP members in Okinawa are LDP not because they think it is good for Okinawa, but because they think by being LDP members, they have a safer way to take care of their own personal needs. Simply put, these may not be honest politicians, they only look out for themselves but they can become useful for Okinawa Independence, just like Gov Nakaima.

Independence piggyback activists: Much to my dismay, I notice some Okinawan independence activists being used by outside forces who have their own independence agenda separate from Okinawans. I will not name names here, but what this do by having outside parties show up in Okinawan independence rally is it damage the movement. Remember funding is a necessary part of independence movement and whatever small gains these Okinawans activists have from the outside supporters perhaps they make a small donation to help them, they cause far more harm than good.

Okinawan independence movement must be done in a pristine environment, no outsider activists representing other organizations should ever be allowed to taint the Okinawan effort. Just one photo of outside forces mixed in among the Okinawans can affect greatly the perception of potential donors.

I urge Okinawans to try to sway Governor Nakaima and use his clout to increase the Okinawa Independence Head Count. Being very visible to Okinawans, his action will suddenly increase the amount of Okinawans showing up in support for independence. Being practical is more important than idealistic pursuit. Independence activists are probably mostly not into politics and may not have pragmatic viewpoints. In my various posts, I urge pragmatism, especially relating to China so everybody wins except bad bad Tokyo!

「和訳版」Killing Three Bird With One Stone 一石で三鳥を落とす

「和訳版」Killing Three Bird With One Stone



The Chinese Hypersonic WU-14 Glide Missile Game Changer In Forcing Jeitai Airbase, US Out Of Henoko, Kadena Okinawa

War Game Simulation: There is nothing written here that is not imagined by Pentagon war planners. I just try to show the What If scenario that the military brass knows and they plan their policies accordingly.

This is a scenario that is purely speculative now. The reason I put this out now is to give hope to Okinawans that US will withdraw from Okinawa or at least reduce massively her presence there over the next few years because of the difficulty to protect her bases in Okinawa from Chinese attack.

As I said, one need to think like a military man in order understand why US and Japan insist in having their bases in Okinawa. Japanese forces in Naha and Ishigaki. That is why I have being emphasizing all along, forcing these forces out of Okinawa will increase chance for Global Peace when US and Japan are defanged, they are less likely to initiate a war. Please note China does not have a history of starting war, only being a victim of war. In particular Japan with an aggressive WWI & WWII war record, one cannot take a chance with Japanese behavior when under stress from China's constant patrolling around Diaoyu/Senkaku, Japan may choose to become confrontational instead of negotiating. In other words, Japan just don't know when to fold, to capitulate when the reality demands it and instead have the tendency to fight to the death out of silly nationalists attitudes. That is why uncivilize acts like Hara Kiri, Kamikaze only happen in Japanese culture and not from other people.

OK, the hypersonic glide missile weapon from China: this missile is capable of Mach 10 or more and move at unpredictable pattern making it near impossible to intercept. Let's assume China place this missile somewhere off her coast on a nearest island to Okinawa or in a secret location along the coastline. This could well be somewhere off Fujian province coastline or on an airbase near the coast. Let's say this is 720 miles away from Kadena, Okinawa.

The Free Beacon said the test made China the third country after the Russian Federation and United States to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle able to carry nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10 - or 12,359 kilometers per hour (7,675 mph).[3] China is also believed to be developing a hypersonic scramjet version that can be launched from air or ground. Notice it could be even faster than Mach 10, so five minutes from launch to destroy target in Okinawa may be even a bit generous.

Speed of sound is 767 miles per hour, so at Mach 10 min, and closer location, Okinawa may even be hit in five minutes. I am certain Chinese military planners will configure the optimal location to launch the missile to prevent any US or Japanese plane from getting airborne. In war seconds count!

Distance Between Changle and Naha Airport (OKA) is
1097.55 kilometers
681.99 miles
Distance Between Zhangzhou and Naha Airport (OKA) is 1020.78 kilometers
634.29 miles
There could be even closer location than this airfield to Okinawa.

Since hypersonic glide missile is ballistic, add say 200 miles to go up and come down at an angle.

Let's say the hypersonic glide missile travels at 7200 miles per hour. This means in 6 minutes only, this missile will be able to hit Kadena Air Base in Okinawa! This will make it near impossible for US jets to take off. Some may be on standby, 24/7 during heightened crisis but most will not, and those that cannot take off will not after the runway is bombed.

This can also be applied to the Japanese airbase in Naha. Some may fly away, but most will not and be damaged at the base.

The only worry is if this hypersonic glide missile is not accurate enough and hit residential areas in Okinawa. War is dirty and collateral damage is to be expected.

China need more Beidou satellites to help navigate with greater precision to attack the air bases. This is forthcoming as China is furiously building up the network of Beidou satellites.

In the very near future, perhaps a couple of years or so, I think there will be an operational hypersonic glide missile able to attack Okinawa air bases.

This means US military planners will be quacking at their boots and will quietly reconfigure their military plans to move more US bases out of Okinawa.

The Henoko base relocation from Futenma will not mean much in the coming years. It is just a brave face US put up to show a strong posture against China. However I suspect it will be mostly use for drones and other vehicles and equipments that require less US military personnel. US always try to fight a high tech war, less military death the better. So Henoko if it is ever built will have much less US personnel or may just be abandoned given Chinese upcoming overwhelming missile capability to destroy them.

Again I want to remind readers, it is the speed of the missile and how fast the reaction time that affects how a military planner think. If the Pentagon planners see Chinese missiles coming in so very fast at under 7 minutes and at such a speed and angle of attack that makes it near impossible to defend, they will advice the US president to move US bases out of Okinawa.

So Okinawans should THANK China for her threatening missile to help them kick US off Okinawa and kick Japanese airbases out of Naha as well! If Japan refuse to leave or Okinawans don't want to declare independence, then those living in Naha may be in harms way due to potential collateral damage.

Chinese military planners may conduct Short Sharp War to surprise Japan/US to prevent her planes from taking off. Below shows the scenario where surprise may be necessary to prevent planes from taking off.

Default NATO QRA alert time is 15 minutes (in DEFCON 5), although the local CRC can lower that to ten (DEFCON 4), five (DEFCON 3) or even two minutes (DEFCON 2) depending on current state of affairs.
At 5 minutes (DEFCON 3), the engines would be running idle 24/7, at 2 minutes (DEFCON 2) there are pilots in the cockpit 24/7.
Read more:

Ballistic Missile Range:
Short-Range Ballistic missile SRBM up to 1000 kilometers
However, GPS has significant application for an TBM outfitted with a post-boost vehicle (bus) or attitude control module that navigates a reentry vehicle to a more accurate trajectory. 
More Beidou is key to accuracy
Chinese hypersonic glide missile WU 14 when used against Okinawa targets probably Theatre Ballistic Missile type with distance as short as 186 miles and fly lower than ICBM. So it seems if China can find a spot outside 200 miles EEZ off Okinawa, this missile can fly even faster to reach target. See photo in web link.
At altitudes above 120 km (75 mi), atmospheric density is generally insufficient to cause the onset of ablation. This site offer range example TBM that is what the hypersonic glide missile will be used in this category.

「和訳版」The Chinese Hypersonic WU-14 Glide Missile Game Changer In Forcing Jeitai Airbase, US Out Of Henoko, Kadena Okinawa 中国の切り札「超高音速WU-14型グライドミサイル」によって、自衛隊空軍基地と米軍は、沖縄の辺野古、嘉手納から撤退を余儀なくされる

「和訳版」The Chinese Hypersonic WU-14 Glide Missile Game Changer In Forcing Jeitai Airbase, US Out Of Henoko, Kadena Okinawa










1097.55 キロメーター
681.99 マイル


1020.78 キロメーター
634.29 マイル













怠慢なNATOのQRAアラートは15分(DEFCON 5で)、さらにローカルCRCは10分から低くなる可能性がある(DEFCON 4で)、5分(DEFCON 3)または2分(DEFCON2)直近の状況によって違う。
5分では(DEFCON 3)、エンジンが24時間体制でアイドルになっているのは、2分(DEFCON 2)コックピットにパイロットが24時間常駐している。

Read more:

Ballistic Missile Range:
Short-Range Ballistic missile SRBM up to 1000 kilometers
However, GPS has significant application for an TBM outfitted with a post-boost vehicle (bus) or attitude control module that navigates a reentry vehicle to a more accurate trajectory.
More Beidou is key to accuracy
Chinese hypersonic glide missile WU 14 when used against Okinawa targets probably Theatre Ballistic Missile type with distance as short as 186 miles and fly lower than ICBM. So it seems if China can find a spot outside 200 miles EEZ off Okinawa, this missile can fly even faster to reach target. See photo in web link.
At altitudes above 120 km (75 mi), atmospheric density is generally insufficient to cause the onset of ablation. This site offer range example TBM that is what the hypersonic glide missile will be used in this category

Saturday, February 22, 2014

All Roads Leads To China: How Geopolitical Calculations Will Make An Independent Okinawa Very Wealthy! すべての道は中国へ続く:地理的計略がどのように独立沖縄国を富ませるかについて!

China Rising And The Opportunity For Okinawa Independence:

CREEPING Independence may be the best way to force Japan to let Okinawans have their own destiny. By this I mean Okinawans build up their own economic strength and that is where China comes into the picture! 

A strengthening China offers an excellent opportunity for Okinawan Independence. There is no better time in history for Okinawans to fight for independence than now! The reason as noted in my various posts is an economically strong China lift all boats in the region and many countries around the world. Think of this like US lifting the economic boats of developing countries.

The golden opportunity is now or it never will be. Okinawans are at a crossroad. Wait longer and she will lose her own identity and forever become part of Japan. The reason of course is assimilation and younger generations generally have little interest in self identity. Look across the ocean and see Taiwanese as an example. It is pretty scary to hear many southern Taiwanese having being influenced by Japan refuse to see themselves as more Chinese than Japanese. Of course the reason is they despise mainland Chinese because China is not yet a democracy. This very same people will be more Chinese when they see China more prosperous and advanced than them. Anyway self identity should be natural, from own cultural heritage, not just adopting others and forgetting one's own roots. 

All Roads Lead To China. Really! This is just a consequence of China being a big populous nation and the awakened China is full of economic activities. This economic activities will benefit all nations and it will be rather silly for Okinawans not to have a piece of the pie. Even Vietnam with all the disputes with China is building casinos to cater for the Chinese gamblers. Okinawa can benefit if she work hard to win over Chinese investments as well. However as noted elsewhere the Investment Climate in Okinawa is not conducive for China to participate. Okinawans themselves may wrongly have a bad impression of China after years of being misled by news about China as a threat. Furthermore a Chinese consulate in Naha will facilitate trade instead of present Tokyo scheme to strangle China's investment by forcing Chinese to go to Fukuoka to get paperworks done.

I hope Okinawans smarten up and see China as an Opportunity, a Savior and not a danger to her existence. If properly managed, Okinawans will be able to find a crack on her path to independence by way of Chinese influence. Of course this should be done cautiously so as to avoid being accused of selling out to China.

The first step perhaps is for the Naha mayor and Okinawa governor to make a business delegation visit to China to explore the possibilities of China bringing in investments to Okinawa. China should come in cautiously as well, investing no more than say 5% of Okinawan economy to show good faith she can help to improve Okinawan condition on her pathway to independence.

If independence people see China helping out, more people may join as they won't have to worry about Tokyo strangulating their economy as a punishment on the path to independence.

Ideally as I said, foreign influence in Okinawa should be about 40% China, 40% Japan and balance 20% from Europe, America and other Asian countries. This will make Okinawa a cosmopolitan country not dependent on any particular country for economic survival.

Strange as it may sound, an independent Okinawa will prosper immensely. Okinawans do not have to do a lot of things. They will finally see big prosperity in their future for precisely the same reason they suffer because of their LOCATION.

? How so As we see now, Okinawans suffer endlessly due to the strategic locations of Okinawan islands to benefit Japan and US So remember this:. It is due to military consideration Okinawans are made to suffer through no fault of their own due to the strategic locations of their islands. If the Okinawans do not get out of this occupation of their homeland by US and Japan the majority will forever be in poverty and never have a chance to prosper.

However what if they become independent? Will they become rich BECAUSE of their strategic location? The answer is a Definite YES!

? How is it possible First I want to digress: Tokyo will put every roadblocks to prevent Okinawa from becoming independent, So Okinawans have to go in via the Back Door, meaning act AS IF independent by trading with other countries, border controls, do extra things outside the control of Tokyo. Among the things that Okinawans must do is to attract Massive Trade with China, be it service or products. The idea is to BALANCE OUT the economic dependency of Okinawa on Tokyo and allow China to influence Okinawan economy up to the 40% limit.

With this danger of Chinese overruning Okinawa economically, Tokyo will be forced to pay more attention to Okinawa by increasing trade, special preferences to counter act Chinese influence. Tokyo and China may not necessary make sound economic decisions but that is their problem and Okinawan wins!

Think of Myanmar as an example. Remember Myanmar depend on China for decades due to lack of democracy, she was shunned by Western world and is economically stunted. Now that she is more democratic Japan rushed in to give away money to her, forgiving billions of debt and give generous economic terms. So think of Okinawa like Myanmar, two big suitors wanting to have influence over her and they will be very willing to give generous terms to her. Thus one can see because Okinawa is so very important to both China and Japan for Strategic Location considerations, both these countries will make sure Okinawa will NEVER AGAIN fall into the hand of the other party. Both China and Japan will work very very hard to please Okinawans, showering her with gifts and special treatment!

So yes, in a strange way Okinawans having suffered greatly due to their strategic location will benefit Very Handsomely exactly due to this very same reason! She must however make the first step to move towards independence and not just talk talk talk and worry about being intimidated by Japan / US.

The fact is Okinawa will never be a country with no influence by her neighbors. She will always be influenced by both China and Japan, hopefully after independence it will be for the better of all Okinawans!

Thus I see a Vision of Okinawa in the future to be a constant tug of war between China and Japan in the economic sense, no war, but both countries trying to keep Okinawa within her sphere of influence. The end result will be Okinawa having clusters of Chinatowns here and there and Japanese companies all over Okinawa and other Ryukus Islands as they have now. There will be many Chinese companies in collaboration with Okinawan researchers in the field of science and technology perhaps in the new Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology University. China will provide generous funding to help discover and develop new products. Tokyo is broke, so funding will most likely come from China. The end result will be a fairly evenly matched economic influence between China and Japan over Okinawa, both perhaps investing about 40% in her economy and the balance from other countries. Tourism from both countries may be about evenly matched as well.

Okinawa is a small country with less than 1.5 million people so it is quite easy to improve her economy easily just by taking a small portion of China and Japan's foreign investments. The whole China Seas have not yet being fully explored for oil and gas. Current research underway in the South China Seas, funded mostly by China, but research done by international group. If successful and there is no reason why ocean topography is much different in the East China Sea, there is very good chance Okinawa / Ryukus Islands will benefit from future oil / gas drilling. -years /

Fake sanshin music:. ​​Once independence movement gather steam, Tokyo / Washington will try to play snake charmer blowing fake music to put Okinawans to sleep again, perhaps by bribing them or move some bases out The train have already left the station and Okinawans should not go for half a loaf. Full Speed ​​Ahead!         

So sit back and relax, fight for independence and your future will be very bright indeed!

P / S:. I want to remind readers my motivation for an Independent Okinawa is primarily to remove the Japanese military presence in Naha, Ishigaki and elsewhere Of course justice need be done to Okinawans as well, to free themselves from being under the thumb of Tokyo / Washington, so I feel good when Okinawans celebrate Independence Day, coming soon! This I think will create a peaceful environment between China and Japan as Japan will find herself unable to patrol Diaoyu / Senkaku, too far away to be practical and thus forced to negotiate with China, instead of the arrogant 'Nothing To Negotiate' stance now. Meanwhile pre independence, China will not dare to attack Diaoyu / Senkaku as the islands are protected by US guarantee to defend against invasion. Okinawans must include Diaoyu / Senkaku as part of their independence movement, from Amami up north to Diaoyu / Senkaku. How they deal with China and Japan later after independence regarding Diaoyu / Senkaku will be up to them to negotiate but I think a 50/50 split will be wonderful with Okinawans themselves having unlimited access.

「和訳版」All Roads Leads To China: How Geopolitical Calculations Will Make An Independent Okinawa Very Wealthy!













まず話がそれるけど:東京は、独立の邪魔をするためにあらゆる手を使ってくるだろう、だから沖縄の人たちは、裏口から入らねばならない、どういう意味かと いうと、まるで独立しているかのように他の国と貿易をすること、国境警備をすること、東京のコントロールの外でいろいろやること。






全シナ海(訳者註:原文では彼はThe whole China Seasとしていますので、適切な日本語がありません)におけるオイルやガスの探索は、まだじゅうぶんに行われていない。



私は、このことによって、日本が、あまりにも遠いから尖閣の警備が不可能であるということに気がつき、今のような「交渉すべきことは何もない」という傲慢 なスタンスに代えて、中国との交渉をせざるを得ないということになり、平和な環境を作り出すことができると思っている、

Friday, February 21, 2014

Addressing the Okinawan Fear About China's Intention Over Their Land 沖縄への中国の意図を巡る、沖縄の人たちの恐れについて

I was surprised many Okinawans have deep suspicions about China's military design over her. This is very bad for Okinawa independence as my numerous posts suggest Okinawa needs China to help her prosper and be a viable country after independence. The fact of the matter is for Okinawa to prosper she need China more than China needs her. Like it or not, All Roads Lead To China simply because of current Chinese economic strength and massive market.

If one looks at Chinese history, power projection is always based on Soft Power, not hard power with military presence. China knows it is much too expensive to maintain hard power military presence and cause resentment among locals. Thus trade, tributary status of smaller countries is the usual way for Chinese power projection. That is what happen with Malacca, Malaysia before when China sent Hang Li Poh to marry the sultan there to establish relationship with her ​​tributary state. So anybody who think China have military design, putting a Military Garrison on Okinawa Have Being Brainwashed by Propaganda from U.S. and Japan.  Http :/ / / Wiki / Malacca

History of Okinawans with China:

Early History of The Ryukyu Kingdom and its Relationship with China and Japan
In many ways, the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom previous to the Meiji Restoration provides a depiction of an island kingdom that maintained a high degree of national sovereignty that was eventually shattered by colonial domination by the Satsuma-han in the 17th century. From the earliest times, the Ryukyu Kingdom occupied a privileged position to the south of Japan due largely to its trade and cultural links with China. Despite the fact that Japan had exercised brief contacts with the kingdom from the 7th to the 9th century, it's attempts to interfere with Ryukyuan domestic affairs virtually disappeared from Ryukyuan history until the 17th century. Until that time, the Ryukyu Kingdom maintained it's strongest economic and cultural ties with China, and remained in somewhat constant contact with the Asian continent, through China. From the 14th century on, the Ryukyu Kingdom developed a tributary relationship with China, which while symbolically signifying the Ryukyu Kingdom's status under China (as demonstrated in a pledge of loyalty made by the Ryukyuan King to the Chinese Emperor) basically maintained the Ryukyu Kingdom's independent status as a nation. In no way did China seek to interfere in Ryukyuan domestic affairs, but merely sought to maintain cordial relations with the kingdom (which by the 16th century had consolidated all of the islands in the archipelago under centralized monarchical rule, with it's capitol at Shuri castle on the island of Okinawa). China's preeminent status had several key implications for the Ryukyuan people. It provided legitimacy to the Ryukyuan Monarchy, and also established the manner in which Chinese ethics and cultural customs were able to enter into the Ryukyus. Most importantly, however, it's status as a tributary allowed the Ryukyu Kingdom access to trade with China, which would serve to boost the Ryukyus status in terms of mercantile affairs.

The whole world is gravitating towards China and it will be foolish not to take advantage of China's economic needs. Even Vietnam, a traditional enemy of China sees it fit to do more business with China. Vietnamese are building casinos to win over more Chinese money. ASEAN countries benefited greatly from trade with China. However Philippines is the odd man standing out with much less trade with China. As a result Philippines lose out to other ASEAN nations. Less Chinese investments, less Chinese tourists, less exports to China, so having a short sighted position with regard to China does more harm to one's own economy while the rest of the world prosper.

As for Okinawa economic interaction with China, there is not much Okinawans can export to China as land is scarce, there is no land to lease to China to cultivate agricultural produce. However both Chinese and Okinawans loves pork and Okinawa may have some islands specially set up for pork business to serve the Chinese market. Manufacturing is also not a strong possibility as Okinawa uses Yen making Okinawa not a very cost competitive place to do business.

However there is one advantage in perception that Okinawa can take advantage of:. The Made In Japan label command more respect and value than Made In China label This will become an opportunity for Chinese companies to move some of their semi finished products to Okinawa for final assembly, their produce to Okinawa for final inspection and packaging before selling to Japan itself and other countries. All this of course have to follow WTO labelling rules.

The other attractions of Okinawa to China such as tourism, second home, time share etc have being discussed elsewhere. The question is why are Okinawans so worried about China? I suspect this have to do with being brainwashed by constant news about how bad China is given her Communist political system and danger of Okinawa being attacked by China. But as I explained in my many post, the target is not Okinawa, but the Japanese military bases in Naha and elsewhere that put Okinawans at risk if China is forced to attack Okinawa if hell break loose. Keeping planes and ships grounded, destroyed at the airbases and port is a sure way to prevent danger to China, thus this is not unexpected in how the Chinese military could be thinking.

Is there a need for Chinese military to force herself to be present in Okinawa assuming Okinawa become independent? I have not seen any reason why this is necessary. Okinawa is not like Hong Kong where a Chinese military garrison is based. Hong Kong is clearly Chinese territory whereas Okinawa is not. Having Chinese military garrison in Hong Kong is necessary to show Hong Kong belongs to China. It does not make sense to say Hong Kong belongs to China and China cannot have a military base there.

Okinawa on the other hand have never being under China, just a tributary state. That does not permit China to have any military base in Okinawa ever. So I have to say many Okinawans are misled by Japan and US to think China is Bad Panda. There is no historical evidence of that.

About the Japanese Jeitai presence in Okinawa:. I can see how Okinawans see them as 'good boys' vs US misbehaving marines based in Okinawa However as I said the presence of Jeitai in Okinawa serve Okinawans no good purpose but the potential danger in a war as noted above. It only serve to ATTRACT ATTACK from China. Without the Jeitai there is no reason for China to come over and harm Okinawa.

As a guarantee perhaps some token US base presence in Okinawa and more in Guam may be necessary to keep China in check. The other thing is to encourage Chinese investments into Okinawa but limited to say 40% so as to avoid over dependency on China. This is the same scenario right now between Okinawans and mainland Japan relationship. Okinawans depends on over 90% of tourism from mainland Japan. Without mainland Japan tourists, Okinawans are in even worse shape. So Okinawans are held hostage by Tokyo if there is economic boycott of Okinawa.

The best solution then is to have a balanced economic mix dependency, so China and Japan both have about 40% influence, the rest from other countries.

「和訳版」Addressing The Okinawan Fear About China's Intention Over Their Land









中国と沖縄の経済的相互作用については、土地が狭いので、沖縄から中国へはそれほど輸出ができない、農業のために中国に提供するだけの土地がない。とにか く、中国人も沖縄の人も豚肉が好きだから、中国市場へ向けて、特定の島を豚肉ビジネスにするということも可能かもしれない。








Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Henoko, Investment Climate, Amani Question, Practical vs Purity, Bill To Declare Independence Etc 辺野古、投資環境、奄美問題、現実性と理想、独立宣言のための条例 

These are my further thoughts to mold an Independent Okinawa and a VISION of how Okinawa may looks like. Sorry for the ramblings. Some ideas can be done right now by current government if they want to, but Okinawan independence activists must move fast and not allow Tokyo to steal ideas to forestall your independence quest. It's a long post, hope you take time to read!
The fundamental problem with Okinawa today is lack of foreign investments into prefecture for reasons noted below. An independent Okinawa will remove the cloud over Okinawa and make it a top investment location!

Amami question: Protect their financial condition. This ensure their cooperation. Do not allow Tokyo to buy them over like Malaysia win Sabah from Philippines. Amani about 130,000 people, so manageable.

Chinese money: purity to avoid Chinese money but Chinese are gamblers, go with the flow! Be practical. Solicit rich Chinese entrepreneurs to build casinos in Iejima island. That will bring infrastructure construction work to local Okinawans instead of mainland Japanese contractors. It is unlikely Las Vegas operators will build there early on. Malaysian Genting Casino operator might be interested to add pachinko style machines there. Tour ships bringing thousands of Chinese gamblers to Okinawa exclusive gambling zone.

Monarchy revised configuration: more like a part time set up perhaps, a reenactment with Yara, real bloodline to make a show of Ryukus history every year like during Independence Day to celebrate that day with pomp. So no heavy tax burden on Okinawans, no need to maintain any castle, just current Shuri Castle use for that special day function. Great for tourist attraction too.

Remember all small countries like Monaco, Singapore, Macao, they need casinos to help boost revenue, so Okinawans should not reject this avenue to generate wealth. Cruise ships around the islands offer casino like gamblings for further revenue.

Promotion of the astronomical observatory in Ishigaki island for people who want to enjoy the heavens. A place away from bright lights is a very attractive place for people who enjoy scientific adventure and Ishigaki observatory is an ideal place.

Very first step to Declare Independence: Make a bill in the Okinawa Assembly to push for Okinawa Independence. This need not be a very precise delineation of territories. However preferably from Amani and all islands south, including Diaoyu/Senkaku, everything that not Japan's original territory, pre Meiji Restoration territories all belong to Ryukus Kingdom or Lew Chew, whatever name is suitable. Monarchy system as before, king to be elected by newly independent Okinawa people, preferably somebody with blood lineage to former kings, someone who actively help to achieve Okinawa independence will be best.

From current membership in Okinawa Assembly, over two third non LDP members. These members should be persuaded to support Okinawa Independence, at least a symbolic vote to start. This will form the basis for lejima autonomy self governance, to attract foreign investments.  A solid vote will be much better to show will of Okinawan people for independence. 

There is little hope of support from DIET in Tokyo, so be prepared for the lejima strategy while waiting for DIET approval that will most likely never come!

The Henoko impasse with Tokyo/US is an OPPORTUNITY to push for independence. Every problem have an opportunity somewhere in the underbelly and this is it! Opportunity to push for independence in the face of an impossible party (Tokyo) to deal with.

Iejima timeshare properties for vacation:  Rich Hong Kong, Taiwanese, Mainland Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc buy time share in iejima. Development by Hong Kong or Chinese investors. This is much more potential than tourism to Okinawa. Tourist maybe stay 3-5 days, time share visitors stays longer.
So there are three types of foreigners in Okinawa, tourists, few days, Time Share maybe a couple of weeks, Second Home months or years.

Once Okinawa Assembly pass Okinawa Independence bill, and if DIET disagree, Okinawa Assembly should immediately pass a bill to demand Japan to remove her military bases in Naha and elsewhere on Ryukus Islands. Of course Tokyo may use her purse string to intimidate Okinawa, in which case, Okinawans should welcome Chinese investments wholeheartedly.

Protest style: Economy of motion. This means maybe don't even bother protesting as can be seen many loud noisy protest in Thailand, Ukraine not successful so far, also Egypt. Best protest is just to get Okinawa Assembly to pass bill and behave AS IF already independent eg iejima autonomy modus operandi. Protest more like a festival carnival like mood, gather more crowd the better, people want entertainment value, so get music festivals to attract big crowds. YouTube moment with lots of protest banners and speeches, so it is like protest plus entertainment mixed attraction. Even get foreign celebrities to join much fun!

Currency of Okinawan country: current currency using Japanese Yen makes Okinawan less competitive with neighbors. Okinawans have to determine if they want to issue their own currency and see how it floats vs the Dollar, Yen, Renminbi etc. Perhaps a two tier system may be tested first to avoid a traumatic low value currency making Okinawans exports cheap but purchasing power of currency too low. But if Okinawans do not have a lot of exports it does not serve to have a low value currency. One scenario is like Hong Kong Dollar and China Renminbi different value at start of Hong Kong handover to China in 1997. At that time Hong Kong Dollar is stronger than Chinese Renminbi but now Chinese currency is stronger. Using this illustration perhaps Okinawan may want to have say Iejima island issue a lower value special Okinawan currency fixed at say 80% of Yen while the rest of Okinawa at same Yen value, using Yen temporarily. The advantage of lower value in Iejima is make work available to Okinawans who have no jobs to at least have a job opportunity there. If they stay there, spend there, there is no downside to this arrangement. If they bring their money to the rest of Okinawa they will of course have less purchasing power. Also by fixing a lower valuation encourage more foreign investment as their money can buy more stuff and services. There is always a downside to this arrangement of course, a lower standard of living is to be expected in exchange for more job opportunities. Remember Iejima is primarily designed to attract foreign cash inflows to generate economic activities.

Not to be lost here, Okinawans have to show enough interest in independence with at least 30% interested INITIALLY. The rest can be persuaded when they see their future will be Brighter upon independence. Once the 30% or whatever reasonable critical minimum amount is met, it will be far easier to solicit External Support from Western countries, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, even mainland Japanese. Remember no China money for now to avoid accusation of being bought by China. Facebook Donation Page will be great strategy to solicit donation. Not just moral support but donations will pour in, investment potentials will pour in if they see there is hope for success. Of course all this will be conditional upon success, but meanwhile Iejima autonomy can go on without Tokyo's blessing. The most critical thing is to remove Japanese Naha airbases and other military assets to give Okinawans a clean sovereignty. With a stronger Okinawan self governance, economy Okinawans can say NO to Tokyo! So Okinawans should hurry up building own economy without Tokyo's help to show Tokyo she is not indispensable.

English and IT skill seems lacking in Okinawa. In order to break out from Japan's clutch Okinawans need to learn more English and computing. Just imagine a lot more IT companies, Call Centers will have gone to China instead of India if the Chinese are better in English. Malaysia fall behind compared to Singapore because Malaysians are less proficient in the English language. English speaking tour guides will help bring more Western English speaking people to Okinawa. At present Western tourists to Okinawa is way too low compare for her potential to attract more people over. Furthermore Malaysia 2nd Home project to attract investors is helpful because Malaysian speak English even though not all are proficient. An Okinawan society well versed in English can attract a lot of English speaking people to make Okinawa their second home. Facebook I guess is a must for everybody to connect to the world beyond Japan. BTW 2nd home should be managed so as not to distort Okinawan housing prices resulting in a bubble.

Sample maths second home scenario: if say 100,000 people invest in Okinawa at $300,000 each, this results in $30 billion capital inflow. This is about ten times Tokyo's yearly budget to Okinawa. This is just a wild guess of course, maybe some invest $1 million per home but $300,000 is a reasonable minimum, so if only 10,000 invest, it will still be a few billion dollars inflow into Okinawa.

Okinawa about three times size of Singapore so even if population doubled should still be reasonable place to live. It is possible like Singapore, there may be quite a high percentage of rich foreign investors staying in Okinawa, that is what is meant by cosmopolitan! The first thing as I say is Investment Climate need be palatable to attract foreigners, especially Westerners. Orientals especially Chinese probably more daring to invest.

Tokyo cannot reduce aid to Okinawa when Okinawa increase own revenue, otherwise Tokyo need be kicked out of Naha pronto!

Fast track second home program: seek foreign real estate developers who are able to also bring in prospective second home buyers. For example some Chinese big real estate developers can design different size units to cater to different buyers taste. They do all the legwork. Leave it to the pro. Okinawans only need to supply land to house 1000 unit cluster at a time for example. The minimum investment per person should allow for balance outside the housing cost to make funds available for Okinawan banks to invest where they want. I think the primary reason Okinawan economy is stunted is lack of capital to invest and perhaps partnership with others, this seed money will be very useful to expand Okinawan economy if invested wisely. is example of big Chinese developer. Of course hire local Okinawans for construction jobs.

Movie shoot: what if Okinawa could attract a major movie production? A permanent base for Indie film like the Sundance Film Festival to attract aspiring movie makers all over the world is possible, no need for major Hollywood like studios. Okinawa could transform herself into a hip place where it is cool for people to come from around the world. Something like the Lord Of The Rings movie shoot in New Zealand instantly makes that a touristy spot. So Okinawans should promote their place for movie productions for TV Series, movies for theater release etc. Many years back a famous Korean mini TV series become so famous people travel to Korea makes that a must see tourist site. Okinawan history and culture could well be an interesting movie series as well.

Prepare for next Okinawa Assembly elections in 2016 NOW to throw out those members who don't support Okinawa Independence.

Celebrities sit in, get Norm Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Sean Penn, better still famous Japanese people symbolic chained to air bases to gather more headlines for global promotion of Okinawan Independence cause. Be willing to go to jail overnight symbolic like in US some politicians willing to be booked for jail for show to get more publicity.

Is Japanese military presence in Naha, Ishigaki protecting Okinawans or putting them in harm's way? One way to answer this question is to look into the history of Okinawa. About 140,000 Okinawans died during WWII because of Japanese military presence. Using this experience as an example it is fair to say that ANY military presence will put civilians in harms way. While the impression of violence, rape is done by US military personnel and there is NO such actions by Japanese military people in Okinawa, this does not remove the danger of massive civilian death if war break out between China and Japan. Nothing is predictable, so Naha may be bombed, Ishigaki may be bombed, all around the air bases and sea port. Let's just hope no stray bombs but the risk is there for those staying in the crowded Naha city.

Is Japanese military presence in Naha protecting Okinawa? My question is from who? From China? There is zero evidence China have any interest to annex Okinawa. On the contrary I see only the downside risk from having the Japanese military on Okinawa. There is thus nothing to gain by having any Jietal in Okinawa. My primarily calculation is if Japan is forced to move her airbases further up near Fukuoka, it will be much harder for her to patrol Diaoyu/Senkaku and thus less likely to have war with China. Without sufficient range, Japan is forced to negotiate with China, that is my reasoning. There is not a chance China dare to invade Diaoyu/Senkaku as US is obliged to defend it. A Japanese initiated first shot is what will trigger a meltdown. China dare not fire the first shot, though she may bump like previous Hainan incident in 2001.

Liberty Bell, Statue Of Liberty: Remember China Tiananmen Massacre? The students make a version of Chinese Lady Liberty. That was intentional to generate global support, especially from Americans for more freedom in China. Okinawans perhaps should consider making a version of Lady Liberty to commemorate the young girls who were tricked to jump to their death off cliffs near Mabuni Hill during WWII by Imperial Japanese Army. So perhaps something to remind people, an independent Okinawa will never again suffer such a fate caused by war on Okinawan soil.
Liberty Bell is of course less familiar to Okinawans in the meaning of freedom but is a very powerful symbol for Americans as the Liberty Bell is the beginning of the Declaration Of Independence. So an Okinawan version of Liberty Bell will make Americans take notice!
A most powerful independence movement scene: Picture of Okinawan virgin girls holding Liberty Torch misled into jumping off Mabuni Hill, so having both picture together give a very powerful image to remind Okinawans of their history. Thousands of the civilians, having been induced by Japanese propaganda to believe that U.S. soldiers were barbarians committing horrible atrocities, killed their families and themselves to avoid capture. Some of them threw themselves and their family members from the southern cliffs where the Peace Museum now resides

Loya Jirga: Get Ryukus/Lew Chew people from all over the islands, from Amami up north to the south, make multiple Loya Jirga like group tribal meetings to hammer out a Declaration of Independence document. Okinawa is not very big so easy to have meetings once every week perhaps for a few months to finalize the Document. No meetings allowed to go on forever without taking action. Insisting on perfection in first draft makes it counter productive to Okinawa movement, so perhaps a three month time limit should be imposed to finalise Declaration of Independence movement. Once ready I believe Facebook will be a very useful tool as is used here so I hope more Okinawans use it to improve their communications in private. 

Duration target to achieve independence: Target three years, actually it could be less. The key is to first get legal authority from Okinawan Assembly to pass an independence bill. The most important step is to create an investment climate to solicit investments into Iejima Island for example as a clean exclusive zone separate from current FTZ. Target investments from Hong Kong/Taiwan/Korea to start. 

De Facto Independent Concept: this is extremely important. Run Okinawa AS IF already independent. This is like Taiwan for example. The island is basically a country, only thing missing is international recognition. Meanwhile investments flow to Taiwan due to stable investment climate. Okinawans should use this strategy to generate investments from overseas. Once Okinawa becomes much stronger financially, goodbye Tokyo! Okinawans do not need Tokyo to survive. So try very hard to attract investments from overseas, ignore DIET opposition to vote for independence. So remember this Economy of Motion, conserve energy for more productive use. Fight Tokyo without actually fighting! When time come, boot out all Tokyo military presence in Okinawa with Okinawa Assembly vote representing will of Okinawans to be a Neutral Country.

Investment Climate: I suspect the value of the Yen and the unattractive environment in Okinawa due to presence of US bases and constant tension between China and Japan/US are the primary reasons why foreign investors are not bringing money into Okinawa. A look at the tenants in the Free Trade Zone shows mostly Japanese companies. There is no reason why Okinawa cannot attract substantial investments that are flowing into many South East Asian countries. Okinawa is completely overlooked because of bad investment climate. Thus a Signal need be sent to foreign investors that Okinawa is an attractive place for investments. During the transition period, using Iejima as prototype, special tax breaks for infrastructure built in Iejima, especially to attract investors from Hong Kong and Taiwan or Korea first. Perhaps even better to soak up empty spaces in current FTZ areas all over Okinawa but if successful, Tokyo must not be allowed to reduce her yearly budget for Okinawa. Even from China if there is a way to avoid perception Chinese money is fueling Okinawa independence. Westerners are probably more risk adverse before Okinawa achieve full independence, thus dependence on Okinawan neighboring countries may be best idea to start. I think Okinawa should not count on manufacturing for economic growth except for air cargo based items as container load products are harder to compete with neighboring countries. Focus on where Okinawa can best take advantage of, agriculture, tourism, casinos, second home, long term nursing homes etc.

Border Control: Investors to be given laxed immigration control when they come and go via Naha airport. For example if Tokyo allows only three months stay before needing renewal, investors in Iejima exclusive zone can come and go within say one year period if that is the border control bill to be passed by the Okinawan Assembly. Immigration officers in Naha will be manned by Okinawans so even if DIET don't give extended stay privilege, Okinawans can enforce it themselves. This extended stay scenario is most likely if Okinawa create the Second Home program for people from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore etc, crowded places where they are dying to have another place to live peacefully and still able to conduct business. A look at Vancouver and Sydney Australia shows the pent up demand from rich Asians seeking another place to stay and Okinawa is able to offer a most livable environment for them all year round! Again, nobody want to come to Okinawa if she is under the Japanese/US occupation.

The Practical End Game: Okinawa Independence may not be fully independent for quite a while if Tokyo keep standing in the way. In this case the alternative is to just declare independence, administer Okinawa exactly like Taiwan. Own border control, own civilian defense, doing business like any independent country would. As I said removing Japanese forces from Naha and elsewhere is my primary determinant in global peace as I see their presence there is a springboard for Diaoyu/Senkaku which they cannot do further up in Kyushu. Thus two military forces need be removed from Okinawa to be truly independent: first urgency is the Japanese military, secondly US bases. US bases is actually protective of Okinawans for now and Japanese military is harmful though it don't look this way to the public. Over time both need to be removed according to the will of Okinawans, a neutral country forever in the shadows of big powerful neighbors.

Neutrality: this must be part of the Okinawan Declaration Of Independence. This means Okinawans will not allow ANY foreign forces from Japan, US, China etc to be on her land. This will be a very good selling point to get global support. However a Grace Period have to be negotiated with US and Japan to remove them.

Music Festival: OM! Festival tm  Okinawa Music Festival. Of course there is now such festivals, but perhaps not enough international presence. The idea is to have a Woodstock like festival in Okinawa, nice climate to attract musicians from all over the world especially during the winter months people like to have a getaway to have outdoor fun. A festival at least three days duration like Woodstock with various types of music will make it worth a trip from US and European countries to Okinawa. Iejima island a nice place for festival if ferry service is sufficient.

Like Oh Canada! which is Canadian tourism slogan to elicit sense of awe at Canadian natural beauty, Oh Okinawa! will be a nice equivalent to attract attention from English speaking countries.
Most Cosmopolitan Country In North East Asia: Okinawa to become the most cosmopolitan country in North East Asia, a Gateway for all foreign businesses from Europe and America to do business with Tokyo, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul. Naha will be the initial stop for all foreign flights instead of Tokyo. Not just US military people but tourists, business people making Naha the first stop coming to the area, much like Singapore serve as first stop for people travelling to other ASEAN countries.

Renegotiate land rental demand from US: US air bases presence in Okinawa causes damaged Investment Climate for Okinawa, so US should pay more than current rent paid to landlords. Okinawans should demand a new rental before US is booted out completely!

「和訳版」Henoko, Investment Climate, Amani Question, Practical vs Purity, Bill To Declare Independence

辺野古、投資環境、奄美問題、現実性と理想、独立宣言のための条例 からも、容易に読むことができます。





















私は、沖縄の経済の停滞は、投資が足りないからだと考えている、そしてほかと提携して、それを賢く活用すれば、その元金が沖縄の経済を広げるために役立つと思う。 は中国の大手の不動産業者だ。














ミュージックフェスティバル:OM!フェスティバル 沖縄ミュージックフェスティバルの商標だ。もちろん今も、そういうものはあるけど、国際的な存在感はまだまだだ。

