Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The 95% Okinawan Independence Theory Money Changes Everything!

The 95% Okinawan Independence Theory Money Changes Everything!

Recently I was told by some Okinawan activists that 95% Okinawans want independence. Outright independence, not just autonomy. They want a clean break from Tokyo.

But as we see, evidence is scant. There is little sign of independence activism that point to such numbers.

Why is this so? I suspect it is not because Okinawans do not want independence. The reason I see is they have almost given up hope.

Back in the sixties and seventies, there were massive protest. However over the years many Okinawans feel this is a lost cause. They think they are overwhelmed by political and Economic Intimidation from Tokyo and Washington.

Now this is some forty odd years later and the younger generations don't know what their parents struggle and fight for during those years. As in other countries, these younger generations are the smartphone generations and are more distracted by computer games, social networking than doing the hard job of fighting for their independence.

But in any case they must have being instilled knowledge of independence fight by their parents and as they grow older they understand the importance to fight for their own destiny. But the question have always being economic isn't it?

How do want fight for independence without money? There must be money to help measure the true feelings of Okinawans. Money to help them express themselves. There are many poor Okinawans. With almost the highest unemployment rate in Japan this can only mean there are many Okinawans with no money. With no money they basically depend on handouts from friends, and relatives as well as basic government financial support. There is hardly any money for them to go from point A to point B if they want to do something like show support in a demonstration for independence. This then give an example of a group of Okinawans who may support independence but are not counted.

In order to count them, money is needed to help provide free transportation to bring them to an independence rally I am pretty sure the true number of people wishing to become independent is very very high They need at least two things: .. Hope and Money .

This is not to say money should be used to buy Okinawan dignity. They should decide independence on their own free will. Money is just an enabler to help flush out their true feelings.

Hope will be rekindled after they see more people join independence rally. This is basically natural Herd Instinct. Many people are like sheeple, they just follow the crowd. In this case, when the independence movement grows bigger, those on the sideline will join too. It is a self feeding flame that will swell to a giant inferno. This will truly show the will of the Okinawans for independence.

I believe the latent wish for independence is there among Okinawans. They just need a booster financing to fund the movement. If you are able and willing to support Okinawa independence please contact Yara to help fund his organization.

Meanwhile enjoy Cindy Lauper's song here.


This Is Wild!

Ukraine Crimea illustration: .. Just like Crimea, Okinawans are a distinct race, different from Yamato Japanese There is resentment from being governed by current government in Ukraine as their economic condition is a failure and seeking to be part of Russia is their best option. For Okinawans , you seek nobody, not China, not USA, but you stand on your own feet, like Taiwan, another island nation. You basically need to have a competitive currency of your own to help with exports. You don't need to depend on just tourism.

Crimea's Moscow-backed leaders declared an overwhelming 96.7% vote in favor of leaving Ukraine and being annexed by Russia in a referendum that Western powers said was illegal and will bring sanctions. Turnout was 83%

Okinawans can make such a statement too to be independent instead. Let's see what Tokyo do next. Once the will of the people have spoken, it will be very hard for Tokyo to ignore their will to leave even if DIET declare illegal. I think Tokyo will not dare to punish Okinawa economically though there may be short term threat. It will be disaster if Tokyo proceed to threaten Okinawa as Okinawans can threaten back to be part of China or US or whatever game she can play for leverage. In any case the international community will have a sympathetic ear for Okinawans and will make sure she does not fail economically.

If Tokyo continue to ignore Okinawan will, Okinawa should start to issue new currency and do own self border policing as first step of sovereignty. Jeitai should be forced out, road blockage, made unwelcomed.


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