Sunday, March 2, 2014

Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Inclusion In Okinawa Independence Two Step Strategy

Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Inclusion In Okinawa Independence Two Step Strategy

Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands must be included in Ryukus nation as part of the Okinawan independence pursuit.

The Two Step Strategy is the only practical way to keep Diaoyu/Senkaku out of the hand of Japan and China for military advantage. If Diaoyu/Senkaku is not included in Okinawa independence document, it will leave the islands dispute unresolved and will continue risking war between China and Japan/US. Technology advances improving jets and missile range and speed perhaps a decade away may make Okinawa irrelevant to Japan/US but the lingering disputes will still cause potential war between China and Japan/US even without Okinawa bases.

It is necessary to keep current Japanese claim on Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in Okinawan Independence pursuit. Okinawan also have their own claim to the islands but perhaps not as strong as China or Japan. For this reason it is necessary to share the economic rights around the islands to reach a satisfactory arrangement among the parties. This should be understood early on by independence activists as they are destined to live with China and Japan and thus need to compromise on this issue.

BTW the northern reach of the new Ryukus nation should start from Amami. This also help prevent Tokyo from building a new airbase there.

In the early stage of the independence movement, both China and Tokyo will be hostile to Okinawans due to their claims on Diaoyu/Senkaku. However China will probably be less antagonistic when the post independent Okinawa share Diayou/Senkaku with her. Moreover China will be very happy to see Okinawa independent, so she will not complain too much after she see the big picture. Only Tokyo got to be careful how she treat Okinawans as she have the most to lose post independence if she mistreat Okinawans and Okinawans may not give her any share at all.

It does not matter China and Japan are both upset as long as behind the scene tacit agreement is made with them about post independence islands military, economic arrangements. So the first step is to have Diaoyu/Senkaku under Okinawan control. The second step is to neutralise the military usefulness by not allowing any military presence there, perhaps with UN forces on islands if needed. Economic rights to be negotiated as part of this second step.

Taiwan ROC will also be upset of course, but since she is not an active player in the dispute she should probably have less share to the resources, about like the fishery rights Tokyo give her now.

While the aspiration of Okinawans are cultural preservation and to get away from economic oppression from Tokyo via subtle economic colonialism strategy and other second class treatments, Okinawans must also think of the big global picture in their independence pursuit. It is necessary to include Diaoyu/Senkaku islands within the border of an independent Ryukus nation as the only way to neutralise it's military importance for the big powers around her.

There should be quiet behind the scene negotiation between the Okinawa independence activists with China and Japan regarding Diaoyu/Senkaku and reward those who treat a newly created Ryukus nation with respect and dignity. This probably can only be done at the later stage when the independence movement gather steam and is taken seriously by both Tokyo and Beijing.

Okinawans must have full access to the 200 miles EEZ fishery rights and the oil/gas drilling as well regardless of the agreements with China and Japan. There shall be no restrictions to Okinawan access.

By keeping Diaoyu/Senkaku islands in Okinawan hand and maintaining neutrality, there is no more military consideration by Japan/US with regard to danger of China using these islands to hide her submarines there and occupy the islands militarily to threaten Taiwan or Japan.