Monday, December 30, 2013

What Westerners And Many Others Fail To Understand About Slights To China & S Korea From Abe Yasukuni Shrine's Visit & How Japan's Nationalist View Class A War Criminals 欧米人や他の多くは安倍靖国神社の訪問と日本の民族主義ビュークラスA戦犯方法から中国&Sの韓国には、約侮辱を理解できないものを

First of all many Westerners, casual observers buy into the nationalists in Japan's idea that visiting the Yasukuni Shrine is itself a harmless event. Nothing could be further from the truth.

These visits are well timed, orchestrated with cameras flashing for maximum political mileage to discredit China's claim of  Japanese war atrocities, in particular Nanjing Massacre and the S Korean claim of Comfort Women.

Remember the Tokyo War Tribunal found those Class A War Criminals guilty and subject to execution. The nationalists in Japan NEVER accept this tribunal findings, SO every year the Yasukuni Shrine visits is their way of consoling the spirits of these war criminals that they had being wronged. This is how clever they twist facts and see only their side of events.

From China and S Korea's side of course they see the nationalists in Japan under LDP Abe and other former leaders as downplaying the scale of their war crimes.

This is the only reason why China and S Korea protest so much. If only China protest, then the world may have a valid claim that China is playing politics. However S Korea is a US ally, so this means China's protest is as righteous as the S Koreans.

So I want to repeat: Each visit to the Yasukuni Shrine is in fact Abe and other LDP Diet members telling China and S Korea that there may be perhaps only a few thousand dead in Nanjing Massacre as the Japanese think, so no big deal like 300,000 massacred, not Genocide. To the South Koreans, they are telling the world that maybe a few hundred Comfort Women, and they Voluntarily do it themselves, for money. Thus Japan's Imperial Army should not be blamed for their own situation. So if there is in fact any real coerced Comfort Women, Japan think maybe a few, a dozen at most, not the tens or hundreds of thousands South Korea claim.
Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed
Estimates vary as to how many women were involved, with numbers ranging from as low as 20,000 from some 
Japanese scholars [4] to as high as 410,000 from some Chinese scholars,[5] but the exact numbers are still being researched and debated.

It is this yearly ritual to the Shrine, telling the dead spirits of the Class A Criminals, reassuring them that we are with you, we support you, there is no major massacre, there is no massive comfort women that irritates China and South Korea.

Thus one should not discredit China and S Korean's position. It is as if US telling Japan in her face, Yes, we nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki because we think it is the right thing to do. How will the Japanese react? Of course they feel offended and think US should not have done that and instead should fight a conventional war.
"In 1978 the kami of 1,068 convicted war criminals, including 14 convicted Class-A war criminals were secretly enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine.[32] Those enshrined include Hideki Tōjō, Kenji Doihara, Iwane Matsui, Heitarō Kimura, Kōki Hirota, Seishirō Itagaki, Akira Mutō, Yosuke Matsuoka, Osami Nagano, Toshio Shiratori, Hiranuma Kiichirō, Kuniaki Koiso and Yoshijirō Umezu.[33] Since 1985, visits made by Japanese government officials to the Shrine have aroused protests in China and South Korea.
In a survey of 3,000 Japanese conducted by Asahi News as the 60th anniversary approached in 2006, 70% of those questioned were unaware of the details of the trials, a figure that rose to 90% for those in the 20–29 age group. Some 76% of the people polled recognized a degree of aggression on Japan's part during the war, while only 7% believed it was a war strictly for self-defense.[34]"



日本の学者[ 4 ]いくつかの中国の学者から41万と高いために、[ 5 ]が、正確な数字はまだ調査され、議論されています。


「 1978年14有罪判決を受けたA級戦犯を含む1068有罪判決を受けた戦争犯罪者の神がひそかに靖国神社に祀られた。 [ 32 ]が祀ら方は東条英機、賢治Doihara 、岩根松井平太郎木村弘毅廣田征四郎板垣が含まれ、明武藤、松岡洋右、修身長野、白鳥敏夫、平沼喜一郎邦明小磯と梅津美治郎は。 [33] 1985年以来、神社への日本政府関係者によって行われた訪問は中国と韓国に抗議を呼んできた。
60周年の2006年に近づくと朝日新聞が行った3000日本の調査では、疑問視者の70%が試験の詳細、 20〜29歳群では90 %に上昇し、図の気づいていなかった。わずか7%は、それが厳密に自衛のための戦争だったと信じている間にポーリングの人々の中には76%が、戦争中の日本の一部に侵略の程度を認識した。 [ 34 ] "

Mochiron, Chūgoku to S Kankoku no soba kara, karera wa karera no sensō hanzai no kibo o keishi to shite Jimintō Abe ya hoka no kyū shidō-sha no shita de, Nihon no minzoku shugi o sanshō shite kudasai. Kore wa, Chūgoku to S Kankoku ga son'nani kōgi yuiitsu no riyūdearu. Chūgoku dake no kōginaraba, sekai wa Chūgoku ga seiji o saisei suru koto o seitōna shuchō o motte iru koto ga arimasu. Shikashi, S Kankoku wa Beikoku no dōmeikunidearunode, kore wa Chūgoku no kōgi ga S kangokujin no yō ni, tadashī monodearu koto o imi shimasu. Dakara watashi wa kurikaeshitai. Yasukunijinja e no kaku hōmon wa, jissai ni wa Abe to nihonjin ga omou yō ni nankindaigyakusatsu de no, osoraku wazuka sū sen shinda ga sonzai suru kanōsei ga aru koto, Chūgoku to S Kankoku ni i~tsu te, hoka no Jimintō giin'nanode 30 man-yōna taishitakotonai Tairyō gyakusatsu, gyakusatsu sa renai. Kangokujin ni, karera wa okane no tame ni, 百多分少数慰安婦 , Soshite, karera wa jihatsu-teki ni jishin o suru koto o sekai ni tsutaete iru. Kono yō ni Nihon no teikoku-gun wa jibun no jōkyō o hinan subekide wa arimasen. Jissai ni sonzai suru nodeareba nin'i no jissai no kyōsei ianfu, Nihon wa to omou kamo shirenai ikutsu ka,de wanai sū jū matawa sū hyaku man mo no Kankoku no shuchō, seizei jū sū. Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ Nanking _ Massacre Rekishiya ya mokugeki-sha 25 man 〜 30 man hito ga shibō shita to suitei shite iru Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ Comfort _ women Suitei-chi wa, ikutsu ka no 〜 20000 teido no hiku ni itaru made no sūji de, kan'yo shite ita dono yō ni ōku no josei ni ōjite henka Nihon no gakusha [4 ] ikutsu ka no Chūgoku no gakusha kara 41 man to takai tame ni,[5 ] ga, seikakuna sūji wa mada chōsa sa re, giron sa rete imasu. Kore wa, Chūgoku to Kankoku o shigeki suru nan kyodaina ianfu ga sonzaishinai, ōkina gyakusatsu wa sonzaishinai, watashitachi wa anata o sapōto shi, watashitachi wa anata to issho ni iru koto o karera o anshin, kurasu A hanzai-sha no shisha no rei o tsutaeru, jinja ni wa, kono maitoshi no gishikidearu. Kono yō ni 1 wa, Chūgoku to Kankoku-go no chii o shin'yō shinaide kudasai. Wareware wa sore ga okonau ni wa tadashī kotoda to omou node, kanojo no kao ni Nihon o tsutaeru Beikoku wa, wa i, watashitachiha Hiroshima, Nagasaki no kaku kōgeki ka no yō nidesu. Dono yō ni nihonjin wa han'nō surudarou ka? Mochiron, karera wa fukai ni kanji, Beikoku wa sore o okonatte irubekide wa arimasenshi, kawarini, jūrai no sensō o tatakaubekida to omou. Http: / / En. Wikipedia. Orugu/ u~ikki/ intānashonaru _ Military _ Tribunal _ fō _ the _ Far _ East `1978-Nen 14 uzaihanketsu o uketa A kyūsenpan o fukumu 1068 uzaihanketsu o uketa sensō hanzai-sha no kami ga hisoka ni Yasukunijinja ni matsura reta. [32] Ga matsura-kata wa tōjō hideki, Kenji Doihara, Iwane Matsui Heitarō Kimura Kōki Hirota Seishirō Itagaki ga fukuma re, Akira Mutō, matsuoka yōsuke, shūshin Nagano, shiratori toshio, Hiranuma Kiichirō Kuniaki Koiso to umedzu yoshijirō wa. [33] 1985-Nen irai, jinja e no nipponseifu kankei-sha ni yotte okonawa reta hōmon wa Chūgoku to Kankoku ni kōgi o yonde kita. 60-Shūnen no 2006-nen ni chikadzuku to asahishinbun ga okonatta 3000 Nihon no chōsade wa, gimon-shi-sha no 70-pāsento ga shiken no shōsai, 20 〜 29-sai-gunde wa 90-pāsento ni jōshō shi,-zu no kidzuite inakatta. Wazuka 7-pāsento wa, sore ga genmitsu ni jiei no tame no sensōdatta to shinjite iru ma ni pōringu no hitobito no nakaniha 76-pāsento ga, sensō-chū no Nihon no ichibu ni shinryaku no teido o ninshiki shita. [34]"