Sunday, December 29, 2013

Prove Distance Matter In Taking The Teeth Out Of Japanese Aggression 日本の侵略のうち、歯を撮影距離マターを証明

Article below confirm by moving Japanese air force further north to say Kyushu Island, there will be reduced chance of dangerous encounter over Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

JASDF wants fighters deployed to Shimoji Island

Shimojijima Airport, currently idle and attracting JASDF interest.
The old civilian airport on Shimoji Island off Miyako Island is getting a second lease on life, at least if the Japanese Air Self Defense Force has its way.
The airport, which currently is unused, has been utilized for pilot training by both JAL and ANA in the past, and was originally constructed as a possible landing site for intercontinental supersonic airliners.  It was completed in 1971, a year before Okinawa’s reversion to the Japanese. The supersonic airliners never took off, and the airport was used as a training base for Japan’s commercial airline pilots, although for some time the airport also served regular flights between Irabu Island and Naha.
With Chinese aircraft now intruding the Japanese airspace with regularity over the disputed Senkaku Islands, JASDF brass has put forward a request for funds to study the feasibility of using the Shimoji Airport as a base, from which the JASDF could dispatch its jets to scramble to the air space around the Senkakus whenever necessary.  “We have dispatched our fighter jets from Naha to Senkakus lately, but Naha is simply too far. It takes too long to get to the Senkaku area from Naha. Shimoji would be much closer and much more effective,” says Masanori Nishi, Director of Policy at the Self Defense Agency.
Not so fast, says Miyakojima City Mayor Toshihiko Shimoji, whose city Shimoji Island and its airport are part of. “I haven’t heard anything from the Self Defense Agency, even less regarding Shimoji Airport,” the mayor says. He is also pointing out that when the airport was originally constructed, then Ryukyu Governor Chobyo Yara signed a contract about constructing the Shimoji Airport that stipulates that the facility will be reserved exclusively for civilian use.


今係争中の尖閣諸島の上に規則を持つ日本の領空を侵入中国の航空機で、航空自衛隊ブラスは航空自衛隊がスクランブルにするために、そのジェット機を派遣可能性があるから、ベースとしてShimoji空港を使用することの実現可能性を研究するための資金のための要求を出しました尖閣諸島必要に応じて周囲の空気空間。 「我々は最近、那覇から尖閣諸島に私達の戦闘機を派遣しているが、那覇すぎ単純です。それは、那覇から尖閣エリアに到達するためには長すぎるがかかる。 Shimojiがはるかに近いとはるかに効果的であろう、 「正典西、自己防衛庁の政策のディレクターは述べています。
ていないので、高速、その都市Shimoji島とその空港の一部である宮古島市市長俊彦Shimojiは言う。 「私もあまりShimoji空港について、自己防衛庁から何も聞いていない」と市長は述べています。彼はまた、空港が最初に建設されたとき、そして琉球知事Chobyoやらが施設を民生用に排他的に予約されることを規定しているShimoji空港の建設に関する契約を締結していることを指摘している。
Kyūshū ni itte mo, sarani kita, Nihon no kūgun o idō shite kakunin shi, kaki no kiji, chōgyo/ Senkakushotō no ue ni kiken'na sōgū no kikai ga genshō shimasu Http: / / Www. Japanupdate. Komu/ 2013/ 01/ jasdf - wants - fighters - deployed - to - shimoji - island/ Kōkūjieitai wa Shimoji shima ni haibi sentōki o nozonde Shimojijima kūkō, genzai aidoru to kōkūjieitai no kanshin o atsumete. Nihon no kōkūjieitai wa, sono hōhō o motte, sukunakutomo baai wa, Miyakojima ofu Shimoji shima no furui minkan kūkō wa, jinsei no 2-banme no rīsu o shutoku shite iru. Genzai shiyō sa rete i kūkō wa, kako ni, jaru to ana no ryōhō de pairotto no kunren no tame ni riyō sa rete ori, honrai wa tairiku-kan no chō onsoku ryokakuki no tame no kanōna chakuriku chiten to shite kōchiku shita. Sore wa 1971-nen, Nihon no Okinawa no fukki mae ni toshi ni kansei shimashita. Chō onsoku ryokakuki wa, ririku shite orazu, shibarakunoaida, kūkō demo Irabujima to Naha-kan no teikiben o tsutometaga, kūkō ni wa, Nihon no minkan kōkūkaisha no pairotto no kunren kichi to shite shiyō sa reta koto wanai. Ima keisō-chū no senkakushotō no ue ni kisoku o motsu Nihon no ryōkū o shin'nyū Chūgoku no kōkūki de, kōkūjieitai burasu wa kōkūjieitai ga sukuranburu ni suru tame ni, sono jettoki o haken kanōsei ga arukara, bēsu to shite Shimoji kūkō o shiyō suru koto no jitsugen kanōsei o kenkyū suru tame no shikin no tame no yōkyū o dashimashita Senkakushotō hitsuyōniōjite shūi no kūki kūkan. `Wareware wa saikin, Naha kara senkakushotō ni watashitachi no sentōki o haken shite iruga, Naha-sugi tanjundesu. Sore wa, Naha kara Senkaku eria ni tōtatsu suru tame ni wa naga sugiruga kakaru. Shimoji ga haruka ni chikai to haruka ni kōka-tekidearou, `Masanori Nishi, jiko Bōeichō no seisaku no direkutā wa nobete imasu. Te inainode, kōsoku, sono toshi Shimoji shima to sono kūkō no ichibudearu Miyakojima-shi shichō Toshihiko Shimoji wa iu. `Watashi mo amari Shimoji kūkō ni tsuite, jiko Bōeichō kara nani mo kiite inai' to shichō wa nobete imasu. Kare wa mata, kūkō ga saisho ni kensetsu sa reta toki, soshite Ryūkyū chiji Chobyo yara ga shisetsu o minsei-yō ni haita-teki ni yoyaku sa reru koto o kitei shite iru Shimoji kūkō no kensetsu ni kansuru keiyaku o teiketsu shite iru koto o shiteki shite iru.