Monday, December 30, 2013

Nanjing Massacre In Japanese For Japanese Readers 日本の読者のための日本の南京大虐殺 And The Yasukuni Shrine Visits 、靖国神社を訪問

Please understand that the reason China is upset with Japanese PM from Koizumi, Abe visits to Yasukuni Shrine have to do with the lack of sincerity from Japan. Japan deny the numbers cruelly killed or maimed and instead try to minimize it. This is the reason why China is angry, why S Korea is angry when Japanese Prime Ministers, Diet members visit Yasukuni Shrine in their official capacity and pray to those Class A War Criminals. If Japan have sincerely apologize and stop unapologizing for those crimes, then China and S Korea will not object to the shrine visits. Nobody cares if they visit in their private capacity.

Chūgoku wa Koizumi kara Nihon no PM to ikatteiru riyū wa, Yasukunijinja ni Abe no hōmon wa, Nihon kara no seii no ketsujo to kankei ga arimasunode go ryōshō kudasai. Nihon wa zankoku ni korosa re tari fugu ni sūji o kyohi shi, kawarini sore o saishōgen ni osaeru yō ni shite kudasai. Kore ga Nihon no sōri daijin wa, kokkai giin ga jibun no kōshiki tachiba de Yasukunijinja o hōmon shi, sorera no kurasu A senpan ni inoru toki, S Kankoku ga ikatteiru riyū o, Chūgoku wa, ikatteiru riyūdearu. Nihon ga kokorokara shazai shi, korera no hanzai no tame ni shazai shinai teishi shite iru baai wa, Chūgoku to S Kankoku wa jinja no hōmon ni hantai suru koto wa arimasen. Karera wa minkan shikaku de hōmon suru baai wa, dare mo kinishinai.

Japanese have a hard time learning the real facts about Nanjing Massacre. If you compare the Japanese version vs the English version, there is nothing there in Japanese version, so this post is a google translated version to help Japanese know more details than what they can ever learn from their white washed school textbooks.

Nanking Massacre

The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against Nanking (current official spelling: Nanjing) during the Second Sino-Japanese Warin 1937. The massacre occurred during a six-week period starting December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanking, which was then the Chinese capital. (See Republic of China). During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.[1][2] Widespread rape and looting also occurred.[3][4] Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed.[5] Several of the key perpetrators of the atrocities, at the time labelled as war crimes, were later tried and found guilty at the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal, and were executed. Another key perpetrator, Prince Asaka, a member of the Imperial Family, escaped prosecution by having earlier been granted immunity by the Allies.

The event remains a contentious political issue, as various aspects of it have been disputed by some historical revisionists and Japanese nationalists,[2] who have claimed that the massacre has been either exaggerated or wholly fabricated for propaganda purposes. As a result of the nationalist efforts to deny or rationalize the war crimes, the controversy surrounding the massacre remains a stumbling block in Sino-Japanese relations, as well as Japanese relations with other Asia-Pacific nations such as South Korea and the Philippines.

An accurate estimation of the death toll in the massacre has not been achieved because most of the Japanese military records on the killings were deliberately destroyed or kept secret shortly after the surrender of Japan in 1945. TheInternational Military Tribunal of the Far East estimates more than 200,000 casualties in the incident;[6] China's official estimate is about 300,000 casualties, based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal. Estimates from Japanese historians vary widely, in the vicinity of 40,000–200,000. Some historical revisionists even deny that a widespread, systematic massacre occurred at all, claiming that any deaths were either justified militarily, accidental or isolated incidents of unauthorized atrocities. These revisionists claim that the characterization of the incident as a large-scale, systematic massacre was fabricated for the purpose of political propaganda.[7][8]

Although the Japanese government has admitted to the acts of killing of a large number of noncombatants, looting and other violence committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after the fall of Nanking,[9][10] a small but vocal minority within both the Japanese government and society have argued that the death toll was military in nature and that no such crimes ever occurred. Denial of the massacre (and a divergent array of revisionist accounts of the killings) has become a staple of Japanese nationalism.[11] In Japan, public opinion of the massacres varies, and few deny the occurrence of the massacre outright.[11] Nonetheless, recurring attempts by negationists to promote a revisionist history of the incident have created controversy that periodically reverberates in the international media, particularly in China, South Korea, and other East Asian nations.[12]



第日清ワリン1937時:また南京大虐殺として知られている南京大虐殺は、南京(南京現在の公式綴り)に対する日本軍が犯した大量殺人と大量レイプのエピソードだった。大虐殺は1937年12月13日、日本は、その後中国の首都だった南京を撮影しその日の開始6週間の期間中に発生しました。 (中華民国を参照してください) 。この期間中、中国の民間人や武装兵士の数十万人は、旧日本軍の兵士によって殺害された。 [ 1 ] [ 2 ]広まったレイプや略奪も発生しました。 [ 3 ] [ 4 ]歴史家や目撃者は推定しているもの250,000 30万人は、戦争犯罪としてラベル時点で、残虐行為の主要な加害者の[ 5 ]いくつか。殺害された後に試みられた、南京戦犯法廷で有罪判決を受けて、処刑された。もう一つの重要な加害者、プリンス朝霞、皇室のメンバーは、以前の連合国による免疫を付与されたことにより訴追を免れた。

その様々な態様は、いくつかの歴史的修正主義と日本の民族主義者によって争われてきたように、イベントは、 [ 2 ]誰が虐殺は誇張または全体プロパガンダ目的で製造されたいずれのあったことを主張して、論争の政治的課題である。戦争犯罪を否定するか、合理化するナショナリストの取り組みの結果、大虐殺をめぐる論争は、日中関係におけるつまずきだけでなく、韓国やフィリピンなど他のアジア太平洋諸国と日本の関係が残っている。

殺害に日本軍の記録のほとんどは意図的にまもなく1945年の日本の降伏後に秘密を破壊したり維持したため、大虐殺での死者の正確な推定が達成されていない。極東のTheInternational軍事裁判は事件で20万人以上の死傷者を推定し、 [ 6 ]中国の公式推定は南京戦犯法廷の評価に基づいて、約300,000の死傷者である。日本の歴史家からの推定値は40,000-200,000の近くで、大きく異なります。いくつかの歴史的修正主義者にも広く普及し、体系的な虐殺が任意の死亡は、軍事的に不正な残虐行為が偶発的または単離された事件正当化のいずれかであったと主張し、すべてで発生したことを否定している。これらの修正主義者は、大規模などの事件の特徴は、体系的な虐殺を政治的プロパガンダを目的に製作されたと主張している。 [ 7 ] [ 8 ]

日本政府は南京陥落後に日本軍が犯した非戦闘員の大量殺害、略奪や他の暴力行為を認めたが、 [ 9 ] [ 10 ]日本政府の両方内で小さいながらも、ボーカル少数派そして社会は死者が自然の中で軍事的で、かつ、どのような犯罪がこれまでに発生していないことを主張してきた。虐殺(および殺害の修正主義会計の発散配列)の否定は、虐殺の世論が変化、日本では[ 11 ] 。日本のナショナリズムの定番となっており、いくつかは完全に虐殺が発生したことを否定している。 [ 11 ]それにもかかわらず、事件の修正主義の歴史を促進するnegationistsによる定期的な試みは、定期的に、特に中国、韓国、および他の東アジア諸国では、国際的なメディアで反響論争を作成した。 [ 12 ]
Nihonjin wa kurō nankindaigyakusatsu ni tsuite no hontō no jijitsu o manabu koto ga arimasu. Anata wa eigo-ban tai nihongohan o hikaku suru to, soko ni nihongohande wa nani mo nainode, kono kijide wa, gūguru ga Nihon no wa, karera ga kore made karera no shiro kara manabu koto ga dekiru mono yori mo shōsai o shitte shien suru bājon o hon'yaku shi, gakkō no kyōkasho o senjō suru. Nankindaigyakusatsu Dai nisshin warin 1937-ji: Mata nankindaigyakusatsu to shite shira rete iru nankindaigyakusatsu wa, Nankin (Nankin genzai no kōshiki tsudzuri) ni taisuru nippongun ga okashita tairyō satsujin to tairyō reipu no episōdodatta. Dai gyakusatsu wa 1937-nen 12 tsuki 13-nichi, Nihon wa, sonogo Chūgoku no shutodatta Nankin o satsuei shi sonohi no kaishi 6-shūkan no kikan-chū ni hassei shimashita. (Chūkaminkoku o sanshō shite kudasai). Kono kikan-chū, Chūgoku no minkan hito ya busō heishi no sūjūman hito wa, kyūnihongun no heishi ni yotte satsugai sa reta. [1 ] [2 ] Hiromatta reipu ya ryakudatsu mo hassei shimashita. [3 ] [4 ] Rekishiya ya mokugeki-sha wa suitei shite iru mono 250, 000 30 Man hito wa, sensō hanzai to shite raberu jiten de, zangyaku kōi no shuyōna kagai-sha no [5 ] ikutsu ka. Satsugai sa reta nochi ni kokoromi rareta, Nankin senpan hōtei de uzaihanketsu o ukete, shokei sa reta. Mōhitotsu no jūyōna kagai-sha, purinsu Asaka, kōshitsu no menbā wa, izen no rengō-koku ni yoru men'eki o fuyo sa reta koto ni yori sotsui o manugareta. Sono samazamana taiyō wa, ikutsu ka no rekishi-teki shūsei shugi to Nihon no minzoku shugi-sha ni yotte arasowa rete kita yō ni, ibento wa, [2 ] dare ga gyakusatsu wa kochō matawa zentai puropaganda mokuteki de seizō sa reta izure no atta koto o shuchō shite, ronsō no seidjiteki kadaidearu. Sensō hanzai o hitei suru ka, gōri-ka suru nashonarisuto no torikumi no kekka, dai gyakusatsu o meguru ronsō wa, nitchūkankei ni okeru tsumazuki dakedenaku, Kankoku ya Firipin nado hoka no ajiataiheiyō shokoku to Nihon no kankei ga nokotte iru. Satsugai ni nippongun no kiroku no hotondo wa itotekini mamonaku 1945-nen no nihon'nokōfuku-go ni himitsu o hakai shi tari iji shita tame, dai gyakusatsu de no shisha no seikakuna suitei ga tassei sa rete inai. Kyokutō no TheInternational gunji saiban wa jiken de 20 man-ri ijō no shishō-sha o suitei shi, [6 ] Chūgoku no kōshiki suitei wa Nankin senpan hōtei no hyōka nimotozuite, yaku 300, 000 no shishō-shadearu. Nihon'norekishi-ka kara no suitei-chi wa 40, 000 - 200, 000 no chikaku de, ōkiku kotonarimasu. Ikutsu ka no rekishi-teki shūsei shugi-sha ni mo hiroku fukyū shi, taikei-tekina gyakusatsu ga nin'i no shibō wa, gunji-teki ni fuseina zangyaku kōi ga gūhatsu-teki matawa tanri sa reta jiken seitō-ka no izurekadeatta to shuchō shi, subete de hassei shita koto o hitei shite iru. Korera no shūsei shugi-sha wa, ōkibo nado no jiken no tokuchō wa, taikei-tekina gyakusatsu o seidjiteki puropaganda o mokuteki ni seisaku sa reta to shuchō shite iru. [7 ] [8 ] Nipponseifu wa nankinkanraku-go ni nippongun ga okashita hi sentō-in no tairyō satsugai, ryakudatsu ya hoka no bōryoku kōi o shitatameta ga, [9 ] [10] nipponseifu no ryōhō-nai de chīsainagara mo, bōkaru shōsū-ha Soshite shakai wa shisha ga shizen no naka de gunji-tekide, katsu, do no yōna hanzai ga kore made ni hassei shite inai koto o shuchō shite kita. Gyakusatsu (oyobi satsugai no shūsei shugi kaikei no hassan hairetsu) no hitei wa, gyakusatsu no yoron ga henka, Nihonde wa [11]. Nihon no nashonarizumu no teiban to natte ori, ikutsu ka wa kanzen ni gyakusatsu ga hassei shita koto o hitei shite iru. [11] Sore nimokakawarazu, jiken no shūsei shugi no rekishi o sokushin suru negationists ni yoru teiki-tekina kokoromi wa, teikitekini, tokuni Chūgoku, Kankoku, oyobi hoka no higashiajia shokokude wa, kokusai-tekina media de hankyō ronsō o sakusei shita. [12]

Military situation

In August 1937, the Japanese army invaded Shanghai where they met strong resistance and suffered heavy casualties. The battle was bloody as both sides faced attrition in urban hand-to-hand combat. By mid-November the Japanese had captured Shanghai with the help of naval bombardment. The General Staff Headquarters in Tokyo initially decided not to expand the war due to heavy casualties and low morale of the troops. However, on December 1, headquarters ordered the Central China Area Army and the 10th Army to capture Nanking, then-capital of the Republic of China.

Relocation of the capital
After losing the Battle of Shanghai, Chiang Kai-shek knew that the fall of Nanking would simply be a matter of time. He and his staff realized that they could not risk the annihilation of their elite troops in a symbolic but hopeless defense of the capital. In order to preserve the army for future battles, most of them were withdrawn. Chiang's strategy was to follow the suggestion of his German advisers to draw the Japanese army deep into China utilizing China's vast territory as a defensive strength. Chiang planned to fight a protracted war of attrition by wearing down the Japanese in the hinterland of China.[13]

Leaving General Tang Shengzhi in charge of the city for the Battle of Nanking, Chiang and many of his advisors flew to Wuhan, where they stayed until it was attacked in 1938.

Strategy for the defense of Nanking
In a press release to foreign reporters, Tang Shengzhi announced the city would not surrender and would fight to the death. Tang gathered about 100,000 soldiers, largely untrained, including Chinese troops who had participated in the Battle of Shanghai. To prevent civilians from fleeing the city, he ordered troops to guard the port, as instructed by Chiang Kai-shek. The defense force blocked roads, destroyed boats, and burnt nearby villages, preventing widespread evacuation.

The Chinese government left for relocation on December 1, and the president left on December 7, leaving the fate of Nanking to an International Committee led by John Rabe.

The defense plan fell apart quickly. Those defending the city encountered Chinese troops fleeing from previous defeats such as the Battle of Shanghai, running from the advancing Japanese army. This did nothing to help the morale of the defenders, many of whom were killed during the defense of the city and subsequent Japanese occupation.


彼らは強い抵抗に会い、死傷者に苦しんだところ1937年8月に、日本軍は上海に侵攻。両サイドには、都市素手戦闘でスレ直面し戦闘は血まみれだった。中旬11月によって日本人が艦砲射撃の助けを借りて、上海を撮影していた。東京の参謀本部は当初、原因死傷者や軍の低い士気に戦争を拡大しないことを決定した。しかし、 12月1日に、本社は南京、中国の共和国の当時の首都をキャプチャする華中エリア軍と第10軍を命じた。

上海の戦いを失った後、蒋介石は南京陥落は、単に時間の問題だろうことを知っていた。彼と彼のスタッフは、首都の象徴が、絶望的な防衛のために彼らの精鋭部隊の消滅を危険にさらすことができなかったことに気づきました。将来の戦いのために軍隊を維持するために、それらのほとんどは取り下げられた。チェンマイの戦略は深い中国は防御的な強さとしての中国の広大な領土を利用し日本軍を描くように彼のドイツのアドバイザーの提案に従うことでした。チェンマイは、中国の奥地で日本語をダウン着て消耗長期戦を戦うために計画された。 [ 13 ]



中国政府は12月1日に移転放置し、社長がジョン·ラーベ率いる国際委員会に南京の運命を残して、 12月7日に残された。

Gunji jōsei Karera wa tsuyoi teikō ni ai, shishō-sha ni kurushinda tokoro 1937-nen 8 tsuki ni, nippongun wa Shanhai ni shinkō. Ryō saidoni wa, toshi sude sentō de sure chokumen shi sentō wa chimamiredatta. Chūjun 11 tsuki ni yotte nihonjin ga kanpōshageki no tasuke o karite, Shanhai o satsuei shite ita. Tōkyō no sanbō honbu wa tōsho, gen'in shishō-sha ya gun no hikui shiki ni sensō o kakudai shinai koto o kettei shita. Shikashi, 12 tsuki 1-nichi ni, honsha wa Nankin, Chūgoku no kyōwakoku no tōji no shuto o kyapucha suru Kachū eria-gun to dai 10 gun o meijita. Sento Shanhai no tatakai o ushinatta nochi, Shōkaiseki wa nankinkanraku wa, tan'ni jikan no mondaidarou koto o shitteita. Kare to kare no sutaffu wa, shuto no shōchō ga, zetsubō-tekina bōei no tame ni karera no seiei butai no shōmetsu o kiken'nisarasu koto ga dekinakatta koto ni kidzukimashita. Shōrai no tatakai no tame ni guntai o iji suru tame ni, sorera no hotondo wa torisage rareta. Chenmai no senryaku wa fukai Chūgoku wa bōgyo-tekina tsuyo-sa to shite no Chūgoku no kōdaina ryōdo o riyō shi nippongun o kaku yō ni kare no Doitsu no adobaizā no teian ni shitagau kotodeshita. Chenmai wa, Chūgoku no okuchi de nihongo o daun kite shōmō chōki-sen o tatakau tame ni keikaku sa reta. [13] Nankin no tatakai, Chenmai, kare no komon no ōku wa, sore ga 1938-nen ni kōgeki sa reta made, karera wa toma~tsu Bukan ni tonda tame,-shi no tantō Zeneraru tō Shengzhi o nokosu. Nankin no bōei no tame no senryaku Gaikoku kisha e no puresurirīsude wa, tō Shengzhi toshi ga kōfuku shinaidaroushi, shinu made tatakau to happyō shita. Tō Shanhai no tatakai ni sanka shite ita Chūgoku-gun o fukume, yaku 100, 000-ri no heishi, omo ni kunren sa rete inaiga, atsumatta. Shōkaiseki no shiji-dōri no machi o nigerukara minkan hito o fusegu tame ni, kare wa, pōto o mamoru tame ni guntai o meijita. Bōgyo-ryoku wa kōhan'i ni hinan o bōshi, dōro, hakai sa reta bōto, soshite kogeta chikaku no mura o burokkusareteimasu. Chūgoku seifu wa 12 tsuki 1-nichi ni iten hōchi shi, shachō ga Jon· rābe hikiiru kokusai iinkai ni Nankin no unmei o nokoshite, 12 tsuki 7-nichi ni nokosa reta. Bōei keikaku wa kyūsoku ni hōkai shita. Machi o mamoru mono ga susunde nippongun kara jikkō shite iru, kono yōna Shanhai no tatakai nado, izen no haiboku kara nogarete kita ​​ Chūgoku-gun ni sōgū shimashita. Kore wa, toshi to sonogo no Nihon no senryō no bōei-chū ni satsugai sa reta ōku no hito no yōgo-sha no shiki o tasukeru tame ni nani mo shinakatta.

Approach of the Imperial Japanese Army

Japanese war crimes on the march to Nanking

An article on the "Contest to kill 100 people using a sword" published in theTokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun. The headline reads, "'Incredible Record' (in the Contest to Cut Down 100 People) —Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings".[14]

Sword used in the "contest" on display at the Republic of China Armed Forces Museum in Taipei, Taiwan
Although the Nanking Massacre is generally described as having occurred over a six-week period after the fall of Nanking, the crimes committed by the Japanese army were not limited to that period. Many atrocities were reported to have been committed as the Japanese army advanced from Shanghai to Nanking.
According to one Japanese journalist embedded with Imperial forces at the time, "The reason that the [10th Army] is advancing to Nanking quite rapidly is due to the tacit consent among the officers and men that they could loot and rape as they wish."[15]
Novelist Ishikawa Tatsuzo vividly described how the 16th Division of the Shanghai Expeditionary Force committed atrocities on the march between Shanghai and Nanking in his novelIkiteiru Heitai (Living Soldiers), which was based on interviews that Tatsuzo conducted with troops in Nanking in January 1938.[16]
Perhaps the most notorious atrocity was a killing contest between two Japanese officers as reported in the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun and the English language Japan Advertiser. The contest— a race between the two officers (later executed for wartime atrocities) to see which of them could kill 100 people first using only a sword— was covered much like a sporting event with regular updates on the score over a series of days.[17][18] In Japan, the veracity of the newspaper article about the contest was the subject of ferocious debate for several decades starting in 1967.[19]
In 2000, a historian concurred with certain Japanese scholars who had argued that the contest was a concocted story, with the collusion of the soldiers themselves for the purpose of raising the national fighting spirit.[20] In 2005, a Tokyo district judge dismissed a suit by the families of the lieutenants, stating that "the lieutenants admitted the fact that they raced to kill 100 people" and that the story cannot be proven to be clearly false.[21] The judge also ruled against the civil claim of the plaintiffs because the original article was more than 60 years old.[22] The historicity of the event remains disputed in Japan.[23]

Flight of Chinese civilians

As the Japanese army drew closer to Nanking, Chinese civilians fled the city in droves. The people of Nanking fled in panic not only because of the dangers of the anticipated battle but also because they feared the deprivation inherent in the scorched earth strategy that the Chinese troops were implementing in the area surrounding the city.[citation needed]
On July 31, the Kuomintang (KMT) had issued a statement that they were determined to turn every Chinese national and every piece of their soil into ash, rather than turn them over to the opponent. The Nanking garrison force set fire to buildings and houses in the areas close to Xiakuan to the north as well as in the environs of the eastern and southern city gates. Targets within and outside of the city walls—such as military barracks, private homes, the Chinese Ministry of Communication, forests and even entire villages—were burnt to cinders, at an estimated value of 20 to 30 million (1937) US dollars.[24][25][26]

Establishment of the Nanking Safety Zone

Many Westerners were living in the city at that time, conducting trade or on missionary trips. As the Japanese army approached Nanking, most of them fled the city, leaving 27 foreigners. Five of these were journalists who remained in the city a few days after it was captured, leaving the city on December 16. Fifteen of the remaining 22 foreigners formed a committee, called the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone in the western quarter of the city.[27] German businessman John Rabe was elected as its leader, in part because of his status as a member of the Nazi Partyand the existence of the German-Japanese bilateral Anti-Comintern Pact.
The Japanese government had previously agreed not to attack parts of the city that did not contain Chinese military forces, and the members of the Committee managed to persuade the Chinese government to move their troops out of the area.
On December 1, 1937, Nanking Mayor Ma Chao-chun ordered all Chinese citizens remaining in Nanking to move into the “Safety Zone”. Many fled the city on December 7, and the International Committee took over as the de facto government of Nanking.



東京日日日日新聞に掲載「剣を使用して100人を殺すためにコンテスト」の記事。見出しは、読み取り」 ( 100人を削減するコンテストに) 「信じられないほどのレコード' - 向井106から105野田両第二若頭は延長戦に入る"[ 14 ] 。


一度に帝国軍が埋め込ま1日本のジャーナリストによると、 「 [第10回陸軍]が南京に進出する理由は非常に急速に、彼らが望むように、彼らは略奪やレイプができ将兵の間で暗黙の同意によるものです。 」 [ 15 ]

小説家石川達三は鮮やかに上海遠征軍の第16師団が達三は1938年1月に南京での軍とのインタビューに基づいていた彼の小説は生きている兵隊(リビング兵士) 、上海と南京の間行進に残虐行為を犯した方法を説明しました。 [ 16 ]

東京日日日日新聞と英語日本広告主に報告されているように、おそらく最も悪名高い残虐行為は、二人の日本人将校の間に殺害のコンテストだった。あまり日、一連のオーバースコアに定期的に更新してスポーツイベントのような唯一の剣が、カバーされたを使用して、最初の100人を殺すことができ、それらの種類を知るには(後の戦時中の残虐行為のために実行される) 2役員間のコンテストレース。日本では[ 17 ] [ 18 ] 、コンテストについての新聞記事の信憑性は、 1967年から数十年のための猛烈な議論の対象となった。 [ 19 ]

2000年には、歴史家は、コンテストは、国家闘志を高める目的で、兵士自身の共謀にでっち上げの話だったと主張していた、ある日本の学者に同意した。 2005年[ 20 ]は、東京地方裁判所裁判官は却下「副官は、彼らが100人を殺すためにレースをするという事実を認め、「ストーリーは明らかに虚偽であることが証明できないことをことを示す、副官の家族が合う。 [ 21 ]また、原告の民事請求に不利な裁定を下した裁判官元の記事では、60以上の歳だったからだ。 [ 22 ]イベントの史実は、日本で係争中のままになります。 [ 23 ]

日本軍が南京に近い描いたように、中国の民間人が大挙して街を逃げた。南京の人々は、予想される戦いの危険性だけでなく、パニックに逃げただけでなく、彼らは中国軍が都市を囲む領域に実装された焦土戦略の剥奪が内在する恐れたからだ。 [要出典]

7月31日、国民党(国民党)は、それらが灰に彼らの土壌のすべての中国国内およびすべての部分を回すのではなく、相手にそれらを引き渡すことが決定されたという声明を発行した。南京の守備力は北へXiakuanに近いだけでなく、東部と南部の都市ゲートの近郊にある地域の建物や家屋に火を。内外のターゲットの城壁 - 軍事兵舎、個人宅、コミュニケーションの中国の省、森や村を - し、20 ( 1937 ) 3000万ドルの推定値で、燃え殻にしても全体の焼失など[ 24 ] [ 25 ] [ 26 ]

多くの西洋人は、その時点で、市内に住んで取引を行うか、宣教師旅行に行った。日本軍が南京に近づくように、それらのほとんどは、 27の外国人を残して、街を逃げた。これらのうち5つは12月16日に都市を残して、それを撮影した数日後、市内に残ったジャーナリストだった。残りの22外国人の十五は、市の西部地区での南京安全区国際委員会と呼ばれる委員会を結成。 [ 27 ]ドイツの実業家ジョン·ラーベが原因の一員としての地位の一部に、その指導者に選出されたナチ党と独国間防共協定の存在。


1937年12月1日に、南京市長馬チャオ·チュンは、 「安全地帯」に移動するために南京に残っているすべての中国国民を命じた。多くは、 12月7日に街を逃れ、国際委員会は、南京の事実上の政府として引き継いだ。
Kyūnihongun no apurōchi Nankin e no kōshin-jō no Nihon no sensō hanzai Tōkyō hibinichijitsu shinbun ni keisai `ken o shiyō shite 100-ri o korosu tame ni kontesuto' no kiji. Midashi wa, yomitori' (100-ri o sakugen suru kontesuto ni) `shinji rarenai hodo no rekōdo' - Mukai 106 kara 105 Noda ryō dai ni wakagashira wa enchō-sen ni hairu"[14]. Ken wa Taipei, Taiwan de Chūgoku-gun hakubutsukan kyōwakoku ni tenji-sa" kontesuto' de shiyō Nankindaigyakusatsu wa, ippantekini nankinkanraku-go no 6-shūkan ni watatte hassei shita to setsumei shite iruga, nippongun ni yoru hanzai wa, sono kikan ni gentei sa remasendeshita. Ōku no zangyaku kōi wa, nippongun ga Nankin ni Shanhai kara zenshin to shite komitto sa reta to hōkoku sa reta. Ichido ni teikoku-gun ga umekoma 1 Nihon no jānarisuto ni yoru to, ` [dai 10-kai rikugun] ga Nankin ni shinshutsu suru riyū wa hijō ni kyūsoku ni, karera ga nozomu yō ni, karera wa ryakudatsu ya reipu ga deki shōhei no ma de anmoku no dōi ni yoru monodesu. ' [15] Shōsetsuka ishikawa tatsuzō wa azayaka ni Shanhai ensei-gun no dai 16 shidan ga Tatsuzō wa 1938-nen 1 tsuki ni Nankin de no gun to no intabyū ni motodzuite ita kare no shōsetsu wa ikiteiruheitai (ribingu heishi), Shanhai to Nankin no ma kōshin ni zangyaku kōi o okashita hōhō o setsumei shimashita. [ 16] Tōkyō hibinichijitsu shinbun to eigo Nihon kōkoku omo ni hōkoku sa rete iru yō ni, osoraku mottomo akumeidakai zangyaku kōi wa, futari no nihonjin shōkō no ma ni satsugai no kontesutodatta. Amari Ni~Tsu, ichiren no ōbāsukoa ni teikitekini kōshin shite supōtsuibento no yōna yuiitsu no ken ga, kabā sa reta o shiyō shite, saisho no 100-ri o korosu koto ga deki, sorera no shurui o shiru ni wa (ato no senji-chū no zangyaku kōi no tame ni jikkō sa reru) 2 yakuin-kan no kontesutorēsu. Nihonde wa [17] [18], kontesuto ni tsuite no shinbun kiji no shinbyōsei wa, 1967-nen kara sū jū-nen no tame no mōretsuna giron no taishō to natta. [19] 2000-Nen ni wa, rekishiya wa, kontesuto wa, kokka tōshi o takameru mokuteki de, heishi jishin no kyōbō ni detchiage no hanashidatta to shuchō shite ita, aru Nihon no gakusha ni dōi shita. 2005-Nen [20] wa, Tōkyō chihōsaibansho saibankan wa kyakka `Fukkan wa, karera ga 100-ri o korosu tame ni rēsu o suru to iu jijitsu o mitome,`sutōrī wa akiraka ni kyogidearu koto ga shōmei dekinai koto o koto o shimesu, fukkan no kazoku ga au. [21] Mata, genkoku no minji seikyū ni furina saitei o kudashita saibankan Gen no kijide wa, 60 ijō no toshidattakarada. [22] Ibento no shijitsu wa, Nihon de keisō-chū no mama ni narimasu. [23] Chūgoku no minkan hito no hikō Nippongun ga Nankin ni chikai kaita yō ni, Chūgoku no minkan hito ga taikyo shite machi o nigeta. Nankin no hitobito wa, yosō sa reru tatakai no kiken-sei dakedenaku, panikku ni nigeta dakedenaku, karera wa Chūgoku-gun ga toshi o kakomu ryōiki ni jissō sa reta shōdo senryaku no hakudatsu ga naizai suru osoretakarada. [Yō shutten] 7 Tsuki 31-nichi, Kokumintō (Kokumintō) wa, sorera ga hai ni karera no dojō no subete no Chūgoku kokunai oyobi subete no bubun o mawasu node wa naku, aite ni sorera o hikiwatasu koto ga kettei sa reta to iu seimei o hakkō shita. Nankin no shubi-ryoku wa kita e Xiakuan ni chikai dakedenaku, tōbu to nanbu no toshi gēto no kinkō ni aru chiiki no tatemono ya kaoku ni hi o. Naigai no tāgetto no jōheki - gunji heisha, kojin taku, komyunikēshon no Chūgoku no shō, mori ya mura o - shi, 20 (1937) 3000 man-doru no suitei-chi de, moegara ni shite mo zentai no shōshitsu nado [ 24] [25] [26] Nankin anzen-ku no setsuritsu Shuyōna kiji: Nankin anzen-ku Ōku no seiyō hito wa, sono jiten de, shinai ni sunde torihiki o okonau ka, senkyōshi ryokō ni itta. Nippongun ga Nankin ni chikadzuku yō ni, sorera no hotondo wa, 27 no gaikoku hito o nokoshite, machi o nigeta. Korera no uchi itsutsu wa 12 tsuki 16-nichi ni toshi o nokoshite, sore o satsuei shita sūjitsugo, shinai ni nokotta jānarisutodatta. Nokori no 22 gaikoku hito no jūgo wa,-shi no seibu chiku de no Nankin anzen-ku kokusai iinkai to yoba reru iinkai o kessei. [27] Doitsu no jitsugyōka Jon· rābe ga gen'in no ichiin to shite no chii no ichibu ni, sono shidō-sha ni senshutsu sa reta Nachi tō to Doitsu-kan bōkyō kyōtei no sonzai. Nipponseifu wa kore made Chūgoku no gunji-ryoku ga fukuma rete inakatta toshi no bubun o kōgeki shinai koto ni dōi shita, to iinkai no menbā wa, chiiki no soto ni jibun no guntai o idō suru tame ni Chūgoku seifu o settoku suru koto ga dekita. 1937-Nen 12 tsuki 1-nichi ni, Nankin shichō-ba chao· chun wa, `anzen chitai' ni idō suru tame ni Nankin ni nokotte iru subete no Chūgoku kokumin o meijita. Ōku wa, 12 tsuki 7-nichi ni machi o nogare, kokusai iinkai wa, Nankin no jijitsujō no seifu to shite hikitsuida.

Prince Asaka appointed as commander

Prince Yasuhiko Asaka in 1940

Head of a Chinese man beheaded by Japanese is wedged in a barricade near Nanking just before the fall of the city.[28]
In a memorandum for the palace rolls, Hirohito had singled Prince Asaka Yasuhiko out for censure as the one imperial kinsman whose attitude was "not good." He assigned Asaka to Nanking as an opportunity to make amends.[29]
On December 5, Asaka left Tokyo by plane and arrived at the front three days later. Asaka met with division commanders, lieutenant-generals Kesago Nakajima and Heisuke Yanagawa, who informed him that the Japanese troops had almost completely surrounded 300,000 Chinese troops in the vicinity of Nanking and that preliminary negotiations suggested that the Chinese were ready to surrender.[30]
Prince Asaka allegedly issued an order to "kill all captives," thus providing official sanction for the crimes which took place during and after the battle.[31] Some authors record that Prince Asaka signed the order for Japanese soldiers in Nanking to "kill all captives."[32] Others claim that lieutenant colonel Isamu Chō, Asaka's aide-de-camp, sent this order under the Prince's sign manual without the Prince's knowledge or assent.[33] However, even if Chō took the initiative on his own, Prince Asaka, who was nominally the officer in charge, gave no orders to stop the carnage. When General Matsuiarrived in the city four days after the massacre had begun, he issued strict orders that resulted in the eventual end of the massacre.
While the extent of Prince Asaka's responsibility for the massacre remains a matter of debate, the ultimate sanction for the massacre and the crimes committed during the invasion of China were issued in Emperor Hirohito's ratification of the Japanese army's proposition to remove the constraints ofinternational law on the treatment of Chinese prisoners on August 5, 1937.[34]

Battle of Nanking

Siege of the city

The Japanese military continued to move forward, breaching the last lines of Chinese resistance, and arriving outside the walled city of Nanking on December 9.

Demand for surrender

At noon on December 9, the military dropped leaflets into the city, urging the surrender of Nanking within 24 hours, promising annihilation if refused.[35][N 1]
Meanwhile, members of the Committee contacted Tang and suggested a plan for three-day cease-fire, during which the Chinese troops could withdraw without fighting while the Japanese troops would stay in their present position.
General Tang agreed with this proposal if the International Committee could acquire permission of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who had already fled to Hankow to which he had temporarily shifted the military headquarters two days earlier.
John Rabe boarded the U.S. gunboat Panay on December 9 and sent two telegrams, one to Chiang Kai-shek by way of the American ambassador in Hankow, and one to the Japanese military authority in Shanghai. The next day he was informed that Chiang Kai-shek, who had ordered that Nanking be defended "to the last man," had refused to accept the proposal.[citation needed]

Assault and capture of Nanking

Iwane Matsui enters Nanking
The Japanese awaited an answer to their demand for surrender but no response was received from the Chinese by the deadline on December 10. General Matsui Iwane waited another hour before issuing the command to take Nanking by force. The Japanese army mounted its assault on the Nanking walls from multiple directions; the SEF’s 16th Division attacked three gates on the eastern side, the 6th Division of the 10A launched its offensive on the western walls, and the SEF’s 9th Division advanced into the area in-between.[13]
On December 12, under heavy artillery fire and aerial bombardment, General Tang Sheng-chi ordered his men to retreat. What followed was nothing short of chaos. Some Chinese soldiers stripped civilians of their clothing in a desperate attempt to blend in, and many others were shot by the Chinese supervisory unit as they tried to flee.[24]
On 13 December, the 6th and the 116th Divisions of the Japanese Army were the first to enter the city, facing little military resistance. Simultaneously, the 9th Division entered nearby Guanghua Gate, and the 16th Division entered the Zhongshan and Taiping gates. That same afternoon, two small Japanese Navy fleets arrived on both sides of the Yangtze River.

Pursuit and mopping-up operations

Soldiers from the Imperial Japanese Army enter Nanking in January 1938
Japanese troops pursued the retreating Chinese army units, primarily in the Xiakuan area to the north of the city walls and around the Zijin Mountain in the east. Although most sources suggest that the final phase of the battle consisted of a one-sided slaughter of Chinese troops by the Japanese, some Japanese historians maintain that the remaining Chinese military still posed a serious threat to the Japanese. Prince Yasuhiko Asaka told a war correspondent later that he was in a very perilous position when his headquarters was ambushed by Chinese forces that were in the midst of fleeing from Nanking east of the city. On the other side of the city, the 11th Company of the 45th Regiment encountered some 20,000 Chinese soldiers who were making their way from Xiakuan.[13]
The Japanese army conducted its mopping-up operation both inside and outside the Nanking Safety Zone. Since the area outside the safety zone had been almost completely evacuated, the mopping-up effort was concentrated in the safety zone. The safety zone, an area of 3.85 square kilometres, was literally packed with the remaining population of Nanking. The Japanese army leadership assigned sections of the safety zone to some units to separate alleged plain-clothed soldiers from the civilians.[13]


Eyewitness accounts of Westerners and Chinese present at Nanking in the weeks after the fall of the city state that over the course of six weeks following the fall of Nanking, Japanese troops engaged in rape, murder, theft, arson, and other war crimes. Some of these accounts came from foreigners who opted to stay behind in order to protect Chinese civilians from harm, including the diaries of John Rabe and American Minnie Vautrin. Other accounts include first-person testimonies of Nanking Massacre survivors, eyewitness reports of journalists (both Western and Japanese), as well as the field diaries of military personnel. American missionary John Magee stayed behind to provide a 16 mm film documentary and first-hand photographs of the Nanking Massacre.
A group of foreign expatriates headed by Rabe had formed the 15-man International Committee on November 22 and mapped out the Nanking Safety Zone in order to safeguard civilians in the city, where the population numbered from 200,000 to 250,000. Rabe and American missionary Lewis S. C. Smythe, secretary of the International Committee and a professor of sociology at the University of Nanking, recorded the actions of the Japanese troops and filed complaints to the Japanese embassy.

Massacre Contest

In 1937, the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun and its sister newspaper the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun covered a "contest" between two Japanese officers, Toshiaki Mukai (向井敏明) and Tsuyoshi Noda (野田毅), both from Island troops, the Japanese 16th Division, in which the two men were described as vying with one another to be the first to kill 100 people with a sword before the capture of Nanking. From Jurong to Tangshan (two cities in Jiangshu Province, China), Toshiaki Mukai had killed 89 people while Tsuyoshi Noda had killed 78 people. The contest continued because neither of them had killed 100 people. When they got to Zijin Mountain, Tsuyoshi Noda had killed 105 people while Toshiaki Mukai killed 106 people. Both officers supposedly surpassed their goal during the heat of battle, making it impossible to determine which officer had actually won the contest. Therefore (according to the journalists Asami Kazuo and Suzuki Jiro, writing in the Tokyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbun of December 13), they decided to begin another contest, with the aim being 150 kills.[36] The Nichi Nichi headline of the story of December 13 read "'Incredible Record' [in the Contest to] Behead 100 People—Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings".
After Japan surrendered, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda were arrested and executed by shooting in Nanking with the criminal charge “Civilized Public Enemy”.[37]


Photo taken in Xuzhou, showing the body of a woman profaned in a similar way to the teenager described in case 5 ofJohn Magee's movie.

Case 5 of John Magee's film: on December 13, 1937, about 30 Japanese soldiers murdered all but 2 Chinese of 11 in the house at No. 5 Xinlukou. A woman and her two teenage daughters were raped, and Japanese soldiers rammed a bottle and a cane into her vagina. An eight-year-old girl was stabbed but she and her younger sister survived. They were found alive two weeks after the killings by an elderly woman shown in the photo. Bodies of the victims can also be seen in the photo.[38][39]
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 women were raped, including infants and the elderly.[40] A large portion of these rapes were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped.[41] The women were often killed immediately after being raped, often through explicit mutilation[42] or by stabbing a bayonet, long stick of bamboo, or other objects into the vagina. Young children were not exempt from these atrocities, and were cut open to allow Japanese soldiers to rape them.[43]
On 19 December 1937, Reverend James M. McCallum wrote in his diary:
I know not where to end. Never I have heard or read such brutality. Rape! Rape! Rape! We estimate at least 1,000 cases a night, and many by day. In case of resistance or anything that seems like disapproval, there is a bayonet stab or a bullet ... People are hysterical ... Women are being carried off every morning, afternoon and evening. The whole Japanese army seems to be free to go and come as it pleases, and to do whatever it pleases.[44]
On March 7, 1938, Robert O. Wilson, a surgeon at the American-administered University Hospital in the Safety Zone, wrote in a letter to his family, "a conservative estimate of people slaughtered in cold blood is somewhere about 100,000, including of course thousands of soldiers that had thrown down their arms".[45]
Here are two excerpts from his letters of 15 and 18 December 1937 to his family:
The slaughter of civilians is appalling. I could go on for pages telling of cases of rape and brutality almost beyond belief. Two bayoneted corpses are the only survivors of seven street cleaners who were sitting in their headquarters when Japanese soldiers came in without warning or reason and killed five of their number and wounded the two that found their way to the hospital.
Let me recount some instances occurring in the last two days. Last night the house of one of the Chinese staff members of the university was broken into and two of the women, his relatives, were raped. Two girls, about 16, were raped to death in one of the refugee camps. In the University Middle School where there are 8,000 people the Japs came in ten times last night, over the wall, stole food, clothing, and raped until they were satisfied. They bayoneted one little boy of eight who have [sic] five bayonet wounds including one that penetrated his stomach, a portion of omentum was outside the abdomen. I think he will live.[46]
In his diary kept during the aggression against the city and its occupation by the Imperial Japanese Army, the leader of the Safety Zone, John Rabe, wrote many comments about Japanese atrocities. For 17 December:
Two Japanese soldiers have climbed over the garden wall and are about to break into our house. When I appear they give the excuse that they saw two Chinese soldiers climb over the wall. When I show them my party badge, they return the same way. In one of the houses in the narrow street behind my garden wall, a woman was raped, and then wounded in the neck with a bayonet. I managed to get an ambulance so we can take her to Kulou Hospital ... Last night up to 1,000 women and girls are said to have been raped, about 100 girls at Ginling College Girls alone. You hear nothing but rape. If husbands or brothers intervene, they're shot. What you hear and see on all sides is the brutality and bestiality of the Japanese soldiers.[47]
There are also accounts of Japanese troops forcing families to commit acts of incest.[48] Sons were forced to rape their mothers, fathers were forced to rape daughters. One pregnant woman who was gang-raped by Japanese soldiers gave birth only a few hours later; although the baby appeared to be physically unharmed (Robert B. Edgerton, Warriors of the Rising Sun). Monks who had declared a life of celibacy were also forced to rape women.


日本で斬首中国人の男の頭部がちょうど市の秋の前に南京近くのバリケードに押し込まれている。 [ 28 ]
宮殿のロールのための覚書では、天皇は、態度だった1皇室親戚など文責ために外にプリンス朝霞泰彦を選抜していた"よくない。 "彼は償いをする機会として、南京に朝霞を割り当てました。 [ 29 ]

12月5日に、朝霞は飛行機で東京を出発し、 3日後に前に到着しました。朝霞は、日本軍がほぼ完全に南京の近く30万の中国軍を包囲していたし、その予備的な交渉は、中国が降伏する準備ができていたことを示唆したことを彼に伝えた分割指揮官、中尉 - 将軍Kesago中島と平助柳川と会談した。 [ 30 ]

プリンス朝香容疑したがって中に、戦闘後に行われた犯罪についての公式制裁を提供する」 、すべての捕虜を殺す」ために発行した。 [ 31 ]王子朝霞」はすべて殺すために南京で日本軍の注文に署名した何人かの著者レコードを捕虜」[ 32 ]その他中佐勇町、朝霞の副官は、王子の知識や同意なしに王子の記号説明書の下で、この順序を送ったと主張している。 [ 33 ]しかし、町は彼自身でイニシアチブを取っていても公称担当役員だった王子朝香、大虐殺を停止する命令を与えなかった。一般松井は虐殺が始まった4日後に市内に到着したとき、彼は虐殺の最終的な終わりをもたらした厳格な命令を発行した。

虐殺のためのプリンス朝霞の責任の程度は議論の余地が残っているが、中国の侵攻の際に犯し虐殺や犯罪のための究極の制裁は、国際法の制約を取り除くために、日本軍の命題の昭和天皇の批准に発行された1937年8月5日に中国の囚人の治療。 [ 34 ]


日本軍は中国の抵抗の最後の行に違反し、 12月9日に南京の城壁都市の外に到着し、前進し続けた。

12月9日の正午に、軍が拒否した場合は、消滅を約束し、 24時間以内に南京の降伏を促し、都市にリーフレットを落とした。 [ 35 ] [N 1 ]



ジョン·ラーベは12月9日に米国の砲艦パナイを乗り込み、 2電報、漢口のアメリカ大使を経て、蒋介石に1 、および上海の日本軍当局に1を送った。翌日、彼は南京を擁護することを命じた蒋介石、 「最後の一人には、 「提案を受け入れることを拒否していたことを知らされた。 [要出典]


日本人は降伏のための彼らの要求への答えを待ったが、応答は12月10日に期限までに、中国から受信されませんでした。一般の松井岩根は力で南京を取るためにコマンドを発行する前に、別の時間を待っていた。日本軍は、複数の方向から南京の壁への攻撃を取り付けられたSEFの16事業部は、 10Aの第六師団は西の壁にその攻撃を開始し、東側に三つの門を攻撃し、 SEFの第9師団は、エリア内に進め - 間。 [ 13 ]

12月12日に、激しい砲撃と空爆の下で、一般的な唐盛 - カイは、退却を部下に命じた。何が続くことは混乱以外の何ものませんでした。一部の中国人兵士が調和する必死の試みで自分の服の民間人を取り除いて、彼らは逃げるようにしようとしたとして、他の多くは、中国監視装置により撮影された。 [24 ]



旧日本軍の兵士は、 1938年1月に南京を入力
日本軍は、主に都市の城壁の北にXiakuan地区に位置し、東は紫金山を中心に、退却中国軍ユニットを追求しました。ほとんどの源は戦いの最終段階は、日本による中国軍の一方的な虐殺で構成されていることを示唆しているが、いくつかの日本の歴史家は、残りの中国軍がまだ日本に深刻な脅威を与えていることを維持します。プリンス康彦朝香は、彼が彼の本部は東街の南京から逃げるの真っ只中にいた中国軍で待ち伏せし、非常に危険な立場にあったことを後に従軍記者に語った。街の反対側では、第45連隊の第11回当社はXiakuanから自分の道を作っていた約2万の中国兵を検出しました。 [ 13 ]

日本軍は南京安全区の内側と外側の両方に、そのモップアップ動作を行った。安全地帯の外側の領域がほぼ完全に避難していたので、掃討努力が安全地帯に集中した。安全地帯、 3.85平方キロメートルの面積は、文字通り南京の残りの人口を充填した。日本軍の指導部は民間人から疑惑の私服兵士を分離するために、いくつかのユニットに安全地帯のセクションを割り当てられた。 [ 13 ]


西洋人と南京陥落以下6週間にわたって、日本軍がレイプに従事していることを都市国家の崩壊後の数週間南京で中国の存在の目撃証言、殺人、窃盗、放火、その他の戦争犯罪。これらのアカウントの中には、ジョン·ラーベとアメリカミニーボートリンの日記など、害から中国の民間人を保護するために背後に滞在することを選んだ外国から来た。他のアカウントは、南京大虐殺の生存者、 (西洋と日本の両方の)ジャーナリストの目撃証言だけでなく、軍人のフィールド日記の一人称の証言が含まれています。アメリカ人宣教師ジョン·マギーは16ミリメートルフィルムのドキュメンタリーや南京大虐殺の最初の手の写真を提供するために、背後に滞在した。

ラーベ率いる外国人駐在員のグループは、人口は200,000〜 250,000の番号市に民間人を保護するために、 11月22日に15人で国際委員会を結成し、南京安全区をマッピングしていた。ラーベとアメリカ人宣教師ルイスSCスマイス、国際委員会の書記と南京大学の社会学教授は、日本軍の行動を記録し、日本大使館に苦情を提出した。

1937年、大阪毎日新聞社とその姉妹新聞東京日日日日新聞は、二人の日本人将校、島の軍の両方から俊明向井(向井敏明)と剛野田(野田毅) 、日本の第16回部門間の「コンテスト」をカバーここで2人は南京の捕獲の前に剣で100人を殺すために最初にするために互いに競っとして記載されている。剛野田78人が死亡していたがジュロンから唐山に( Jiangshu省、中国での2都市が) 、俊明向井は89人が死亡していた。それらのいずれも100人が死亡していたので、コンテストが続きました。彼らは紫金山に着いたとき俊明向井は106人が死亡している間、剛野田105人が死亡していた。両方の役員は、おそらくそれは不可能実際にコンテストで優勝したおいた役員を決定すること、戦いの熱の間に彼らの目標を上回りました。したがって( 12月13日の東京日工業日工業新聞に書いて、ジャーナリスト麻美和夫と鈴木次郎による) 、彼らは目的が150キルた状態で、別のコンテストを開始することを決定した。 [ 36 ]物語のの日工業日工業の見出し12月13日読む「 100人に向井106首を切る[TOコンテスト] '信じられないほどの録音' - 野田 - どちらも第二若頭が延長戦に入る105 」 。

日本が降伏した後、俊明向井と剛野田刑事「文明社会の敵」と南京で撮影して逮捕され、処刑された。 [ 37 ]



ジョン·マギーのフィルムの場合5 : 1937年12月13日に、約30人の日本兵が5番Xinlukouで家の中で11の2の中国を除くすべてを殺害。女性と彼女の2代の娘がレイプされ、日本兵は彼女の膣に瓶や杖を突っ込んだた。 8歳の女の子が刺されたが、彼女と彼女の妹が生き残った。それらは生きている2週間の写真に示す高齢女性が殺害した後に発見された。犠牲者の遺体も写真で見ることができる。 [ 38 ] [ 39 ]
極東国際軍事裁判20,000人の女性が、幼児や高齢者など、レイプされたと推定している。 [ 40 ]これらのレイプの大部分は兵士が多くて、若い女の子のためにドア·ツー·ドアを検索していました過程で体系化された女性が撮影しキャプティブとギャングレイプ[ 41 ]女性は、多くの場合、多くの場合、明示的切除[ 42 ]を介して、または膣内に差込み、竹の長い棒、または他のオブジェクトを刺すことで、すぐにレイプされた後に死亡した。幼い子どもたちは、これらの残虐行為から免除されないようで、日本兵が彼らをレイプ自由に利用できるように切断した。 [ 43 ]

1937年12月19日に、牧師のジェームズ· M·マッカラムは、彼の日記に書いた:

私はどこに終了しないと知っている。私は聞いたことがないか、このような残虐行為を読んだことがなかった。レイプ!レイプ!レイプ!私たちは、夜に少なくとも千例を推定し、日ごとに多くの。抵抗賛否のように思える何例では、バヨネット刺しや弾丸があります...人々はヒステリックである...女性は毎朝、午後と夕方の外に運び出されている。全体日本軍が行くとそれが喜ばとして来て、それを喜ば何でもするために自由であるように思われる。 [ 44 ]

1938年3月7日に、ロバート· O.ウィルソン、安全区にあるアメリカの投与大学病院の外科医は、彼の家族への手紙に書いた、 「冷酷で屠殺人の保守的な見積もりは、どこかには約100,000のを含めているもちろん「自分の武器を投げていた兵士の数千。 [ 45 ]



私は最後の2日間で発生したいくつかの事例を再集計してみましょう。最後の夜は、大学の中国人スタッフの1の家はに分割され、女性の2 、彼の親族は、レイプされた。二人の女の子、約16は、難民キャンプの1に死に強姦された。ジャップは、壁を越えて、最後の夜10時代に来た食べ物、衣類を盗んだ、と彼らは満足してまで強姦8000人がいる大学中学。彼らは、 [原文のまま]大網の一部が腹部の外にいた、彼の胃に浸透1を含む5銃剣の傷を持っている8の1の小さな男の子を銃剣。私は彼が住んでいると思います。 [ 46 ]

彼の日記に旧日本軍、安全区のリーダー、ジョン·ラーベによる都市とその占領に対する侵略の間に保たれ、日本の残虐行為について多くのコメントを書きました。 12月17日の場合:

二つの日本兵は、庭の壁を乗り越え、私たちの家に侵入しようとしていました。私が表示されたら、彼らは2つの中国兵が壁を登る見た口実を与える。私は彼らに私のパーティのバッジを表示すると、彼らは同じように返します。私の庭の壁の後ろの狭い通りの家の一つでは、女性がレイプされた後、銃剣で首に負傷。私たちはKulou病院に彼女を取ることができるので、救急車を得ることができた...千人の女性や少女への最後の夜までは、 Ginlingカレッジガールズアローンで約100の女の子をレイプされたと言われている。あなたは、強姦が、何も聞こえません。夫や兄弟が介入する場合は、それらが撮影されています。何を聞いて、四方を参照すると、日本兵の残虐行為や獣姦である。 [ 47 ]

日本軍は、近親相姦の行為をするために家族を強制的に占めている。 [ 48 ]サンズは父親がレイプ娘に強制された、彼らの母親をレイプすることを余儀なくされたもあります。ギャングレイプ日本兵によってされたもの妊婦はわずか数時間後に出産した、赤ちゃんが物理的に無傷(ライジングサンのロバート·B·エドガートン、ウォリアーズ)であるように思われますが。独身の生活を宣言していた僧侶たちもレイプ女性に強制された。
Purinsu Asaka shirei-kan ni ninmei 1940-Nen ni purinsu Yasuhiko Asaka Nihon de zanshu chūgokujin no otoko no tōbu ga chōdo ichi no aki no mae ni Nankin chikaku no barikēdo ni oshikoma rete iru. [28] Kyūden no rōru no tame no oboegakide wa, ten'nō wa, taidodatta 1 kōshitsu shinseki nado bunseki tame ni soto ni purinsu Asaka Yasuhiko o senbatsu shite ita" yokunai. " Kare wa tsugunai o suru kikai to shite, Nankin ni asagasumi o wariatemashita. [29] 12 Tsuki 5-nichi ni, asagasumi wa hikōki de Tōkyō o shuppatsu shi, 3-nichi-go ni mae ni tōchaku shimashita. Asagasumi wa, nippongun ga hobo kanzen ni Nankin no chikaku 30 man no Chūgoku-gun o hōi shite itashi, sono yobi-tekina kōshō wa, Chūgoku ga kōfukusuru junbi ga dekite ita koto o shisa shita koto o kare ni tsutaeta bunkatsu shiki-kan, chūi - shōgun Kesago Nakajima to Heisuke Yanagawa to kaidan shita. [30] Purinsu Asaka yōgi shitagatte naka ni, sentō-go ni okonawa reta hanzai ni tsuite no kōshiki seisai o teikyō suru' , subete no horyo o korosu' tame ni hakkō shita. [31] Ōji Asaka' wa subete korosu tame ni Nankin de nippongun no chūmon ni shomei shita nan'ninka no chosha rekōdo o Horyo'[32] sonota chūsa Isamu-chō, Asaka no fukkan wa, ōji no chishiki ya dōi nashi ni ōji no kigō setsumeisho no shita de, kono junjo o okutta to shuchō shite iru. [33] Shikashi, machi wa kare jishin de inishiachibu o totte ite mo Kōshō tantō yakuindatta Ōji Asaka, dai gyakusatsu o teishi suru meirei o ataenakatta. Ippan Matsui wa gyakusatsu ga hajimatta 4-nichi-go ni shinai ni tōchaku shita toki, kare wa gyakusatsu no saishū-tekina owari o motarashita genkakuna meirei o hakkō shita. Gyakusatsu no tame no purinsu Asaka no sekinin no teido wa giron no yochi ga nokotte iruga, Chūgoku no shinkō no sai ni okashi gyakusatsu ya hanzai no tame no kyūkyoku no seisai wa, kokusai-hō no seiyaku o torinozoku tame ni, nippongun no meidai no shōwadenkō no hijun ni hakkō sa reta 1937-Nen 8 tsuki 5-nichi ni Chūgoku no shūjin no chiryō. [34] Nankin no tatakai Shuyōna kiji: Nankin no tatakai Toshi no hōi Nippongun wa Chūgoku no teikō no saigo no gyō ni ihan shi, 12 tsuki 9-nichi ni Nankin no jōheki toshi no soto ni tōchaku shi, zenshin shi tsudzuketa. Akira watashi no saikoku 12 Tsuki 9-nichi no shōgo ni,-gun ga kyohi shita baai wa, shōmetsu o yakusoku shi, 24-jikan inai ni Nankin no kōfuku o unagashi, toshi ni rīfuretto o otoshita. [35] [N 1] Ippō, iinkai no menbā wa, tō ni renraku o tori, nippongun ga karera no genzai ichi ni todomarudarouga, Chūgoku-gun wa sentō sezu ni tettai suru kanōsei ga aru naka ni 3-kakan no teisen no tame no keikaku o, teian shimashita. Kokusai iinkai wa sudeni, kare wa ichijitekini 2-nichi mae-gun shirei-bu o shifuto shite ita tame ni Kan kuchi ni nigeta daigensui Shōkaiseki no kyoka o shutoku suru koto ga dekireba, ippantekina tō wa, kono teian ni dōi shita. Jon· rābe wa 12 tsuki 9-nichi ni Beikoku no hōkan Panai o norikomi, 2 denpō, Kan kuchi no Amerika taishi o hete, Shōkaiseki ni 1, oyobi Shanhai no nippongun tōkyoku ni 1 o okutta. Yokujitsu, kare wa Nankin o yōgo suru koto o meijita Shōkaiseki, `saigo no hitori ni wa, `teian o ukeireru koto o kyohi shite ita koto o shirasa reta. [Yō shutten] Bōkō to Nankin no kyapucha Iwane Matsui wa Nankin ni haitta Nihonjin wa kōfuku no tame no karera no yōkyū e no kotae o mattaga, ōtō wa 12 tsuki 10-nichi ni kigen made ni, Chūgoku kara jushin sa remasendeshita. Ippan no Matsui Iwane wa chikara de Nankin o toru tame ni komando o hakkō suru mae ni,-betsu no jikan o matteita. Nippongun wa, fukusū no hōkō kara Nankin no kabe e no kōgeki o toritsuke rareta SEF no 16 jigyōbu wa, 10 A no dai roku shidan wa nishi no kabe ni sono kōgeki o kaishi shi, higashigawa ni mittsu no mon o kōgeki shi, SEF no dai 9 shidan wa, eria-nai ni susume --Kan. [13] 12 Tsuki 12-nichi ni, hageshī hōgeki to kūbaku no shita de, ippantekina tō Sakari - kai wa, taikyaku o buka ni meijita. Nani ga tsudzuku koto wa konran igai no nanimonomasendeshita. Ichibu no chūgokujin heishi ga chōwa suru hisshi no kokoromi de jibun no fuku no minkan hito o torinozoite, karera wa nigeru yō ni shiyou to shita to shite, hoka no ōku wa, Chūgoku kanshi sōchi ni yori satsuei sa reta. [24] 12 Tsuki 13-nichi ni, nippongun no dai 6-kai to dai 116 shidan wa sukoshi gunji teikō ni chokumen shi, toshi o nyūryoku shita saisho no. Dōjini, dai 9 shidan wa chikaku no kōkamon ni hairi, dai 16-kai bumon wa Nakayama to taihei-mon ni haitta. Sono onaji Ni~Tsu no gogo ni wa, futatsu no chīsana nipponkaigun no kantai wa, Chōkō no ryōsoku ni tōchaku shimashita. Tsuikyū to moppuappu sōsa Kyūnihongun no heishi wa, 1938-nen 1 tsuki ni Nankin o nyūryoku Nippongun wa, omoni toshi no jōheki no kita ni Xiakuan chiku ni ichi shi, azuma wa shikinsan o chūshin ni, taikyaku Chūgoku-gun yunitto o tsuikyū shimashita. Hotondo no minamoto wa tatakai no saishū dankai wa, Nihon ni yoru Chūgoku-gun no ippō-tekina gyakusatsu de kōsei sa rete iru koto o shisa shite iruga, ikutsu ka no nihon'norekishi-ka wa, nokori no Chūgoku-gun ga mada Nihon ni shinkokuna kyōi o ataete iru koto o iji shimasu. Purinsu Yasuhiko Asaka wa, kare ga kare no honbu wa azuma-gai no Nankin kara nigeru no mattadanaka ni ita Chūgoku-gun de machibuse shi, hijō ni kiken'na tachiba ni atta koto o-go ni jūgun kisha ni katatta. Machi no hantaisokude wa, dai 45 rentai no dai 11-kai tōsha wa Xiakuan kara jibun no michi o tsukutte ita yaku 2 man no Chūgoku-hei o kenshutsu shimashita. [13] Nippongun wa Nankin anzen-ku no uchigawa to sotogawa no ryōhō ni, sono moppu appu dōsa o okonatta. Anzen chitai no sotogawa no ryōiki ga hobo kanzen ni hinan shite itanode, sōtō doryoku ga anzen chitai ni shūchū shita. Anzen chitai, 3. 85-Heihōkiro mētoru no menseki wa, mojidōri Nankin no nokori no jinkō o jūten shita. Nippongun no shidōhō wa minkan hito kara giwaku no shifuku heishi o bunri suru tame ni, ikutsu ka no yunitto ni anzen chitai no sekushon o wariate rareta. [13] Gyakusatsu Seiyō hito to nankinkanraku ika 6-shūkan ni watatte, nippongun ga reipu ni jūji shite iru koto o toshi kokka no hōkai-go no sū-shūkan Nankin de Chūgoku no sonzai no mokugeki shōgen, satsujin, settō, hōka, sonohoka no sensō hanzai. Korera no akaunto no nakaniha, Jon· rābe to amerikaminībōtorin no nikki nado, gai kara Chūgoku no minkan hito o hogo suru tame ni haigo ni taizai suru koto o eranda gaikoku kara kita. Hoka no akaunto wa, nankindaigyakusatsu no seizon-sha, (seiyō to Nihon no ryōhō no) jānarisuto no mokugeki shōgen dakedenaku, gunjin no fīrudo nikki no ichininshō no shōgen ga fukuma rete imasu. Amerikahito senkyōshi Jon· magī wa 16miri mētorufirumu no dokyumentarī ya nankindaigyakusatsu no saisho no te no shashin o teikyō suru tame ni, haigo ni taizai shita. Rābe hikiiru gaikoku hito chūzai-in no gurūpu wa, jinkō wa 200, 000 〜 250, 000 no bangō ichi ni minkan hito o hogo suru tame ni, 11 tsuki 22-nichi ni 15-ri de kokusai iinkai o kessei shi, Nankin anzen-ku o mappingu shite ita. Rābe to amerikahito senkyōshi Ruisu SC sumaisu, kokusai iinkai no shoki to Nankin daigaku no shakai-gaku kyōju wa, nippongun no kōdō o kiroku shi, Nihon taishikan ni kujō o teishutsu shita. Gyakusatsu kontesuto Shuyōna kiji: Kontesuto no ken o shiyō shite 100-ri o korosu tame ni 1937-Nen, Ōsaka Mainichishinbunsha to sono shimai shinbun Tōkyō hibinichijitsu shinbun wa, futari no nihonjin shōkō, shima no gun no ryōhō kara Toshiaki Mukai (mukai toshiaki) to Tsuyoshi Noda (nodatakeshi), Nihon no dai 16-kai bumon-kan no `kontesuto' o kabā Koko de 2-ri wa Nankin no hokaku no mae ni ken de 100-ri o korosu tame ni saisho ni suru tame ni tagaini kiso~tsu to shite kisai sa rete iru. Tsuyoshi Noda 78-ri ga shibō shite itaga juron kara Karayama ni (Jiangshu-shō, Chūgoku de no 2 toshi ga), Toshiaki Mukai wa 89-ri ga shibō shite ita. Sorera no izure mo 100-ri ga shibō shite itanode, kontesuto ga tsudzukimashita. Karera wa shikinsan ni tsuita toki Toshiaki Mukai wa 106-ri ga shibō shite iru ma, Tsuyoshi Noda 105-ri ga shibō shite ita. Ryōhō no yakuin wa, osoraku sore wa fukanō jissai ni kontesuto de yūshō shita oita yakuin o kettei suru koto, tatakai no netsu no ma ni karera no mokuhyō o uwamawarimashita. Shitagatte (12 tsuki 13-nichi no Tōkyō Ni~Tsu kōgyō-bi kōgyō shinbun ni kaite, jānarisuto Asami Kazuo to suzuki jirō ni yoru), karera wa mokuteki ga 150 kiruta jōtai de,-betsu no kontesuto o kaishi suru koto o kettei shita. [36] Monogatari no no hi kōgyō-bi kōgyō no midashi 12 Tsuki 13-nichi yomu `100-ri ni Mukai 106 kubiwokiru [TO kontesuto]' shinji rarenai hodo no rokuon' - Noda - dochira mo dai ni wakagashira ga enchō-sen ni hairu 105'. Nihon ga kōfuku shita nochi, Toshiaki Mukai to Tsuyoshi Noda keiji `bunmei shakai no teki' to Nankin de satsuei shite taiho sa re, shokei sa reta. [37] Reipu Shashin wa Jon· magī no eiga no baai wa 5 de setsumei shita tīn'eijā to dōyō no hōhō de yogoshi, josei no karada o shimesu, joshū de satsuei. Jon· magī no firumu no baai 5: 1937-Nen 12 tsuki 13-nichi ni, yaku 30-ri no nipponhei ga 5-ban Xinlukou de uchinonaka de 11 no 2 no Chūgoku o nozoku subete o satsugai. Josei to kanojo no 2-dai no musume ga reipu sa re, nipponhei wa kanojo no chitsu ni bin ya tsue o tsukkondata. 8-Sai no on'nanoko ga sasareta ga, kanojo to kanojo no imōto ga ikinokotta. Sorera wa ikite iru 2-shūkan no shashin ni shimesu kōrei josei ga satsugai shita nochi ni hakken sa reta. Gisei-sha no itai mo shashin de miru koto ga dekiru. [38] [39] Kyokutōkokusaigunjisaiban 20, 000-ri no josei ga, yōji ya kōrei-sha nado, reipu sa reta to suitei shite iru. [40] Korera no reipu no daibubun wa heishi ga ōkute, wakai on'nanoko no tame ni doa· tsū· doa o kensaku shite imashita katei de taikei-ka sa reta Josei ga satsuei shi kyaputibu to gyangureipu [41] josei wa, ōku no baai, ōku no baai, meishiteki setsujo [42] o kaishite, matawa chitsu-nai ni sashikomi, take no nagai bō, matawa hoka no obujekuto o sasu koto de, sugu ni reipu sa reta nochi ni shibō shita. Osanai kodomo-tachi wa, korera no zangyaku kōi kara menjo sa renai yō de, nipponhei ga karera o reipu jiyū ni riyō dekiru yō ni setsudan shita. [43] 1937-Nen 12 tsuki 19-nichi ni, bokushi no jēmuzu· M· makkaramu wa, kare no nikki ni kaita: Watashi wa doko ni shūryō shinai to shitte iru. Watashi wa kiita koto ga nai ka, kono yōna zangyaku kōi o yonda koto ga nakatta. Reipu! Reipu! Reipu! Watashitachiha, yoru ni sukunakutomo sen-rei o suitei shi,-bi-goto ni ōku no. Teikō sanpi no yō ni omoeru nan-reide wa, bayonetto-zashi ya dangan ga arimasu... Hitobito wa hisuterikkudearu... Josei wa maiasa, gogo to yūgata no soto ni hakobidasa rete iru. Zentai nippongun ga iku to sore ga yorokoba to shite kite, sore o yorokoba nandemo suru tame ni jiyūdearu yō ni omowa reru. [44] 1938-Nen 3 tsuki 7-nichi ni, robāto· O. U~Iruson, anzen-ku ni aru Amerika no tōyo daigaku byōin no gekai wa, kare no kazoku e no tegami ni kaita, `reikoku de tosatsunin no hoshu-tekina mitsumori wa, doko kani wa yaku 100, 000 no o fukumete iru Mochiron `jibun no buki o nagete ita heishi no sūsen. [45] Koko de 15 to kare no kazoku ni 1937-nen 12 tsuki 18-nichi no kare no tegami kara 2 no bassui wa ika no tōridesu. Minkan hito no gyakusatsu wa, zotto suru yōdesu. Watashi wa reipu to hotondo shinji rarenai hodo zangyaku rei no tsutaeru pēji no tame ni iku koto ga dekimasu. Futatsu no jūken shitai wa nipponhei ga keikoku matawa riyū mo naku haitte kite sono sū no 5 o koroshi, byōin e no michi o mitsuketa 2-ri ga fushō shita sai no honsha ni suwatte 7-tōri no sōji no yuiitsu no seizon-shadearu. Watashi wa saigo no 2-kakan de hassei shita ikutsu ka no jirei o sai shūkei shite mimashou. Saigo no yoru wa, daigaku no chūgokujin sutaffu no 1 no ie wa ni bunkatsu sa re, josei no 2, kare no shinzoku wa, reipu sa reta. Futari no on'nanoko, yaku 16 wa, nanmin kyanpu no 1 ni shini gōkan sa reta. Jappu wa, kabe o koete, saigo no yoru 10 jidai ni kita tabemono, irui o nusunda, to karera wa manzoku shite made gōkan 8000-ri ga iru daigaku chūgaku. Karera wa, [genbun no mama] Ōami no ichibu ga fukubu no soto ni ita, kare no i ni shintō 1 o fukumu 5 jūken no kizu o motte iru 8 no 1 no chīsana otokonoko o jūken. Watashi wa kare ga sunde iru to omoimasu. [46] Kare no nikki ni kyūnihongun, anzen-ku no rīdā, Jon· rābe ni yoru toshi to sono senryō ni taisuru shinryaku no ma ni tamota re, Nihon no zangyaku kōi ni tsuite ōku no komento o kakimashita. 12 Tsuki 17-nichi no baai: Futatsu no nipponhei wa, niwa no kabe o norikoe, watashitachi no ie ni shin'nyū shiyou to shite imashita. Watashi ga hyōji sa retara, karera wa 2tsu no Chūgoku-hei ga kabe o noboru mita kōjitsu o ataeru. Watashi wa karera ni watashi no pāti no bajji o hyōji suru to, karera wa onajiyōni kaeshimasu. Watashi no niwa no kabe no ushiro no semai tōri no ie no hitotsude wa, josei ga reipu sa reta nochi, jūken de kubi ni fushō. Watashitachiha Kulou byōin ni kanojo o toru koto ga dekiru node, kyūkyūsha o eru koto ga dekita... Sen-ri no josei ya shōjo e no saigo no yoru made wa, Ginling karejjigāruzuarōn de yaku 100 no on'nanoko o reipu sa reta to iwa rete iru. Anata wa, gōkan ga, nani mo kikoemasen. Otto ya kyōdai ga kainyū suru baai wa, sorera ga satsuei sa rete imasu. Nani o kiite, yomo o sanshō suru to, nipponhei no zangyaku kōi ya jūkandearu. [47] Nippongun wa, konshinsōkan no kōi o suru tame ni kazoku o kyōsei-teki ni shimete iru. [48] Sanzu wa chichioya ga reipu musume ni kyōsei sa reta, karera no hahaoya o reipu suru koto o yoginaku sa reta mo arimasu. Gyangureipu nipponhei ni yotte sa reta mono ninpu wa wazuka sūjikango ni shussan shita, akachan ga butsuri-teki ni mukizu (raijingusan no robāto· B· edogāton, u~oriāzu)dearu yō ni omowa remasuga. Dokushin no seikatsu o sengen shite ita sōryo-tachi mo reipu josei ni kyōsei sa reta.

Massacre of civilians

A boy killed by a Japanese soldier with the butt of a rifle because he did not take off his hat.
Following the capture of Nanking, a massacre was perpetrated by the Japanese army, which led to the deaths, estimated by several, of over 250,000 residents in the city, a figure difficult to calculate precisely due to the many bodies deliberately burnt, buried in mass graves, or deposited in the Yangtze River by the IJA.[49][50][51] Japanese ultra-nationalists have strongly disputed such death tolls, with some stating that only several hundred civilians were killed during the massacre.[52] B. Campbell, in an article published in the journal Sociological Theory, has described the Nanking Massacre as a genocide considering the fact that the residents were still unilaterally killed in masses during the aftermath, despite the successful and certain outcome in battle.[53] On 13 December 1937, John Rabe wrote in his diary:
It is not until we tour the city that we learn the extent of destruction. We come across corpses every 100 to 200 yards. The bodies of civilians that I examined had bullet holes in their backs. These people had presumably been fleeing and were shot from behind. The Japanese march through the city in groups of ten to twenty soldiers and loot the shops (...) I watched with my own eyes as they looted the café of our German baker Herr Kiessling. Hempel's hotel was broken into as well, as almost every shop on Chung Shang and Taiping Road.[54]
On 10 February 1938, Legation Secretary of the German Embassy, Rosen, wrote to his Foreign Ministry about a film made in December by Reverend John Magee to recommend its purchase. Here is an excerpt from his letter and a description of some of its shots, kept in the Political Archives of the Foreign Ministry in Berlin.
During the Japanese reign of terror in Nanking – which, by the way, continues to this day to a considerable degree – the Reverend John Magee, a member of the American Episcopal Church Mission who has been here for almost a quarter of a century, took motion pictures that eloquently bear witness to the atrocities committed by the Japanese .... One will have to wait and see whether the highest officers in the Japanese army succeed, as they have indicated, in stopping the activities of their troops, which continue even today.[55]
On December 13, about 30 soldiers came to a Chinese house at #5 Hsing Lu Koo in the southeastern part of Nanking, and demanded entrance. The door was open by the landlord, aMohammedan named Ha. They killed him immediately with a revolver and also Mrs. Ha, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not to kill anyone else. Mrs. Ha asked them why they killed her husband and they shot her. Mrs. Hsia was dragged out from under a table in the guest hall where she had tried to hide with her 1 year old baby. After being stripped and raped by one or more men, she was bayoneted in the chest, and then had a bottle thrust into her vagina. The baby was killed with a bayonet. Some soldiers then went to the next room, where Mrs. Hsia's parents, aged 76 and 74, and her two daughters aged 16 and 14. They were about to rape the girls when the grandmother tried to protect them. The soldiers killed her with a revolver. The grandfather grasped the body of his wife and was killed. The two girls were then stripped, the elder being raped by 2–3 men, and the younger by 3. The older girl was stabbed afterwards and a cane was rammed in her vagina. The younger girl was bayoneted also but was spared the horrible treatment that had been meted out to her sister and mother. The soldiers then bayoneted another sister of between 7–8, who was also in the room. The last murders in the house were of Ha's two children, aged 4 and 2 respectively. The older was bayoneted and the younger split down through the head with a sword.[56]

Bodies of Chinese massacred by Japanese troops along a river in Nanjing.
Pregnant women were a target of murder, as they would often be bayoneted in the stomach, sometimes after rape. Tang Junshan, survivor and witness to one of the Japanese army’s systematic mass killings, testified:
The seventh and last person in the first row was a pregnant woman. The soldier thought he might as well rape her before killing her, so he pulled her out of the group to a spot about ten meters away. As he was trying to rape her, the woman resisted fiercely ... The soldier abruptly stabbed her in the belly with a bayonet. She gave a final scream as her intestines spilled out. Then the soldier stabbed the fetus, with its umbilical cord clearly visible, and tossed it aside.[57]
According to Navy veteran Sho Mitani, 'The Army used a trumpet sound that meant "Kill all Chinese who run away"'.[58] Thousands were led away and mass-executed in an excavation known as the "Ten-Thousand-Corpse Ditch", a trench measuring about 300m long and 5m wide. Since records were not kept, estimates regarding the number of victims buried in the ditch range from 4,000 to 20,000. However, most scholars and historians consider the number to be more than 12,000 victims.[59]

Extrajudicial killing of Chinese POWs

On August 6, 1937, Hirohito had personally ratified his army's proposition to remove the constraints of international law on the treatment of Chinese prisoners. This directive also advised staff officers to stop using the term "prisoner of war".[60]

A Chinese POW about to be beheaded by a Japanese officer with a shin gunto during the Nanking Massacre.
Immediately after the fall of the city, Japanese troops embarked on a determined search for former soldiers, in which thousands of young men were captured. Many were taken to the Yangtze River, where they were machine-gunned. What was probably the single largest massacre of Chinese troops occurred along the banks of the Yangtze River on December 18 in what is called the Straw String Gorge Massacre. Japanese soldiers took most of the morning tying all of the POWs hands together and in the dusk divided them into 4 columns, and opened fire at them. Unable to escape, the POWs could only scream and thrash in desperation. It took an hour for the sounds of death to stop, and even longer for the Japanese to bayonet each individual. Most were dumped into the Yangtze. It is estimated that at least 57,500 Chinese POWs were killed.[citation needed]
The Japanese troops gathered 1,300 Chinese soldiers and civilians at Taiping Gate and killed them. The victims were blown up with landmines, then doused with petrol before being set on fire. Those that were left alive afterward were killed with bayonets.[61] F. Tillman Durdin and Archibald Steele, American news correspondents, reported that they had seen bodies of killed Chinese soldiers forming mounds six feet high at the Nanking Yijiang gate in the north. Durdin, who was working for the New York Times, made a tour of Nanking before his departure from the city. He heard waves of machine-gun fire and witnessed the Japanese soldiers gun down some two hundred Chinese within ten minutes. Two days later, in his report to the New York Times, he stated that the alleys and street were filled with civilian bodies, including women and children.[62]
According to a testimony delivered by missionary Ralph L. Phillips to the U.S. State Assembly Investigating Committee, he was "forced to watch while the Japs disembowled a Chinese soldier" and "roasted his heart and liver and ate them".[63]

Theft and arson

One-third of the city was destroyed as a result of arson. According to reports, Japanese troops torched newly built government buildings as well as the homes of many civilians. There was considerable destruction to areas outside the city walls. Soldiers pillaged from the poor and the wealthy alike. The lack of resistance from Chinese troops and civilians in Nanking meant that the Japanese soldiers were free to divide up the city's valuables as they saw fit. This resulted in the widespread looting and burglary.[64]
On 17 December, John Rabe wrote as chairman a complaint to Kiyoshi Fukui, second secretary of the Japanese Embassy. The following is an excerpt:
In other words, on the 13th when your troops entered the city, we had nearly all the civilian population gathered in a Zone in which there had been very little destruction by stray shells and no looting by Chinese soldiers even in full retreat ... All 27 Occidentals in the city at that time and our Chinese population were totally surprised by the reign of robbery, raping and killing initiated by your soldiers on the 14th. All we are asking in our protest is that you restore order among your troops and get the normal city life going as soon as possible. In the latter process we are glad to cooperate in any way we can. But even last night between 8 and 9 p.m. when five Occidentals members of our staff and Committee toured the Zone to observe conditions, we did not find any single Japanese patrol either in the Zone or at the entrances![65]

南京の捕獲に続いて、大虐殺は、市による大量に埋もれ、意図的に焼け、多くの団体に正確に計算することは困難図では25万の住民の、いくつかによって推定死亡につながった、日本軍が犯した墓や、陸軍で長江に堆積。 [ 49 ] [ 50 ] [ 51 ]日本の超国家主義者は強く、一部は百わずか数人の民間人が虐殺の間に殺されたことを示すとともに、このような死者に異議を唱えている[ 52 ] 、Bにキャンベルは、ジャーナル社会学理論に掲載された記事では、住民がまだ一方的な戦いで成功し、一定の成果にもかかわらず、余波中に塊で殺されたという事実を考えると大量虐殺として南京大虐殺を説明した。 [ 53 ]で1937年12月13日、ジョン·ラーベは、彼の日記に書いた:

私たちは破壊の程度を学び、市内を見学するまでそうではありません。私たちは、死体ごとに100〜200ヤードに出くわす。私が調べた民間人の遺体は、背中に銃弾の穴があった。これらの人々はおそらく逃げるされていたし、後ろから撮影された。日本人は十から二十兵士のグループで街を行進し、それらが私たちのドイツパン君キースリンクのカフェが略奪として、私は自分の目で見たお店(...)を略奪。ヘンペルのホテルは、チョンシャンと太平道のほぼすべての店舗のほかに壊れていた。 [ 54 ]


牧師ジョン·マギー、世紀のほぼ4分の1のためにここにきたアメリカ聖公会のミッションのメンバーは、かかった - ところで、かなりの程度まで、この日に続けて、 - 南京でのテロの日本の統治の間雄弁に日本が犯した残虐行為を証言映画....一つは、彼らが示したように、現在でも継続部隊の活動を停止するには、待って日本軍の最高役員が成功するかどうかを確認する必要があります。 [ 55 ]

12月13日に、約30人の兵士は、南京の南東部で第5興呂·クーでの中国の家に来て、入り口を要求した。ドアは家主、ハというイスラム教によって開いていた。彼らは、リボルバーとすぐに彼を殺し、また他の誰を殺すためではない、それらを物乞い、ハの死の後、彼らの前にひざまずき夫人ハ、 。彼らは彼女の夫を殺し、彼らは彼女を撃った理由夫人Haは、それらを尋ねた。夫人霞は彼女が1歳の赤ちゃんと一緒に非表示にしようとしたゲストホールでテーブルの下からドラッグされた。 1つ以上の男性が取り除かれ、レイプされた後、彼女は胸に銃剣、その後、彼女の膣内にボトルの推力を有していた。赤ちゃんが銃剣で殺された。一部の兵士はその後夫人霞の両親、 76と74歳、彼女の2人の娘は16と14歳の隣の部屋に行きました。祖母はそれらを保護しようとしたとき、彼らは少女をレイプしようとしていた。兵士たちは拳銃で彼女を殺した。祖父は彼の妻の体を把握し、殺された。二人の女の子はその後、除去された年長者は2月3日、男性にレイプされ、 3によって若い。古い女の子はその後刺されたと杖は、彼女の膣内に突っ込んした。若い女の子も銃剣で刺されましたが、彼女の妹と母に割り当てアウトされていた恐ろしい治療を免れた。兵士はその後室温にもあった7-8の間の別の妹、銃剣。家の中で最後の殺人はそれぞれ4と2歳のハの二人の子供、であった​​。古いが銃剣と剣で頭を下に若い分割された。 [ 56 ]


最初の行の7番目と最後の人は妊婦だった。兵士は、彼は同様に彼女を殺す前に彼女をレイプかもしれないと思ったので、彼は約10メートル離れた場所にグループから彼女を引っ張った。彼が彼女をレイプしようとしていたとして、女性が激しく抵抗した...兵士は急に銃剣でお腹の中で彼女を刺した。彼女の腸がこぼれとして彼女は、最終的な悲鳴を与えた。その後、兵士がはっきりと見える、その臍帯で、胎児を刺して、それを脇に投げ。 [ 57 ]

海軍のベテラン翔三谷によると、 「軍は「逃げるすべての中国を殺す」意味トランペットの音を使用」 。 「一万 - 死体ディッチとして知られている発掘で[ 58 ]何千人が離れて導かれたと量産実行「約300メートル、長さ5メートル幅の測定トレンチ。記録が保管されていないので、 4,000 〜20,000溝帯に埋もれ犠牲者の数についての推計。しかし、ほとんどの学者や歴史家は数が12,000人以上の犠牲者であると考えています。 [ 59 ]

1937年8月6日に、昭和天皇は個人的には中国の囚人の治療に国際法の制約を除去するために彼の軍隊の提案を批准していた。このディレクティブには、用語「戦争捕虜」を使用して停止するようにスタッフの役員を助言した。 [ 60 ]

すぐに街の崩壊後、日本軍は、若い男性の何千もが捕獲された、元兵士のために決定された検索に着手した。多くは、彼らがマシン射殺た長江、に連れて行かれた。何が、おそらく中国軍の唯一最大の虐殺だったのわら文字渓谷の大虐殺と呼ばれるもので12月18日に揚子江のほとりに沿って発生しました。日本兵が一緒と夕暮れに4列にそれらを分け捕虜の手のすべてを結ぶ午前中のほとんどを取って、彼らに発砲した。脱出することができません、捕虜は悲鳴と絶望にスラッシュができた。それが停止する死のサウンドに時間を取って、日本は、個々のバヨネットことさえ長く。ほとんどが長江に投棄された。それは少なくとも57500中国人捕虜が死亡したと推定されている。 [要出典]

日本軍は太平門で1300中国兵士と民間人を集めて、それらを殺した。犠牲者は火をされる前にガソリンを浴びせた後、地雷で爆破された。その後生き残されたものは銃剣で殺された。 [ 61 ] F·ティルマンDurdinとアーチボルド·スティール、アメリカのニュースの特派員は、彼らが北の南京Yijiangゲートで6フィート高いマウンドを形成殺した中国兵の遺体を見たと報告した。ニューヨーク·タイムズのために働いていたDurdinは、市内からの彼の出発前に、南京のツアーを行いました。彼は機関銃の火の波を聞いて、 10分以内のいくつかの200の中国の日本兵ガンを下に目撃した。 2日後、ニューヨーク·タイムズへの彼の報告書で、彼は路地や通りが女性や子供を含む、民間人の遺体を充填したと述べている。 [ 62 ]

委員会の調査、米国州議会に宣教師ラルフL.フィリップスが提供する証言によると、彼は「ジャップは中国の兵士をdisembowledながら見ることを余儀なくされた」と「彼の心と肝臓をローストし、それらを食べた」 。 [ 63 ]

街の三分の一は放火によって破壊された。報告によると、日本軍は、新たに政府の建物だけでなく、多くの民間人の家を建て放火。市壁の外側の領域にかなりの破壊があった。兵士たちは貧しい人々や裕福問わから略奪。南京での中国軍と民間人からの抵抗がないことは、日本兵は、彼らがフィット見たように、街の貴重品を分割する自由だったことを意味した。これは広範囲に及ぶ略奪や強盗された。 [ 64 ]


あなたの軍隊が都市に入ったとき、換言すれば、 13日に、私たちも、完全撤退にはほとんど浮遊シェルによる破壊と中国の兵士によるNO略奪があったするゾーンに集まったほぼすべての民間人の人口があった...当時の都市と私たちの中国の人口のすべての27 Occidentalsは完全強姦、強盗の治世に驚いていたと14日に、あなたの兵士たちによって始め死亡した。私たちは抗議して求めているすべてはあなたの軍隊の中で秩序を回復し、できるだけ速やかに起こって正常な都市生活を得ることである。後者の方法では、我々はできる限りの協力を喜んでいる。 5 Occidentalsのスタッフのメンバーや委員会の条件を観察するゾーンを見学したときが、 8と9時までの間であっても、最後の夜、私たちはゾーンまたは入口にどちらか任意の単一の日本巡視を見つけられませんでした! [ 65 ]
Minkan hito no gyakusatsu Kare wa kare no bōshi o nui denakatta tame, shōnen ga raifuru no batto de nipponhei ni korosa re. Nankin no hokaku ni tsudzuite, dai gyakusatsu wa, ichi ni yoru tairyō ni umore, itotekini yake, ōku no dantai ni seikaku ni keisan suru koto wa kon'nan-zude wa 25 man no jūmin no, ikutsu ka ni yotte suitei shibō ni tsunagatta, nippongun ga okashita Haka ya, rikugun de Chōkō ni taiseki. [49] [50] [51] Nihon no chō kokka shugi-sha wa tsuyoku, ichibu wa hyaku wazuka sū-ri no minkan hito ga gyakusatsu no ma ni korosa reta koto o shimesu to tomoni, kono yōna shisha ni igi o tonaete iru [52], B ni Kyanberu wa, jānaru shakai-gaku riron ni keisai sa reta kijide wa, jūmin ga mada ippō-tekina tatakai de seikō shi, ittei no seika nimokakawarazu, yoha-chū ni katamari de korosa reta to iu jijitsu o kangaeru to tairyō gyakusatsu to shite nankindaigyakusatsu o setsumei shita. [53] De 1937-Nen 12 tsuki 13-nichi, Jon· rābe wa, kare no nikki ni kaita: Watashitachiha hakai no teido o manabi, shinai o kengaku suru made sōde wa arimasen. Watashitachiha, shitai-goto ni 100 〜 200 yādo ni dekuwasu. Watashi ga shirabeta minkan hito no itai wa, senaka ni jūdan no ana ga atta. Korera no hitobito wa osoraku nigeru sa rete itashi, ushirokara satsuei sa reta. Nihonjin wa jū kara ni jū heishi no gurūpu de machi o kōshin shi, sorera ga watashitachi no Doitsu pan-kun kīsurinku no kafe ga ryakudatsu to shite, watashi wa jibun no me de mita o-ten ( ... ) O ryakudatsu. Henperu no hoteru wa, chonshan to taihei-dō no hobo subete no tenpo no hoka ni kowarete ita. [54] 1938-Nen 2 tsuki 10-nichi ni, Doitsu taishikan, rōzen no kōshikan chōkan wa sono go kōnyū o o susume suru bokushi Jon· magī ni yotte 12 tsuki ni seizō sa reta firumu ni tsuite no kare no gaimushō ni tegami o kaita. Koko ni kare no tegami to sono shotto no ikutsu ka no setsumei kara no bassuideari, Berurin no Gaimushō no seiji ākaibu ni hokan. Bokushi Jon· magī, seiki no hobo 4-bun'no 1 no tame ni koko ni kita Amerika Sei kōkai no misshon no menbā wa, kakatta - tokorode, kanari no teido made, kono Ni~Tsu ni tsudzukete, - Nankin de no tero no Nihon no tōchi no ma Yūben ni Nihon ga okashita zangyaku kōi o shōgen eiga.... Hitotsu wa, karera ga shimeshita yō ni, genzai demo keizoku butai no katsudō o teishi suru ni wa, matte nippongun no saikō yakuin ga seikō suru ka dō ka o kakunin suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. [55] 12 Tsuki 13-nichi ni, yaku 30-ri no heishi wa, Nankin no nantō-bu de dai 5 kyō ryo· kū de no Chūgoku no ie ni kite, iriguchi o yōkyū shita. Doa wa yanushi, ha to iu isuramukyō ni yotte aite ita. Karera wa, riborubā to sugu ni kare o koroshi, mata hoka no dare o korosu tamede wanai, sorera o monogoi, ha no shi no ato, karera no mae ni hizamazuki fujin ha,. Karera wa kanojo no otto o koroshi, karera wa kanojo o utta riyū fujin Ha wa, sorera o tazuneta. Fujin kasumi wa kanojo ga 1-sai no akachantoissho ni hi hyōji ni shiyou to shita gesutohōru de tēburu no shita kara doraggu sa reta. 1Tsu ijō no dansei ga torinozoka re, reipu sa reta nochi, kanojo wa mune ni jūken, sonogo, kanojo no chitsu-nai ni botoru no suiryoku o yūshite ita. Akachan ga jūken de korosa reta. Ichibu no heishi wa sonogo fujin kasumi no ryōshin, 76 to 74-sai, kanojo no 2-ri no musume wa 16 to 14-sai no tonari no heya ni ikimashita. Sobo wa sorera o hogo shiyou to shita toki, karera wa shōjo o reipu shiyou to shite ita. Heishi-tachi wa kenjū de kanojo o koroshita. Sofu wa kare no tsuma no karada o haaku shi, korosa reta. Futari no on'nanoko wa sonogo, jokyo sa reta nenchō-sha wa 2 tsuki 3-nichi, dansei ni reipu sa re, 3 ni yotte wakai. Furui on'nanoko wa sonogo sasareta to tsue wa, kanojo no chitsu-nai ni tsukkon shita. Wakai on'nanoko mo jūken de sasa remashitaga, kanojo no imōto to haha ni wariate auto sa rete ita osoroshī chiryō o manugareta. Heishi wa sonogo shitsuon ni mo atta 7 - 8 no ma no betsu no imōto, jūken. Ie no naka de saigo no satsujin wa sorezore 4 to 2-sai no ha no futari no kodomo,deatta ​​. Furuiga jūken to ken de atama o shita ni wakai bunkatsu sa reta. [56] Nankin no kawa ni sotte nippongun ni yoru gyakusatsu chūgokujin no itai. Karera wa ōku no baai, i no naka ni jūken sa reru yō ni ninshin-chū no josei wa tokidoki reipu shita nochi, satsujin no tāgettodatta. Tō Komiyama, seizon-sha to nippongun no taikei-tekina tairyō satsuriku no 1 no shōnin wa, shōgen shita. Saisho no gyō no 7-banme to saigo no hito wa ninpudatta. Heishi wa, kare wa dōyō ni kanojo o korosu mae ni kanojo o reipu kamo shirenai to omottanode, kare wa yaku 10 mētoru hanareta basho ni gurūpu kara kanojo o hippatta. Kare ga kanojo o reipu shiyou to shite ita to shite, josei ga hageshiku teikō shita... Heishi wa kyū ni jūken de onaka no naka de kanojo o sashita. Kanojo no chō ga kobore to shite kanojo wa, saishū-tekina himei o ataeta. Sonogo, heishi ga hakkiri to mieru, sono saitai de, taiji o sashite, sore o waki ni nage. [57] Kaigun no beteran Shō Mitani ni yoru to, `gun wa `nigeru subete no Chūgoku o korosu' imi toranpetto no oto o shiyō'. `Ichi man - shitai ditchi to shite shira rete iru hakkutsu de [58] nan sen-ri ga hanarete michibika reta to ryōsan jikkō `Yaku 300 mētoru, naga-sa 5 mētoru haba no sokutei torenchi. Kiroku ga hokan sa rete inainode, 4, 000 〜 20, 000 mizo-tai ni umore gisei-sha no kazu ni tsuite no suikei. Shikashi, hotondo no gakusha ya rekishiya wa kazu ga 12, 000-ri ijō no gisei-shadearu to kangaete imasu. [59] Chūgokujin horyo no chōhōkiteki satsugai 1937-Nen 8 tsuki 6-nichi ni, shōwadenkō wa kojin-teki ni wa Chūgoku no shūjin no chiryō ni kokusai-hō no seiyaku o jokyo suru tame ni kare no guntai no teian o hijun shite ita. Kono direkutibu ni wa, yōgo `sensō horyo' o shiyō shite teishi suru yō ni sutaffu no yakuin o jogen shita. [60] Nankindaigyakusatsu no ma, sune gunto to Nihon no yakuin ga zanshu sa reyou to shite chūgokujin horyo. Sugu ni machi no hōkai-go, nippongun wa, wakai dansei no nan sen mo ga hokaku sa reta, moto heishi no tame ni kettei sa reta kensaku ni chakushu shita. Ōku wa, karera ga mashin shasatsuta Nagae, ni tsurete ika reta. Nani ga, osoraku Chūgoku-gun no yuiitsu saidai no gyakusatsudatta no wara moji keikoku no dai gyakusatsu to yoba reru monode 12 tsuki 18-nichi ni Yōsukō no hotori ni sotte hassei shimashita. Nipponhei ga issho to yūgure ni 4-retsu ni sorera o wake horyo no te no subete o musubu gozen-chū no hotondo o totte, karera ni happō shita. Dasshutsu suru koto ga dekimasen, horyo wa himei to zetsubō ni surasshu ga dekita. Sore ga teishi suru shi no saundo ni jikan o totte, Nihon wa, koko no bayonetto koto sae nagaku. Hotondo ga Chōkō ni tōki sa reta. Sore wa sukunakutomo 57500 chūgokujin horyo ga shibō shita to suitei sa rete iru. [Yō shutten] Nippongun wa taihei-mon de 1300 Chūgoku heishi to minkan hito o atsumete, sorera o koroshita. Gisei-sha wa hi o sa reru mae ni gasorin o abiseta nochi, jirai de bakuha sa reta. Sonogo iki nokosa reta mono wa jūken de korosa reta. [61] F· tiruman Durdin to āchiborudo· sutīru, Amerika no nyūsu no tokuhain wa, karera ga kita no Nankin Yijiang gēto de 6 fīto takai maundo o keisei koroshita Chūgoku-hei no itai o mita to hōkoku shita. Nyūyōku· Taimuzu no tame ni hataraite ita Durdin wa, shinai kara no kare no shuppatsu mae ni, Nankin no tsuā o okonaimashita. Kare wa kikan jū no hi no nami o kiite, 10-bu inai no ikutsu ka no 200 no Chūgoku no nipponhei gan o shita ni mokugeki shita. 2-Nichi-go, nyūyōku· Taimuzu e no kare no hōkoku-sho de, kare wa roji ya tōri ga josei ya kodomo o fukumu, minkan hito no itai o jūten shita to nobete iru. [62] Iinkai no chōsa, Beikoku-shū gikai ni senkyōshi rarufu L. Firippusu ga teikyō suru shōgen ni yoru to, kare wa `jappu wa Chūgoku no heishi o disembowlednagara miru koto o yoginaku sa reta' to `kare no kokoro to kanzō o rōsuto shi, sorera o tabeta'. [63] Tōnan ya hōka Machi no sanbun'noichi wa hōka ni yotte hakai sa reta. Hōkoku ni yoru to, nippongun wa, aratani seifu no tatemono dakedenaku, ōku no minkan hito no ie o tate hōka. Ichi kabe no sotogawa no ryōiki ni kanari no hakai ga atta. Heishi-tachi wa mazushī hitobito ya yūfuku towa kara ryakudatsu. Nankin de no Chūgoku-gun to minkan hito kara no teikō ga nai koto wa, nipponhei wa, karera ga fitto mita yō ni,-gai no kichō-hin o bunkatsu suru jiyūdatta koto o imi shita. Kore wa kōhan'inioyobu ryakudatsu ya gōtō sa reta. [64] 12 Tsuki 17-nichi ni, Jon· rābe wa Shin Fukui, Nihon taishikan no 二等書記官 Ni kaichō to shite kujō o kakimashita. Ika wa bassuidesu. Anata no guntai ga toshi ni haitta toki, kangensureba, 13-nichi ni, watashitachi mo, kanzen tettai ni wa hotondo fuyū sheru ni yoru hakai to Chūgoku no heishi ni yoru NO ryakudatsu ga atta suru zōn ni atsumatta hobo subete no minkan hito no jinkō ga atta... Tōji no toshi to watashitachi no Chūgoku no jinkō no subete no 27 Occidentals wa kanzen gōkan, gōtō no chisei ni odoroite ita to 14-nichi ni, anata no heishi-tachi ni yotte hajime shibō shita. Watashitachiha kōgi shite motomete iru subete wa anata no guntai no naka de chitsujo o kaifuku shi, dekiru dake sumiyaka ni okotte seijōna toshi seikatsu o eru kotodearu. Kōsha no hōhōde wa, wareware wa dekiru kagiri no kyōryoku o yorokonde iru. 5 Occidentals no sutaffu no menbā ya iinkai no jōken o kansatsu suru zōn o kengaku shita toki ga, 8 to 9-ji made no madeatte mo, saigo no yoru, watashitachiha zōn matawa iriguchi ni dochira ka nin'i no tan'itsu no Nihon junshi o mitsuke raremasendeshita! [65]